• 视频,钟南山医生在本学期的第一课上鼓励青少年努力学习

    On video, Doctor Zhong Nanshan encouraged teenagers to study hard in the first lesson of this term.


  • 有些同学知道你们是很努力学习可是每次听力测试辩论表现平平,甚至处于相对劣势,但是我想你们说:不要紧的!

    I know some of you have been working extremely hard, but did not perform well in each listening test and debating practice.


  • 相信生活方式而且效仿生活方式,我尽我最大的努力学习可以通过简单事物获取乐趣

    I believe in the way he lives his life, and I try to emulate him. I strive to gain his level of happiness in the simplest of things.


  • 孩子努力学习自行车时我们往往额外花费一些时间解释清楚这个过程的种种情况,耐心指导度过整个阶段。

    When a child struggles to learn to ride a bike, we take some extra time to clarify the process and coach her through.


  • 我们下决心即将来临一年努力学习取得更大的进步

    We made up our mind that we would study hard to make great progress in the coming year.


  • 如果决心入学考试成功,你必须加倍努力学习

    If you are determined to make the grade in the entrance examination, you must work extra hard.


  • 大一时候努力学习,成绩优良,取得平均分3.7的成绩。。 而且大学四每年都院长奖励名单

    mething like a 3.7 grade-point average, and made the dean's list every one of my four years.


  • 这种被动学习环境学习需要努力学习才能流利地交流

    In this environment of passive learning, a learner needs to spend four or five years of hard work to speak fluently.


  • 教学过程教师教授学生知识给予他们关爱学生则应该努力学习配合老师

    Teachers should give students love and knowledge in teaching while for students, they should work hard and cooperate with their teachers.


  • 整日努力学习因此英语考试取得了优异的成绩。

    He works hard all day, as a result, he got a good mark in his English exam.


  • 这次旅行也是人生永远不能忘却一部分,感觉自己十四天里得到快速成长真正明白努力学习为的是什么,真正学会自己的未来考虑了。

    This trip is also a part of my life will never forget, I feel the rapid growth in the past fourteen days, really understand what is hard to learn, for their own future, do consider.


  • 今后他们榜样学习不怕困难刻苦努力学习

    In the future I want to follow their example and are not afraid of difficulties in learning, hard work to learn!


  • 为了立足社会为了自己事业成功不断努力学习不论是基础课还是专业课取得了较好的成绩

    Order based on the community, for their own success, three years, I constantly strive to learn, whether it is basic courses, or courses, have achieved good results.


  • 打从我们上学起,朋友就为了我们将来大学奋斗,我们要个梦想的大学,因此我们很努力学习

    Since we go to school, my friend and I are fighting for our future college, we want to go to our dreaming college, so we work so hard.


  • 除了努力学习外,我们还要学会团队协作精神,生活学习中互相帮助互相勉励

    At last, they reached the promised land. Besides working hard, we also learn to cooperate , helping and encouraging one another.


  • 相信持续不断的努力学习下,总有一天能够成为名懂得国际业务的会计师,能够渤海钻探公司开拓国际市场尽到自己的一份力。

    I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can become an international accountant and do my best for develop international market of BOHAI drilling engineering company limited.


  • 通过考试的一个方法一年每一天都努力学习

    A good way to pass an examination is to work hard every day in the year.


  • 大学计划大学的2努力学习基础知识,培养自己兴趣爱好例如图书馆看书篮球等

    My plans for college, 2 years in college, to learn the basics, develop their own interests and hobbies, such as: go to the library reading books, playing basketball.


  • 奥运会就要来了,一位国人应该积极准备作为一代青年我们应该奋发图强,努力学习英语疯狂英语。

    Olympic is coming, every Chinese should actively prepared, as a new generation of young people we should strive for, learning English, crazy to learn English.


  • 我们参观麦吉尔大学多伦多大学,参观过程暗暗下决心:一定努力学习争取进入这样的大学读书。

    We also visited the Mcgill university and university of Toronto, in the visit process, I decides secretly: Certainly must study diligently, strives for like such university to study unexpectedly.


  • 我们参观麦吉尔大学多伦多大学,参观过程暗暗下决心:一定努力学习争取进入这样的大学读书。

    We also visited the Mcgill university and university of Toronto, in the visit process, I decides secretly: Certainly must study diligently, strives for like such university to study unexpectedly.


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