• 柏林终于倒塌了,预示德国重新统一

    The wall through Berlin was finally ruptured, prefiguring the reunification of Germany.


  • 柏林倒塌象征着东西方冷战结束

    The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolized the end of the Cold War between East and West.


  • 柏林倒塌俄罗斯算不上重大新闻没有人对此事感到惊奇。

    The fall of the Berlin Wall was not big news in Russia. Neither was it a surprise.


  • 就像我们城市里供电系统或者柏林倒塌英语代表着希望,拥有一个更好未来的希望。

    Like the harnessing of electricity in our cities, or the fall of the Berlin Wall, English represents hope for a better future.


  • 就像几千里外突然倒塌柏林这次突然暴跌证实金融世界里的每个人都可以感觉到将即将到来是什么:一个新的纪元的到来。

    Like the abrupt fall of the Berlin Wall thousands of miles away, the collapse suddenly confirmed what everyone in the financial world could already feel in the wind: a new era had arrived.


  • 尽管仍然落后于西部,但相比柏林倒塌之前,东德地区现有生活水平已经了显著的提高

    The standard of living in the former East Germany has improved significantly since the fall of the Wall, though it still trails the west.


  • 无论是什么,他们能够柏林倒塌做梦都想过方式来分享他们经历,无论记述经历的媒介如何改变我们主流媒体都会一如既往的出现,予以帮助

    Whatever it is, they will be able to share it in ways undreamed of when the Wall fell. And no matter how the storytelling medium changes, we in the mainstream media must be there to help.


  • 但自柏林倒塌日本泡沫经济破裂同时发生的那刻起,自民党就时日无多了。

    Its days have been numbered since the collapse of the Berlin Wall coincided with the bursting of Japan's bubble economy.


  • 媒体促进柏林倒塌起到作用——带给人们信息从而将人们紧密联系一起一样——现在同样将柏林人欢乐带到了世界各地

    Just as the media had played a role in helping to bring down the wall-by connecting people and empowering them with information-so now was it connecting the joy of Berliners to the world.


  • 相比之下,奥巴马拒绝参加柏林倒塌纪念日活动

    Obama, by contrast, refused to attend the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.


  • 柏林倒塌之后不长的时间里,平均每100,000名东德居民仅拥有246位医生

    In the period immediately after the fall of the Wall, there were 246 doctors for every 100,000 East German citizens.


  • 不论戈尔巴乔夫还是里根都不是柏林倒塌直接原因更确切地说,柏林是不堪自身重量倒塌的

    Neither Gorbachev nor Reagan was directly responsible for the fall of the Wall; rather, it collapsed from its own weight.


  • 20周年几百万人流洒鲜血柏林倒塌,都证明人民多么同意这种观点。

    The blood of millions and the fall of the Berlin Wall, 20 years ago this year, showed how much the people beg to differ.


  • 柏林倒塌之后选举习惯已经传播非洲现在大部分非洲大陆进行选举。

    Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the voting habit has spread through Africa, and has now caught on in most of the continent.


  • 自冷战早期自民党成立开始一直柏林倒塌20年后依然紧握权利

    Born early in the cold war, it was still clinging to power almost 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.


  • 新书中国非洲角色作者德博·拉加姆说道金砖四国以援助国捐助者的身份出现,对于贫困国家重要性,不亚于柏林倒塌对于东欧的重要性。

    Deborah Brautigam, author of a new book on China's role in Africa?, says the BRICs' emergence as aid donors is as important for poor countries as was the fall of the Berlin Wall for eastern Europe.


  • 然而柏林倒塌17年后的今天,北约总部仍然巍然耸立

    Yet 17 years after the Berlin Wall came down, NATO's headquarters are still standing.


  • 当然2009年,我们理由进行一个不够格庆祝柏林倒塌20周年

    In 2009 there will be cause, surely, for unqualified celebration: the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.


  • 快乐时,你的思维陷入情感上悲哀,你的眼界像是一道给阻隔了,而当你快乐时,就会砰然倒塌

    Unhappy, with your thoughts turned in upon your emotional woes, your vision is cut short as though by a wall. Happy, the wall crumbles.


  • 柏林倒塌前夕,回到葡萄牙继续参与了不同美方工程项目

    Just before the fall of the Berlin wall, I returned to Portugal, where I continued to work on different engineering projects of u.


  • 然而20年后里根促使柏林倒塌冷战和平结束中所发挥作用仍然遭到人们的夸大误解

    And yet 20 years later, Reagan's role in bringing about the fall of the Berlin Wall and the peaceful end of the Cold War remains exaggerated, manipulated and misunderstood.


  • 多数地震有关的伤亡来自倒塌飞溅玻璃掉落物体

    Most earthquake-related casualties result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects.


  • 传统土坯而脆价格便宜直接用太阳晒干),一旦地面发生沉降,顷刻之间就会倒塌随后晃动屋顶掀翻。

    Heavy, brittle walls of traditional adobecheap, sun-dried brick—cracked instantly when the ground started bucking. Subsequent shakes brought roofs thundering down.


  • 甚至那些曾经最终胜利信心十足西方人,对柏林倒塌也倍感意外

    Even to those who had been confident of the eventual triumph of the West, the fall of the Berlin Wall was surprisingly accidental.


  • 当然柏林倒塌仅仅时候

    This was written, of course, a mere five years before the fall of the Berlin Wall.


  • 当然柏林倒塌仅仅时候

    This was written, of course, a mere five years before the fall of the Berlin Wall.


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