• 帕雷托图表基础是一个全面质量控制标准差中的关键工具

    It is the basis for the Pareto diagram, one of the key tools used in total quality control and Six Sigma.


  • 目的探讨医学检验专业本科生实习期间实践临床实验室全面质量控制过程意义

    ObjectiveTo assess significance of the total quality control in the clinic practice of the laboratory-medicine students.


  • 目的探讨医学检验专业本科生实习期间实践临床实验室全面质量控制过程意义。

    The students and the teachers summarized our work in different clinic practice stages in order to practice total quality control in clinical practice for the students of laboratory medicine.


  • 目的探讨医学检验专业本科生实习期间实践临床实验室全面质量控制过程意义。

    The Practice Educational Reform in Laboratory Medicine Specialty and Evaluation about the Quality of Graduate;


  • 医嘱标准化处理进行全面质量控制有效地杜绝差错发生增强医嘱的法律效应。

    The standardized processing of doctor's advice on clinical skin test to control the quality in a whole scale, effectively avoid mistakes and strengthened the legal powers of doctor's advice.


  • 环节质量管理医院全面质量控制最为复杂难度最大一环,质量管理重要环节

    Stage management of medical quality is the most complicated and difficult phrase in overall quality control in hospital, and it's the most important phrase.


  • 医疗质量评价中,基础医疗质量医院感染管理环节医疗质量全面质量控制是保证质量提高关键

    In the assessment of medical quality, basic medical quality, nosocomial infection management, link medical quality and overall quality control are all keys to improve quality.


  • 制度选择之一就是建立一个操作的质量评价体系完善的全面质量控制体系,为投资者导航引向、趋利避害

    One choice is to establish the audit quality evaluation system and a perfect audit quality control system, which can instruct investors to make rational decisions.


  • 他们通过发起沟通对话来拼合公司方案:看看,全面质量控制我们绩效评价系统配合怎样

    Or they piece together new and existing company programs by initiating conversations such as, "Well, here's how Total Quality and our performance-appraisal system go together for me."


  • 80年代以来全面质量管理量化质量成本全面质量控制可靠性工程缺陷方法融合形成较为系统的全面质量管理体系

    Since the 80's, TQM and, quantification method fusion and quality cost, Total Quality Control, reliability project and zero flaw, have formed the more systematic TQM system.


  • 质量成本近几十年提出质量控制方法全面质量管理重要组成部分

    In several decades, Quality Costing (QC) was put up as a new method of Quality Controlling, which is the important part of Total Quality Management.


  • 充分客户讨论过程中我们全面考虑施工费用,施工进度质量控制等一系列问题。

    Based on thorough discussions with the customer, we will take the factors of construction expense, construction progress and quality control into full consideration.


  • 这种方法可较全面地反映人参西洋参化合物,人参药材的鉴别质量控制提供有效的方法。

    This method is able to expose chemical ingredients with a full range offering an ideal method for identification and controlling quality of Panax ginseng and Panax quinquefolius.


  • 北京今年加强流通领域食品安全监管重点全面增强流通领域商品质量控制能力

    Beijing this year will be to strengthen the supervision of the circulation area of food safety, focusing on a comprehensive field of product quality to enhance the flow of control.


  • 方法全面客观地反映真实情况教育质量控制起到良好的作用

    This method can reflect the fact systemically and objectively, and will play an important role in the education quality control.


  • 建筑防水全面质量管理材料质量控制设计质量控制施工质量控制g - TQM模式

    Building waterproof; total quality management; materials quality control; quality control of the design; construction quality control; G-TQM model.


  • 结合工程实践,较全面介绍防止框架填充墙饰面裂缝质量控制措施

    This paper introduces some quality controlling measures against the crack-facing of wall-filled frame.


  • 临床实践教学质量影响因素质量控制坚持全面、全员性、全过程性全局性等原则基础上构建质量控制系统模式。

    Having considered the factors affecting the quality of teaching, the authors of this paper maintain that the control system should be built up on the principle of all roundness and comprehensiveness.


  • 本文结合争创“钱江杯工程,运用全面质量管理观点介绍了这一新型建筑材料施工质量控制措施

    As an example, this article combines project with "Qianjiang cup", introduces the construction and quality control measures to the new building materials with Total quality control point of views.


  • 分析战场抢修特点质量控制目的出发,引入全面质量管理的概念。

    Based on analyzing characteristic of battlefield repairing and purpose of quality control, the concept of comprehensive quality control.


  • 图书馆实行全面质量管理以读者需求为导向建立质量文化进行质量控制质量评估质量改进

    The overall quality management of library should be readers-oriented, establishing quality culture to carry out quality control, quality evaluation and quality improvement.


  • 珠宝中心我们商品通过全面质量控制过程确保我们的客户收到的都是质量的珠宝。

    At jewelry Central, our merchandise goes through an extensive quality control process, to ensure that our customers only receive jewelry of the highest quality.


  • 介绍建筑工程质量管理的方法——全面质量管理,进一步提出了建筑工程质量控制方法

    Focused on the construction quality management approach-total quality management, and further put forward the construction quality control methods.


  • 针对造价咨询行业存在质量问题,提出了建立全面的咨询质量控制体系一些建议对策措施。

    Therefore, some Suggestions and measures are given in this paper on how to build the controlling system of quality consulting to solve the quality problems existing in the consulting industry.


  • 介绍了一种现代汽车制造厂对零部件供应商进行质量控制先进管理模式包括零部件设计生产包装交付环节进行全面控制

    An advanced quality management mode for automobile component part supply is introduced, which includes the control over all process of design, production, packing, delivery, etc.


  • 西管道工程全面正式开工管道施工现场质量保证质量控制非常重要

    The project of West China gas transported to the east is already overall formally started, the quality control and the quality guarantee of pipeline construction on site are very important.


  • 电视剧摄制过程全面质量管理活动关键,在于组建摄制组制定拍摄计划拍摄过程中进行严格的质量控制质量检查

    The key of TQM in TV dramas shooting is to set up crew, make shooting plan and control and check the quality of shooting during the process.


  • 电视剧摄制过程全面质量管理活动关键,在于组建摄制组制定拍摄计划拍摄过程中进行严格的质量控制质量检查

    The key of TQM in TV dramas shooting is to set up crew, make shooting plan and control and check the quality of shooting during the process.


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