It means other places often look better, more interesting than the place in which you live.
There are other local facilities such as post offices where you can save your money and have access to affordable low cost loans.
After the pups had that down, the researchers placed a test bowl elsewhere in the room.
By living abstemiously on other fronts, she said she had managed to keep her carbon footprint to half that of the average American.
But should it refuse to take B-rated bonds after next year, it could spell trouble for Greece and perhaps elsewhere.
After all, you can kick all the polluters off Chemical Industry Road, but that doesn't stop them from going somewhere else.
You've read the short article he has in the Jewish Study Bible, but he's also written about this at great length in other places.
The energy of Grimes Point creates a time anomaly, as do certain other locations on the Earth.
No Mumbaikar would describe the city as liveable; yet many Mumbaikars cannot imagine living anywhere else.
When I give a talk on Wall Street or even somewhere else in the world I sometimes ask my audience, "Did you take my course?"
A few tribes drifted elsewhere or took up farming, but the Arab herders stuck to their fraying livelihoods-nomadic herding was central to their cultural identity.
Psychology professor Robert Feldman uncovers why we lie, from the bedroom to the boardroom and beyond.
Reader BloNdAtHrt78 says: "Packing your lunch is not only a healthier choice, but also saves you a good amount of money that could be spent elsewhere.
Despite iTunes, piracy and a shrinking population, CD sales have fallen much more gently in Germany than elsewhere (see chart).
And Cydia is like the general store that has everything you want and need, from fresh cuts of meat to those homemade cookies you can't get anywhere else.
He watched the servicemen of the company in training before looking round an education room, a bedroom, wash-cum-bath house and other places to take deep care of their service and living.
We first discovered a version of it in a magazine called Cuisine at Home, but you can find other versions at Epicurious and other places online.
Listing 6 copies files into the archive with their explicit path, which means that they cannot be extracted anywhere but back to their original location.
如果您的构建文件的名字不是build . xml或者位于其他的地方,那么您需要使用- buildfile选项。
File to be located into the folder from which it is run. If your build file is not named build.xml or is located in another location, then you'll need to use the -buildfile option.
Have you ever noticed, for instance, that as soon as you try to make progress on cancer-like projects, you keep getting distracted, so your attention has to turn somewhere else?
In the summer of 1968, while youth was redefining itself in Paris, San Francisco and elsewhere, a committee at the Harvard Medical School was busy redefining the end of life.
It could be in many areas, with the focus on improvement being shifted when either the priorities shift or the mood strikes.
Her main piece of advice - it's the same advice you'd get for any interview - is try to relax, be yourself, and if all else fails, resort to flattery.
Researcher Mark Burnworth said: ‘By using light, we have more control as it allows us to target only the defect and leave the rest of the material untouched.’
America's rise in rates was conjoined with higher rates elsewhere.