• 移动网络应用可能获得更多用户包括那些使用普通功能手机上网的人们。

    Mobile Web apps have the potential to reach more users, including those whose only access to the Web is via a basic "feature phone" with an integrated browser, for example.


  • 通过整合硬件移动虚拟化使得制造商可以功能手机成本供应智能手机

    Through hardware consolidation, mobile virtualization lets manufacturers provide smart phone functionality for the cost of a feature phone.


  • 消费者来说所有这些意味着智能手机现在超越功能手机,成为最佳选择

    What all this means to the consumer is that smartphones are now edging out feature phones as the devices of choice.


  • 目前为止,在这份交易发布唯一一些手机只是一些更基本的“功能手机”。

    Until now, the only phones that had been released under the deal had been more basic "feature phone" models.


  • 这种坚固防水功能手机韧性功能方便翻转设计承受即使恶劣现场

    This rugged, waterproof feature phone packs toughness and functionality in a convenient flip design that can withstand even the toughest jobsite.


  • 我们上周曾报道AdMob统计数据,数据显示智能手机正在代替功能手机成为消费者首选

    Last week we reported statistics from AdMob stating that smartphones are now edging out feature phones as the device of choice for consumers.


  • 例中智能手机功能手机变得传感器一样,互联网传递提供的有关您的周围环境活动信息

    In this case, your smart phones and feature phones become like sensors conveying to the Internet information you supply about your surroundings and activities.


  • NPD执行董事行业分析师RossRubin:“我们可以看到高端功能手机正在从我们的视线里消失

    We’re seeing that middle tier of advanced feature phones disappearing, ” NPD’s executive director of industry analysis Ross Rubin says.


  • 百万数量级用户正在简陋的功能手机升级譬如iPhoneDroid这样,先进高科技智能手机

    Smartphone adoption is exploding, as millions of people upgrade from simplefeature phonesto more sophisticated smartphones like the iPhone and Droid.


  • 仅有9%功能手机用户这样抱怨即使功能手机一般依赖较慢无限数据网络存在浏览器受限更多并且难于驾驭等问题

    Yet only 9% of feature phone users had the same complaint, even though feature phones typically rely on slower wireless data networks and have browsers that are more limited and harder to navigate.


  • 虽然说智能手机代表丰富互联网应用,但是大部分功能手机带有浏览器用户可以下载铃声访问WAP站点

    Even though smartphones feature rich Internet applications, most modern cell phones have browsers in them that enable users to download ringtones and use WAP sites.


  • 一趋势着实引人瞩目,因为据IDC表示2009年第三以来,功能手机市场今年第二首次呈现疲软状态。

    The trend that really caught my eye, though, was this one: The second quarter booked a weaker feature phone market, which declined for the first time since the third quarter of 2009, noted IDC.


  • 那么智能手机具备什么功能呢?智能手机这个说法主要针对似“功能手机”而来的,本身并不意味着这个手机智能”;

    So smart phones also have what function? Smartphones that is mainly aimed at "feature phones", itself does not mean that the phone has a more "intelligent";


  • 随着这些技术合理使用可以范围延展绝大多数设备上甚至老式的“功能手机”,甚至是手表电视一类的电子产品上,完全不用考虑是哪种品牌和操作系统。

    With judicious use of these techniques, you can expand your reach to the vast majority of devices, even old-school "feature phones", even form factors like watches and TVs, regardless of make and OS.


  • 它们漂亮,而且提供了一些美国手机没有特殊功能。”CNN的一篇文章曾经这样评价中国智能手机

    "They are beautiful and offer something special that American phones don't have," an article on CNN once said about Chinese smartphones.


  • 5G 技术的帮助下,智能手机上的应用程序可以为用户提供比以前更多的功能

    With the help of 5G technology, the apps on the smart phone can provide more functions for the users than before.


  • 如今一些平板电脑智能手机功能年前的个人电脑更为强大

    Some of today’s tablet computers and smartphones are more powerful than personal computers were a decade ago.


  • 如今一些平板电脑智能手机功能年前的个人电脑更为强大

    Some of today's tablet computers and smartphones are more powerful than personal computers were a decade ago.


  • 过去几年智能手机进步许多,大部分功能也趋于同化。

    Smartphones have all advanced over the past few years, and mostly do the same things.


  • 苹果公司仍然依靠先进的软件硬件使3G智能手机功能竞争对手相比更为强大。

    Apple has decided to rely on new software and hardware advances that make its 3g smartphone more well-featured than the competition.


  • 英国通信管理局已经揭示了手机如何主宰人类现代生活细节——特别是具有音乐播放器游戏摄像头网络电邮访问功能智能手机

    Details on how the handsets - particularly smartphones with music players, games, cameras, Internet and email access - have come to dominate modern life have been revealed by telecoms regulator Ofcom.


  • 英国通信管理局已经揭示了手机如何主宰人类现代生活细节——特别是具有音乐播放器游戏摄像头网络电邮访问功能智能手机

    Details on how the handsets -particularly smartphones with music players, games, cameras, Internet and email access -have come to dominate modern life have been revealed by telecoms regulator Ofcom.


  • 其支持者憧憬不久的将来智能手机具备钱包功能

    Fans of these envisage a future in which people’s wallets and purses will get sucked into smartphones too.


  • 乔布斯评价iPad,“笔记本电脑起来亲密无间,功能又比智能手机更强劲”。款产品三月下旬上市。

    It’s so much more intimate than a laptop, and so much more capable than a smartphone,” Mr Jobs said of the device, which will be available in late March.


  • 不过过去几年里有着一些电脑相同功能(互联网连接音乐播放功能)智能手机销量出现大幅飙升。

    But over the past year sales of smartphones - which have some of the same functions as computers, such as Internet access and music players - have risen sharply.


  • 智能手机这个功能需要一个应用程序下载

    On smart phones, this functionality required a small downloaded application on the phone.


  • 设计应用程序利用这些功能考虑件事情:智能手机内存以及屏幕设计

    When you design an application to take advantage of these features, consider two things: memory on your smartphone and designing for a small screen.


  • 手机应用同样考虑到了智能手机特点功能包括普通搜索功能媒体

    The service is integrated with the smartphone's features and functions, too, including Universal Search and Media Library.


  • 手机应用同样考虑到了智能手机特点功能包括普通搜索功能媒体

    The service is integrated with the smartphone's features and functions, too, including Universal Search and Media Library.


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