• 所以法官法权法律适用内在需要

    Therefore, Judge' s power of legal interpretation is the inherent needs for the legal application.


  • 这样内在需要正是规范每一个社会法律之根基。

    This built-in necessity is the basis of the laws that govern every society.


  • 他们选择不是内在需要的,而是他们头脑认为好的东西

    They make choices not based on awareness of what their inner needs are but based on what they think is good.


  • 创造不是来自智力而是来自源于内在需要游戏本能

    The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity.


  • 完善护肤关注皮肤外在保养,也调理皮肤的内在需要

    The best skin care regime involves paying attention to both the external and internal needs of the skin.


  • 学科建设内在需要也是保证学术研究合乎规范前提基础

    This is not only the internal need of subject construction, but also the prerequisite and basis for guaranteeing the standardization of the research.


  • 是说可以任何其他女孩子替代但是内在需要无以替代的。

    I mean she could be replaced by any other girls, but your need can not be replaced by something else.


  • 公共行政内在本质功能以及其合法性基础都充分彰显公共精神的内在需要

    The (inherent) essence, function and legitimate basis of public administration bring out conspicuously the inherent demand of public spirit.


  • 说服目的使受教育者心悦诚服大道理当作外部要求,而是化为内在需要

    The purpose of persuasion is make educated person be completely convinced, don't take "major principle" as external demand, turn it into internal needs.


  • 创造不是来自智力而是来自源于内在需要游戏本能。创造性头脑钟爱的对象游玩。

    The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.


  • 这个问题涉及方面:基于某社会群体的社会含义而认同群体,以及出于某些内在需要而认同某一社会群体。

    But there are two different aspects of this issue involved: identifying oneself with a social group for its social implications and identifying oneself with a social group for internal needs.


  • 艺术商业法则设计成为促进品牌成长内在力量视觉设计的内在需要也是设计师职责所在

    Integrating art into the business rules, making design as inner strength of brand growth promotion, these are inherent requirement of visual design and designer's duty as well.


  • 个人住房按揭贷款诞生,既源于房地产业迅猛发展的市场需要,又源于银行对新的利润增长点的内在需要

    The mortgage loan of personal house comes from real estate swift and violent market of development need and the need of getting profits.


  • 自我实现者具有鲜明人格特征,自我实现动机来自于人的内在需要并且指出了实现自我,塑造健康人格的途径

    The personality's character of self realization is obvious and his motive comes from his internal needs, and a road to self realization and perfect personality model were pointed out.


  • 本文游戏了一番追根溯源考察,揭示游戏电子游戏之意义认为游戏内在需要甚至存在方式

    At first, the thesis make trace for the root of game, reveal the meaning of game and e-game on man, think that game is the person's inherent demand, even is a kind of existing method.


  • 法国画家亨利·卢梭的《》,描述了热带丛林幻想画家天真纯朴的天性这种内在需要决定的,社会大环境的影响。

    Dream painted by French Henri Rousseau describes his illusion about tropical jungle. This idea is decided by internal nave and simplicity, and some social environments as well.


  • 这些花园似乎所回应产生另一种期望需要如此潜藏于内在,以至于我们几乎从未意识我们持久要求

    Another urge or need that these gardens appear to respond to, or to arise from is so intrinsic that we are barely ever conscious of its abiding claims on us.


  • 一种常见情形相关数据需要收集在一起它们没有内在有意义顺序

    This is a common situation: related data needs to be collected together, but has no inherent or meaningful order.


  • 即使告知内在有一个需要解放的劳伦斯·奥利弗老板们都颇具潜质。

    Bosses have enough on their plates without being told that they need to unleash their inner Laurence Oliviers.


  • 许多无法意识自己情感学会如何感知这一点,渐渐有种内在推动力促使你去追求生命之中真正需要东西

    Many people aren't conscious of their emotions but when you learn how to be conscious of your emotions you tend to develop an internal drive that will lead you to what you really want to do in life.


  • 可能缺少所有外部物质东西但是你只需要内在的自我就可以了。

    You may lack all these external, material things, but you have all you need inside of you.


  • 愈者真正天赋在于能别人知道他们自己内在权威,知道他们灵性闪光事实,并且拥有他们所需要所有知识

    The true gift of a healer is to make the other person aware of their own inner authority, the fact that they are a spark of God and have all the knowledge available to them that they need.


  • 一部分原因运行JVM之上内在限制例如需要100%封装数字(数字算法方面给了我们很大的打击)。

    Some of that is due to intrinsic limitations of running on the JVM, like the need for 100% boxed Numbers (which severely penalizes us on numeric algorithms).


  • 有人孩子需要学会纪律”时,其所指意思是这个孩子似乎缺乏内在纪律

    When a person says a child "needs to be disciplined" they are referring to the fact that the child appears to lack that inner discipline.


  • 一些精明人类通过觉知净化真我,其实清明发亮能量需要通过内在的灵性觉知这种实际操练魔法培育的。

    Adroit humans learn to purify self through realization. Clear and luminescent fields are fostered through internal alchemy of spiritual practice in which intention of mindset is focused upon.


  • 从理论上讲要想弥补过去不到年时间内在经济损失希腊大概需要货币贬值40%。

    Theoretically, to make up the economic ground lost in less than a decade, the Greeks would need to devalue by 40 per cent.


  • 他们需要通过使外部环境条理化来解决内在冲突

    And the way of resolving internal conflicts is by organizing the external environment.


  • 我们为了事物本身的利益去做某事的时候,是因为我们喜爱或者满足了一些我们深层次需要,我们是内在被驱动了。

    When we do something for its own sake, because we enjoy it or because it fills some deep-seated desire, we are intrinsically motivated.


  • 人们需要理解个人内在好的价值有些事情别人得更好

    A person needs to understand that they are worth something in this world, that people are inherently good and try to do well by others.


  • 人们需要理解个人内在好的价值有些事情别人得更好

    A person needs to understand that they are worth something in this world, that people are inherently good and try to do well by others.


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