• 30日内是否前往国流行性疾病传染国家地区?

    Did you visit countries or territories infected by infectious diseases in the last 30 days?


  • 由于米德尔斯堡射手布兰卡声明尼特斯可能前往的报道可靠性得到增强,这位目前担任国米技术总监的一直都贝尼特斯的忠实崇拜者

    Claims that he is on their radar are further reinforced by the influence of former Middlesbrough striker Marco Branca, currently head of technical staff at Inter and a confirmed admirer of Benitez.


  • 这家航空公司提供阿拉伯联合酋长国飞机坠毁受害者亲属免费前往印度,帕沙克有约20接受邀请

    The airline has offered relatives of crash victims in the United Arab Emirates free passage to India, Pathak said, and about 20 people have accepted the offer.


  • 一流选手王瑾告诉报纸爱上现在丈夫刘国梁时,主动离开前往日本另谋出路。刘国梁那时是个明星选手,之后成为男子主教练

    One top player, Wang Jin, told the newspaper that she left for a career in Japan after falling in love with her now husband, Liu Guoliang, then a star player and subsequently men's head coach.


  • 作为成员国,它们包括吉普赛人在内的国民有权自由前往其它欧洲国家

    And, as such, their nationals, including the Roma, have a right to travel freely to other European countries.


  • 知情人士介绍,弗格森前往北京访问,以及石油交易公布仪式,在时机上都是为了缓解日益上升紧张形势

    Mr Ferguson's visit to Beijing and the ceremonial announcement of the PetroChina deal were timed to defuse rising tensions between the two countries, say people familiar with the deal.


  • 四国联盟外长星期天前往纽约,就他们争取成为权力最大联合国安理会的常任理事国进行关键性会谈

    Foreign ministers from the so-called Group of Four nations will be in New York Sunday for critical talks on their bid to become permanent members of the most powerful u.


  • 之后,萨奥尔一行前往距海利根达姆45公里的维斯玛,来自八国的74位青年代表将讨论目前世界所面临主要问题主会场遥相呼应

    Later the group will go to Wismar, about 45 kilometers from Heiligendamm, where 74 youths from the G8 countries are debating the main problems facing the world, in parallel to the main summit.


  • NéstorKirchner宣布停飞前往福克兰群岛包机严禁阿根廷科学家参与两国渔业委员会后,受到了人民的掌声。

    When Mr Kirchner suspended charter flights to the islands and banned Argentine scientists from taking part in a binational commission on fishing, he was applauded.


  • OECD研究人员认为2000年前后来美国移民中,至少有19%于年后美前往它

    OECD researchers reckon that at least 19% of migrants who arrived in America at the turn of the millennium had left for other destinations five years later.


  • 他们表示欧盟成员国国民应该自由前往英国权利

    They say people from EU member states should have the right to come freely to Britain.


  • 另外日本当地零售商喜不自胜中国游客超强购买力,2015年中国游客购买力占据前往日本所有游客的40%。

    More noticeable for local retailers is the spending power of Chinese tourists, who accounted for more than 40 percent of the total spending of foreign visitors to Japan in 2015.


  • 虽然来自亚洲远东地区移民十九世纪开始了,不过数量有限直到1970年代,前往两国的移民数量才开始剧增

    Although limited immigration from the Far East began as early as the 19th century, it was not until the 1970s that immigration to both Canada and the United States began to increase significantly.


  • 由于2016年前往埃及土耳其意大利游客人数大跌,春节前往这些国家的跟价格降幅高达30%。

    The prices for package tours to countries that saw plummeting 6 visitor numbers in 2016--such as Egypt, Turkey and Italy--are being reduced by up to 30%.


  • 2010年以色列突袭艘前往加沙国际救援船,造成数名志愿者丧生自此后关系逐渐恶化。

    Relations between the two countries have deteriorated since the Israeli raid in 2010 on a flotilla of ships trying to reach Gaza, in which Turkish activists were killed.


  • 北京首都机场过境前往第三地区或者上海浦东虹桥机场过境前往第三国(地区)。

    Transit passengers from the Capital Airport of Beijing or Pudong or Hongqiao Airports of Shanghai for a third country (region).


  • 官员们表示,他们陆续前往孟加拉国印尼

    Officials say it will also stop in Bangladesh, Indonesia, and East Timor.


  • 由于2016年前往埃及土耳其意大利游客人数大跌,春节前往这些国家的跟价格降幅高达30%。

    The prices for package Tours to countries that saw plummeting visitor Numbers in 2016 — such as Egypt, Turkey and Italy — are being reduced by up to 30%.


  • 由于2016年前往埃及土耳其意大利游客人数大跌,春节前往这些国家的跟价格降幅高达30%。

    The prices for package Tours to countries that saw plummeting visitor Numbers in 2016 — such as Egypt, Turkey and Italy — are being reduced by up to 30%.


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