• 历史地看公司价值取向模式经历股东价值取向向利益相关者价值取向演进过程

    Historically, the mode of the orientation of corporate value is experiencing the evolution from share-holder value orientation to the value orientation of people with related interest.


  • 财务治理目标协调财务治理主体之间的财务利益关系,使其达到全体利益相关者价值最大化。

    Financial governance between the main objective is to coordinate the financial governance of the financial interest to maximize the value to all stakeholders.


  • 系统运行机制研究生教育质量价值系统(GEQVS),GEQVS核心利益相关者价值等式

    The operation mechanism is the Graduate Education Quality Value System (GEQVS). The core of GEQVS is the value equation of stockerholder.


  • 本章摘要所有主体都面临确定性对于管理当局的挑战在于确定追求增加利益相关者价值的同时,准备承受多少不确定性。

    Chapter Summary: all entities face uncertainty, and the challenge for management is to determine how much uncertainty it is prepared to accept as it strives to grow stakeholder value.


  • 尽管如此一种提法,白人农场主按照实际价值40%土地转让黑人利益相关者同时尽可能限制个体农场主拥有的土地数量上限。

    However, there is talk of making white farmers transfer 40% of their farms by value to black shareholders, and possibly capping the amount of land an individual farmer can own.


  • 反馈通过利益相关者的反馈团队专注交付中的价值

    Feedback from stakeholders to help keep the team focused on what value is being delivered.


  • 选择风险处理措施时,组织应该考虑利益相关者价值选择适当方式与其进行沟通

    When selecting risk treatment options, the organization should consider the values and perceptions of stakeholders and the most appropriate ways to communicate with them.


  • 如今利益相关者责任公司利益保持一致从而使创造价值过程全世界整体联合过程(詹姆斯,2009)。

    Nowadays, the stakeholder's responsibility is consistent with the corporation's benefits, so that the process of creating values is a whole confederative course all over the world (James, 2009).


  • 然而作为人力资源从业者可能经常面临建立一个能够支持业务连接专注于业绩利益相关者创造价值薪酬体制的挑战

    However, as HR practitioners, you probably are always facing the challenges of developing reward strategies that support business, align and focus performance and create value for shareholders.


  • 随着更强大技能运用基金管理方面我们看到人才有效地公司利益相关者创造价值

    With stronger skills applied to governing funds, we should see this talent more effectively producing value for its stakeholders.


  • 期待激动人心故事介绍我们投资界工作加强我们的资产价值造福于我们所有利益相关者

    I look forward to introducing our exciting story to the investor community and working to enhance our asset values for the benefit of all of our stakeholders.


  • 企业利益相关者签订契约集合体企业价值是企业利益相关者企业未来利益要求权贴现

    The nature of the firm is the contractual nexus of stakeholders . corporate value is the discounted value that stakeholders will claim interest from corporate.


  • 我国上市公司亟待建立完善利益相关者治理机制,以便充分重视和解决利益相关者问题,提升整体公司治理绩效,最终达到提高公司业绩和价值的目的。

    It is imperative that a mechanism be built up to ensure sound corporate governance, address conflict among interested parties, enhance corporate performance and create greater shareholder value.


  • 盈余质量评价公司利益相关者透视公司价值有效工具

    The evaluation of earnings quality is a useful tool by which the investors can see through the value of the listed companies.


  • 一直都十分看重如何从长远角度考虑公司利益相关者创造价值也许很多认为,这对于一家拥有130历史的老牌企业自然而然的。

    It has also been important for me to maintain a long-term perspective on creating value for stakeholders, something many might think would come naturally in a business with 130 years of history.


  • 建筑业价值建筑设计过程任何利益相关者以及管理者建筑用户都会提出绩效要求

    Any stakeholder involved in the value chain or in the design process of the building, as well as regulators and building users, can express performance requirements.


  • 依附价值还有许多利益相关者汽车维修商配件供应商金融服务商燃料供应商、消费教育机构、汽车文化娱乐

    Depend on this value chain there are many stakeholders, such as vehicle maintenance, parts suppliers, financial services, fuel suppliers, consumer education, culture and entertainment, such as cars.


  • 利益相关者价值管理中的行为、建筑业理想化成本控制模型以及客户行为进行了比较。

    Stakeholders' behaviours in managing value are compared with the industry's idealized models of cost control and client behaviour.


  • 积极投入于企业社会责任构成沃尔沃集团竞争力一个不可或缺组成部分对于我们客户员工以及利益相关者创造价值能力起着至关重要的作用。

    Active CSR dedication is an integrated part of the Volvo Group's competitiveness and it is crucial to our ability to create value for our customers, employees and shareholders.


  • 各种各样利益相关者需要不同种类的财务信息,他们眼光投向财务报表分析以求获得公司价值启示

    Therefore the investors turn the eyes on the financial report analysis in order to have the hint of the company's value. In the meanwhile, new method of value assessment has been emerged.


  • 但是追求股东价值最大化会遇到几个实际问题,在利益相关者之间会产生严重利益冲突

    But again, seeking to maximize shareholder value runs into several practical problems as well as severe conflicts of interests among stakeholder groups.


  • 就要求人们如何利益相关者创造价值方面重新定位信息技术。

    And this needs to relocate IT for stakeholders in how to make value.


  • 高层领导者组织绩效期望如何顾及均衡顾客其他利益相关者创造价值

    HOW do SENIOR LEADERS include a focus on creating and balancing VALUE for CUSTOMERS and other STAKEHOLDERS in their organizational PERFORMANCE expectations?


  • 企业不仅追求自身利润最大化企业应该追求利益相关者价值最大化。

    Companies not only to pursue their own profit, businesses should be the pursuit of maximizing stakeholder value.


  • 房地产开发具有周期交易价值量巨大、涉及众多参与者利益相关者营销关系主体众多等特征

    The process of real estate development has characters of long developing cycling, high transaction value, being concerned with many interest entities, being affected by a lot of marketing actors.


  • 房地产开发具有周期交易价值量巨大、涉及众多参与者利益相关者营销关系主体众多等特征

    The process of real estate development has characters of long developing cycling, high transaction value, being concerned with many interest entities, being affected by a lot of marketing actors.


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