• 协调指导地区出国船舶特大刑事案件和暴力犯罪案件的侦破工作;

    to coordinate and guide the investigation and cracking of extremely large criminal cases and criminal cases using force that are trans-regional and on overseas vessels;


  • 海事法院管辖第一审海事案件海商案件受理刑事案件其他民事案件

    The maritime courts shall have jurisdiction over maritime cases and maritime trade cases of first instance; they shall not handle criminal cases or other civil cases.


  • 刑事审判庭依法审理第一审普通刑事案件自诉刑事案件办理其他有关事项。

    Penal trial court transact normal penal cases and private persecution penal cases; other relevant business.


  • 尤其作为一项制度而言,未成年人刑事案件社会调查制度必须具有持续性稳定性

    As a system, the works of social investigation of juvenile's delinquency must be endurable and stable.


  • 基地由于环境影响以及过去美军人员相关的刑事案件日本方面批评的焦点。

    Okinawa presence, including the closure of the Futenma Marine base, a focus of Japanese criticism for its environmental impact and past criminal cases involving U. S. troops.


  • 应从疑难刑事案件机构定位、成运作等方面考虑成立疑难刑事案件研侦机构。

    This paper offers some suggestions on the establishment of such kind of organization by discussing from the aspects of its orientation, composition and operation.


  • 犯罪现场勘查理论研究滞后影响当前刑事案件现场勘工作质量效率重要原因之一

    The delayed theoretical study of criminal scene investigation is one of the major reasons that affect the quality and efficiency of the present investigation at criminal scene.


  • 监所检察工作现实中存在刑事案件监督力度不足问题,在法律规定的方面一定空白。

    The supervision of the prosecutorial work at prisons and reformatories to the criminal cases in practice is weak, and there is no corresponding legal provisions.


  • 试图修改瑞士国境获取文件可接受性条款,设法转移背负的刑事案件司法权

    He tried to change the rules on the admissibility of documents obtained from across the border in Switzerland, and tried to get the jurisdiction of his big remaining criminal trial moved.


  • 经济犯罪案件特殊性决定它的侦查原则管理体制有别于一般刑事案件具有独特内容

    This article argues that because of the peculiarities of economic crimes, the principles and managing mechanisms are different from those for criminal cases, and therefore, contain special contents.


  • 民间纠纷引发伤害轻微刑事案件,诉至法院后当事人自行和解的,应当准许记录在案

    For the minor injury caused from disputes among the people and other minor criminal cases that have reached reconciliation of their own accord, the reconciliation should be permitted and recorded.


  • 大多数英国英联邦以外国家只要报道离谱记者或都有发表他们刑事案件进程的自由

    In most countries outside Britain and the Commonwealth, journalists are more or less free to write what they like about criminal proceedings, provided it is not grossly inaccurate.


  • 从古至今尸体勘验都死亡刑事案件必不可少内容之一,因为案件有着重大证明作用

    From ancient times till now, the corpse conducts an inquest is one of death criminal case essential contents, because it has the significant proof function to the case.


  • 提供刑事案件专项咨询委托人行为性质作出法律论证,为委托人提供法律救济可行性意见

    Providing special consultation on the criminal cases and concluding legal analysis for the behavior of the consigners and providing feasible advice for the legal remedy.


  • 论述了刑事案件现场微量涂料组成提取包装检验方法以及在侦破刑事案件中的应用

    The composition, pick-up and packing, test method of tiny amount of paint for examination at a case crime scene and their application in investigating criminal case are discussed.


  • 我国死刑案件证明标准目前采用普通刑事案件相同证明标准,不利于被告人生命和自由的保障

    This article first analyzes the problems of proving standard for death penalty cases and then explains the current proving standard and suggests that the standard should be enhanced.


  • 司法鉴定角度来看,民事诉讼案件中的可疑文件刑事案件中的文件物证相比,虽具共性又各其特点

    There are similarities and differences between the suspicious files in civil proceedings and the file evidence in criminal cases from the point view of judicial expertise.


  • 目前旅客列车刑事案件侦查管辖模式不合理导致旅客列车违法犯罪没有得到真正、有效打击主要原因

    At present, the investigation jurisdiction of criminal cases on passenger train is the main cause to the ineffective attacks on the offences and crimes on passenger train.


  • 未成年社会调查报告未成年被告人人身危险性重要表征,也是审理未成年人刑事案件重要参考依据。

    The minor social investigation report is the important attribute of minor Crime person's personal dangerousness, which is also the important reference of trying the minor criminal case.


  • 发端并盛行美国辩诉交易徘刑事案件速决程序能提高诉讼效率的功效而国际上得以广泛传播。

    Plea Bargain, originated from America as a summary process, has spread all over the world because of its function of high effectiveness to settle cases.


  • 由于刑事案件实行国家追诉主义,被害人身影掩盖国家之下,被害人权利保护往往被人们忽视。

    With the country's strong public rights, the victims are smothered up by it. The rights of the victims are performed by the state.


  • 但是这些保留自诉制度国家,尽管自诉适用少数刑事案件追诉犯罪上的意义不容忽视。

    But in the countries of reserving System of Private prosecution, Private prosecution was only used in fewness criminal cases and we should never ignore its meaning of crime prosecution.


  • 本文运用刑法理论分析了一起刑事案件认为被告人行为应当伪造印章伪造金融票证或者其他罪。

    This text USES criminal law theory to analyse criminal case, thinks defendant behavior should forge the crime of the seal definitely, but not forge financial coupons crime or other crime.


  • 英国不同,苏格兰刑事案件保留“证据不足判决,眼下令人不快景象正是由洛克比案的此种审判结果所带来的。

    Unlike the English, the Scots retain a "not proven" verdict in their criminal courts, and the unappealing prospect in sight is of this being the effective outcome of the Lockerbie case.


  • 英国不同,苏格兰刑事案件保留“证据不足判决,眼下令人不快景象正是由洛克比案的此种审判结果所带来的。

    Unlike the English, the Scots retain a "not proven" verdict in their criminal courts, and the unappealing prospect in sight is of this being the effective outcome of the Lockerbie case.


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