• 然而长期来看创造货币支撑资产价格种不可持续手段

    Yet in the long run creating money to prop up asset prices is not a sustainable tactic.


  • 随着经济崩溃甚至没有足够纸张印刷能力创造货币

    As the economy collapsed there was not even sufficient paper or printing capacity to create the money.


  • 特别提款权很大优越性之一允许国际性创造货币

    One of the great advantages of SDRs is that they allow the international creation of money.


  • 继续奴役为之支付费用就让他们继续创造货币

    But if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.


  • 第一禁止欧洲央行创造货币填补赤字,第二禁止各国接管别国债务(即“不予救助”条款)。

    The first bars the ECB from creating money to finance deficits. The second forbids countries from assuming the debts of others (the “no bail-outclause).


  • 通过有序创造货币抵消信贷紧缩银行系统注资,以及注销累积债务我们可以做到一点。

    It can be done – by creating money to offset the contraction of credit, recapitalising the banking system and writing off or down the accumulated debt in an orderly manner.


  • 垄断市场上,单个银行虽然能够创造货币仅仅整个存款货币创造链条一个环节

    The single bank can create money in non-monopoly market, but it's only a part of deposit creation system.


  • 第一禁止欧洲央行创造货币填补赤字,第二禁止各国接管别国债务(即“不予救助”条款)。

    The first bars the ECB from creating money to finance deficits. The second forbids countries from assuming the debts of others (the "no bail-out" clause).


  • 另一角度可以说,正是得益于央行所掌握权力巨大尤其是发现其可通过量化宽松创造货币这一能力之后。

    In part, also, it is because the powers of central Banks are vast, especially since they have discovered the ability to create money via quantitative easing (QE).


  • 创造全球性储备货币朝着这目标所迈出重要一步

    The creation of a global reserve currency would be an essential first step in that process.


  • 然而发行本币债券的国家,却能够保证一直充足现金因为它们总是能够迫使中央银行创造货币

    States which issue their own bonds, however, can guarantee that the cash will always be available, because they can always force the central bank to create the money.


  • 他们对此毫不满足,放下柳叶刀,又拿注射器通过定量宽松”,也就是创造央行货币购进资产经济注入更多的

    Not content with that, they switched at once from scalpel to syringe and started to inject money into the economy through "quantitative easing" -buying assets with freshly created central-bank money.


  • 所以法定准备金银行准备金额共同决定了货币创造上限。     什么银行准备金?

    Thus, the legal reserve ratiotogether with the dollar amount of bank reserves are the factors that set theupper limit to money creation.


  • 这次货币创造抬高资产价格尝试最后以失败告终。

    This attempt to boost asset prices by money creation was ultimately doomed.


  • 如果其他情况不变一国创造更多额外货币,会使得他国货币衡量资产价格下跌

    But the creation of extra money in one country ought also, other things being equal, to drive down its price in terms of other currencies.


  • 比如德国允诺说,货币联盟不但不可能上升财政调度者,而且创造一种至少德国马克一样稳定货币

    The Germans were promised that monetary union would not give rise to fiscal transfers, and would create a currency at least as stable as the Deutschmark.


  • 能够保证它们亏欠大量外债同时也能保证它们货币有价证券少量交易,从而不投机性攻击创造任何空间。

    It is reassuring that none of them has much foreign debt, and that their currencies and securities are only lightly traded, creating little scope for a speculative attack.


  • 信用扩张创造的新增货币用来购买生产要素部署到远离消费资本工业

    The money created through credit expansions is used by entrepreneurs to demand factors of production, which they employ mainly in capital-goods industries more distant from consumption.


  • 这样货币-或者应该新的虚拟货币因为实现银行账本上的条目栏里,这个人为信用扩张过程中,持续地创造出来

    So new money, or I should say new "virtual money" because it only "materializes" in bank-accounting-book entries, is constantly created through this process of artificial credit expansion.


  • 结果创造一系列文书主要衍生金融工具旨在处理利率货币走势带来风险

    The result has been the creation of a whole series of instruments, mainly derivatives, designed to deal with the risks of interest-rate and currency movements.


  • 为何证券投资者不对货币创造保持更多警醒?

    Why aren't bond investors reacting with more alarm to the process of money creation?


  • 塔特认为,同样现象出现公共政策领域比如越战以及欧盟创造统一货币

    But Douthat says the same sort of phenomenon has cropped up in the realm of public policy with such endeavors as the wars in Vietnam and Iraq, or the European Union's creation of a common currency.


  • 投资者无须掏钱,便获得资产,购买商品其实一种货币创造

    Since investors did not have to hand over cash, but ended up with an asset they could use to buy goods, this was, in effect, a case of money creation.


  • 短期之内这样做会帮助他们省去利息成本创造危险错配他们薪水收入由一种货币计算债务却是由一种计算。

    It saved them interest costs in the short term but it also created a nasty mismatch: their wages and revenues were in one currency and their liabilities were in another.


  • 这种担心不无道理因为看上去没人告诉掌控欧元那些傻瓜们该如何切实管理他们创造货币

    This is a rational fear, because apparently nobody told the fools in charge of the euro how to actually manage the currency they created.


  • 这次,各国央行财政部增加减税措施、增加财政开支定量宽松措施——创造电子货币——由此酿造了更易醉人烈酒

    And this time, central Banks and finance ministries have added tax cuts, spending increases and quantitative easing - the creation of electronic money - and so created an even headier brew.


  • 这次,各国央行财政部增加减税措施、增加财政开支定量宽松措施——创造电子货币——由此酿造了更易醉人烈酒

    And this time, central Banks and finance ministries have added tax cuts, spending increases and quantitative easing - the creation of electronic money - and so created an even headier brew.


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