这就是说,“错误的”感知分配的公平性会产生社会影响- - -即不可能实现公平分配。
That is, 'false' perceptions of distributive justice have social consequences that render the realization of distributive justice impossible.
In this paper, we have developed primary bandwidth model of RPR and analysed its bandwidth utilization factor and fairness policy.
He said that we should think of — When we think about distributional justice we can think of it as a risk management problem.
In order to make sure about the equity of the value distribution, they think the operator or the accountants should make compensation reasonable and consider the interests of every aspect.
Mr. Roh's economic planners sought to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth.
The way rewards are distributed should be transparent so that employees perceive that rewards or outcomes are equitable and equal to the inputs given.
New social problems have arisen due to the unfair distribution of the social wealth so far.
The achievement of a fair distribution of oil revenue is seen as a cornerstone of Iraqi security.
"Maybe we should spend less money trying to figure out who is better than who," he said, suggesting that some more equal dividing up of money might be more productive and more efficient.
The equal distribution of equipment was next, meaning that all teachers had their fair share of teaching resources to aid learning.
Nor will globalization self regulate in ways that favour fairness in the distribution of benefits.
Globalization creates benefits, sometimes very big benefits, but has no rules that ensure the fair distribution of these benefits.
Nor will globalization self-regulate in ways that favour fairness in the distribution of benefits.
As we all know, globalization creates wealth, but has no rules that guarantee its fair distribution.
Better health and its fair distribution should be adopted as Shared goals.
But here is the problem: globalization has no rules that guarantee the fair or balanced distribution of benefits.
Equitable distribution of health care is a critical contributor to social cohesion.
Who dares talk of prosperity when the wealth is distributed so unfairly?
Good urban health governance helps ensure that opportunities and advantages are more evenly distributed, and that access to health care is fair and affordable.
Experiments have shown that people will reject unfair distributions of money even it means they receive nothing.
They aim to compensate for international systems that create benefits, yet have no rules that guarantee the fair distribution of these benefits.
It can be illusory because, contrary to the beliefs we may have, it may be impossible for the distribution of social goods to be just regardless of what we do.
But he was not deterred. He kept a level head and ensured distribution of aid was fair and that people did not collect handouts just for the sake of getting something.
Only unshackled private enterprise and a fairer distribution of oil revenues can halt the slide towards all-out conflict.
This is a core purpose of the report: to help countries get the policies right, whether to collect more resources for health or distribute these resources more fairly.
The teams says: "it is possible to bring the system from a particular wealth distribution to another one with a lower inequality by performing only a small change in the system configuration".
They range from protection of the environment and global warming to fair pricing of water services and equitable distribution of water for irrigation, industry and household use.
They range from protection of the environment and global warming to fair pricing of water services and equitable distribution of water for irrigation, industry and household use.