Babies with congenital blockages that prevent this fluid from escaping from their lungs are sometimes born with deformed lungs.
The performance was significantly different between the two shunt groups and not shunted congenitally hydrocephalic rats.
Animal immunizing and defending system is also divided into geneogenous immunizing cells and molecules & adaptive immunizing cells and molecules on response.
The younger blind dog was a collie with congenital blindness.
We suspect he also had a partially cleft palate, another congenital defect.
On such days I find myself sharing at least some of Yang’s congenital optimism.
Transmission can also occur by inoculation or via the placenta (congenital monkeypox).
I am 16 years old and live in Ontario, Canada and have congenital muscular dystrophy.
For the younger population, perinatal complications, congenital, developmental and genetic conditions are associated with epilepsy.
Eleven of these survivors had a congenital anomaly such as a malformation of the heart or a facial cleft.
The child had spina bifida and had already endured a dozen operations in her short life.
How can we put to rest the assumption that large organizations have an automatic advantage using social media?
I was especially moved by the story of Ron Machos, whose son Ronnie was born with a heart problem.
These can include smaller head or brain size, poorly formed eyes, slow growth and severe learning difficulties.
Earlier studies have suggested that individuals with symmetrical faces tend to suffer fewer congenital diseases and therefore make better potential mating partners.
If one or both parents or a relative is born deaf, there is a higher risk that a child will be born deaf.
It is possible that Jerry had a congenital anomaly in his bronchial tree that led to the pooling of mucus, and eventually to infection, but it is impossible to know for certain.
Congenital heart disease occurs when the heart is malformed before birth, and is the most common of all birth defects.
Untreated STIs are associated with congenital and perinatal infections in neonates, particularly in regions where rates of infection remain high.
The question that then comes to mind is whether Microsoft will enter the SLATE game with the same idea as it did with the KIN phones.
Sudden death in people under age 35, often due to hidden heart defects or overlooked heart abnormalities, is rare.
And congenitally blind people needed less time than anyone else. They were also the fastest Braille readers in the group.
Cleft palate , neural tube defects, excessive numbers of fingers or toes, congenital heart disease and water on the brain are the top five birth defects among Chinese babies, the report said.
Some of the babies were related as they showed a congenital bone defect on their knee bones, which is a very rare gene.
I was found to have a congenital heart condition, and I felt myself hitting rock bottom as I couldn't even complete 10 minutes of the cardio stress test I took that day.
I was found to have a congenital heart condition, and I felt myself hitting rock bottom as I couldn't even complete 10 minutes of the cardio stress test I took that day.