• 德鲁是个冷酷的人

    Andrew is a cold man.


  • 艺术家饰演一个冷酷缺乏感情温和

    The old artist appears to be a no-nonsense character, one without any time for sentimentality and softness.


  • 惊奇公司前卫冷酷形象刚好弥补迪斯尼可爱风。

    The edgier, darker Marvel characters should fill a hole in Disney's much cuddlier portfolio.


  • 无论是冷酷,还是普通商贾被迫拿起武器保护自己的财产…

    Not only run by the ruthless but also by people who have sedated their own morales.


  • 握手言和,以前的一切一笔勾销吧。温暖不比冷酷的人吗?

    Take my hand so we can put all this behind us. Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark?


  • 握手言和以前的一切一笔勾销吧。温暖不比冷酷的人吗?

    Abruzzi: Take my hand so we can put all this behind us. Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark?


  • 即使对于冷酷妈妈这个,也是少数几个心潮翻滚的字眼之一

    Mother is, probably, one of those few words whose very mention inspires a flurry of emotions in the heart of even the cruelest person.


  • 巴克在那里受到了冷酷的人类的对待为了生存,它开始变得凶悍、机智狡猾,并其他互相争斗。

    Buck has to learn to survive cruel treatment, attacks from other dogs, and a pack of wolves.


  • 使伊丽莎白达西产生恶感是个邪恶冷酷的拒不执行父亲遗嘱,骗取了留给韦翰的遗产

    He poisons Elizabeth's mind against Darcy by telling her that Darcy is a wicked, cold-hearted man who has refused to carry out the wishes of his father's will, cheating Wickham out of a legacy.


  • 剧情走向如下:个不善交际的看到冷酷不友好或者傲慢所以他们表现出了他们的不友好傲慢的态度

    The scenario goes like this: the unsocial person sees that cool people are standoffish or arrogant. Therefore, they mirror that attitude becoming standoffish or arrogant.


  • 如果和善友好幽默你结交,如果你采取这样态度并不去你很长时间意识冷酷不是不友好傲慢的。

    If you want other people to be nice, friendly and fun in meeting you, do the same. If you take this attitude, it doesn't take long to realize that the cool people aren't arrogant or standoffish.


  • 报纸写道,作为奇库鲁比监狱刽子手岗位工作说明包括灵巧绞索绳结的能力冷酷,可是容易产生怜悯心存犹豫适宜去申请。”

    The paper wrote that a job description for the post of Chikurubi prison hangman included, "dexterity, ability to tie a knot, hard heart and anyone prone to mercy or hesitation need not apply."


  • 那些高个儿哥哥冷酷寡言他们身上,历史光荣传统已经永远消失沦落默默的仇恨爆裂痛苦幽默来了。

    His tall brothers were a grim, quiet lot, in whom the family tradition of past glories, lost forever, rankled in unspoken hate and crackled out in bitter humor.


  • 因而这些女性接近高层她们会很容易非常聪明并且事业心强得近乎冷酷男性数超过。

    As a result, when these women get close to the top, they are simply out-numbered by highly intelligent and often ruthlessly ambitious men.


  • 虽然曾扮演过严肃角色——“迈克尔·克莱顿三个国王”都不是能让放声大笑的影片——但他从来没有饰演过这样冷酷内敛

    Though he's had serious roles before — "Michael Clayton" and "Three Kings" weren't exactly laugh riots — Clooney has never played such a grim, internalized person.


  • 他利巨大不幸恰恰拉杜里以及读者们的大幸:蒙太奇教皇职位任职的是雅克·福尼尔,他是一位有着无穷精力冷酷好奇心检察官

    The Cathars' great misfortune was Ladurie's -- and his readers' -- great luck: The papacy's man in Montaillou was Jacques Fournier, an inquisitor of boundless energy and relentless curiosity.


  • 世界冷酷,成万上亿试图在竞争中超越他们一样。

    The world can be a tough place, and some of the billions of people out there will try to knock you down.


  • 苹果一直在平台乌托邦文主义品质植入其所几乎所有事情悄无声息冷酷无情,且还会继续如此。

    Apple pushes - and will continue to push - the utopian, humanistic qualities of its platform quietly but relentlessly in almost everything it does.


  • 只是他们冷酷无情一个缩影,他们甚至自己曾经声称捍卫权利可以漠视

    This was typical of their callous disregard even for those whose rights they claimed to champion.


  • 但是相信阿什克·罗夫爵士——称之为坚定冷酷充满野心”的——仍然掌控着电讯传媒。

    But Mr Barrow believed that Lord ashcroft-whom he called a "determined, ruthless, ambitious enemy" -still controlled Telemedia.


  • 相反一个冷酷无情自私,对于幸福或者不幸完全熟视无睹的,会是多么扫兴啊。

    And for a contrary reason, how disagreeable does he appear to be, whose hard and obdurate heart feels for himself only, but is altogether insensible to the happiness or misery of others!


  • 亨利七世形象不仅神秘莫测疑神疑鬼,而且贪得无厌冷酷无情,并长期历史漏掉忽略掉

    MYSTERIOUS, suspicious, avaricious, cold, the figure of Henry VII has long been skipped over or ignored.


  • 一个异常冷酷冬天之后,在农场度假可以通过闭路电视观看猫头鹰自己巢穴里正在庆祝小猫头鹰们的降生。

    A farm where holiday makers can watch owls in their nest via CCTV was celebrating a baby boom of chicks following one of the harshest winters on record.


  • 自然崇拜弗兰肯斯坦这样代表科学文雅被描绘得极端冷酷

    Nature is idolized, while characters like Dr Frankenstein who represent science and urbanity are depicted as uniformly cruel.


  • 皇后白雪公主的继母。为冷酷无情而且极爱虚荣。好嫉恨每一个比美丽。因此,她总是愤怒妒忌眼光看着白雪公主。

    Her stepmother, then Queen, was cruel and vain. She hated anyone whose beauty rivaled her own, and she watched her stepdaughter with angry, jealous eyes.


  • 巴萨·尼奥这个回答不行这个冷酷无情,这也不能谅解残忍作为! !

    Bassanio: : This is no answer, thou unfeeling man, to excuse the cur-rent of thy cruelty.


  • 爱情亲情温馨甜蜜的张爱玲笔下,它们全拆解还原成真实冷漠它们本质自私虚伪冷酷

    Love and family are warm and sweet, but under the writing of Zhang Ai-ling, it has been dismantled and returned to the true and bleak human nature whose essence is selfish, false and callous.


  • 爱情亲情温馨甜蜜的张爱玲笔下,它们全拆解还原成真实冷漠它们本质自私虚伪冷酷

    Love and family are warm and sweet, but under the writing of Zhang Ai-ling, it has been dismantled and returned to the true and bleak human nature whose essence is selfish, false and callous.


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