• 几乎全部现有算法是在数据评估的。

    Almost all existing algorithms were evaluated over small data sets.


  • 几乎全部动物半数高等植物都是二倍体

    Almost all of the animals and more than half of the higher plants are diploid.


  • 如果恶意客户机发送选项覆盖窗口几乎全部数据,则无法对此加以阻止

    There is nothing to stop a malicious client from sending options that cover almost all of the data in the window.


  • 用力过度几乎全部的后果在之后显现出来的,而不是用力的时候。

    Indeed, almost every effect of over exertion appears after, not during such exertion.


  • 长春市几乎全部大学生处于两种以上动机进行体育消费结论。

    Two or more than two kinds of motives drive nearly all the college students in Chanchun to consume for sport, etc.


  • 将来到处都会看到机器人工作它们我们担负起几乎全部繁重工作

    In the future, robots which can do almost all of our hard work will be seen working everywhere.


  • 他们过着自给自足生活牧民们依靠放牧牦牛绵羊获得几乎全部食品和生活物资

    They live self-sufficient life , herdsmen depend on grazing Poeephagus grunniens and the sheep to gain goods and materials living almost all food draws.


  • 他们停止所有促销活动放弃几乎全部市场仿制药厂商保留销售那些所谓的忠。

    They stop all promotions and cede nearly all sales to generics makers. The only sales that are retained are from die-hard loyalists.


  • 吸二手烟接触烟草的人相比几乎全部的主动抽烟者的婴儿的胎粪代谢物的浓度比较

    Concentrations were higher and almost universally detected among infants born to active smokers compared to women with secondhand or no exposure.


  • 年前增值税增加时候,只有大约一半转移价格现在几乎全部影响将转移到物价

    When VAT went up a year ago only about half of the increase was passed on to prices. This time virtually all of it is expected to go through to prices.


  • 在冰山最下方意识觉察不到我’,’ 可以影响我们几乎全部决定

    Way down below, we have little or no conscious awareness of the Id, which influences all our decisions.


  • 数码照片强化工具支持批量处理包括主流单反raw格式在内的几乎全部数码照片格式

    A key enhancement tools for digital photos. Simple batch processing support the RAW format of the mainstream almost all formats of digital photographs.


  • 不过通过借用生物学其他分支理念肿瘤学家逐渐相信几乎全部的癌症都与干细胞或者极其类似干细胞的组织有关。

    But, borrowing an idea from another part of biology, oncologists are coming to believe that most-possibly all-cancers involve stem cells, or something very like them.


  • 弗勒不幸就在于,报价刚好收盘于雷曼兄弟倒闭之后市场片混乱,几乎全部大陆股东接受了舍弗勒的竞价

    Schaeffler's misfortune, however, was that its offer closed just after the collapse of Lehman Brothers sent markets into a spin, spurring almost all of Continental's shareholders to accept its bid.


  • 几乎全部自身免疫性疾病疫苗引起,举个例子流感疫苗是其一对于接种疫苗而损害的而言。

    Nearly all autoimmune diseases are produced from vaccines, swine flu vaccine being one cause of this, for those of you suffering from having received that vaccine, as an example.


  • 弗勒的不幸就在于,报价刚好收盘于雷曼兄弟倒闭之后市场片混乱,几乎全部大陆股东都接受了舍弗勒的竞价

    Schaeffler’s misfortune, however, was that its offer closed just after the collapse of Lehman Brothers sent markets into a spin, spurring almost all of Continental’s shareholders to accept its bid.


  • 利用干细胞(产生人体几乎全部组织器官细胞)实验室内培养出检测声音细胞一类的细胞将戏剧性改变上述段落所述定论。

    Using stem cells — master cells that produce all the body's tissues and organs — to generate these cell types in the laboratory could change that dramatically.


  • 淡水植物和动物:图片画廊。站立田纳西州,意味海洋生物学家手持三个物种淡菜,几乎全部濒临灭绝的动物群在北美。

    Standing in Tennessee's Clinch River, a marine biologist holds three species of freshwater mussel, the most endangered animal group in North America.


  • 于是立即辞掉工作,将自己几乎全部财产变卖赠予他人,同时还停止偿还住房抵押贷款,并且频繁地外出吃饭度假以便所有积蓄花光

    He quit his job, sold or gave away nearly all his possessions, stopped paying his mortgage and spent his savings dining out and going on holiday.


  • 现今耀眼明星要数阿曼达霍金每个Kindle上卖出100,000本电子书得到了几乎全部的报酬(零售价一本3到5美元)。

    The biggest star these days is Amanda Hocking, who is selling 100,000 ebooks on Kindle per month, and keeping most of that money ($3-5 retail).


  • 正如汤姆寿恩见解深刻的《流行作品》一书中评论的,好莱坞花费了几乎全部钱财精力,创作青少年们喜欢的东西怯生生地交给他们

    As Tom Shone observes in his insightful book, "Blockbuster", Hollywood spends nearly all its money and energy working out what teenagers want and cravenly giving it to them.


  • 保罗·塞格里亚于6月30日法院起诉facebook扎克伯格宣称2003年4月份的一协议拥有这个所有权集中公司几乎全部的所有权。

    Paul Ceglia sued Facebook and Zuckerberg in state court June 30, claiming that an April 2003 contract entitles him to ownership of most of the closely held company.


  • 这家公司90名员工几乎全部签的是短期合同

    The company has 90 staff, almost all on short-term contracts.


  • 于他来说,100兰特几乎是他一天的全部收入。

    As for him, the R100 was almost all he made in a day.


  • 如果原子质量一定电子很小那么正电荷部分几乎占据了全部质量。

    If the atom is fixed mass, and the electron is tiny, it must be the positives have all the mass.


  • 这么价格买进,让他们满足票面价值(债券全部价值)偿付几乎没有什么意义

    It rarely makes sense to buy at that high a price for them to be satisfied with being paid off only at par (the full value of the bond).


  • 小淑女般的迷你紧身女好看,而且几乎全部糖果做出来的。

    Her flapperish mini and Valkyrian bustier were stunning, and all the more so for being made of candy.


  • 很多一样看到那些艺术家音乐家工作几乎全部的生活感到很困惑。

    Like most people, I confused myself by looking at people like artists and musicians whose life's "work" fills their time.


  • 很多一样看到那些艺术家音乐家工作几乎全部的生活感到很困惑。

    Like most people, I confused myself by looking at people like artists and musicians whose life's "work" fills their time.


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