• 美国费米研究所缩小了”上帝粒子“的包围圈

    Fermi Institute of the United States have narrowed the "God particle" encirclement?


  • 将军部下决定最后搏,突破联军主力包围圈

    Lee and his officers decided to make a final effort to break out of the circle of Union forces.


  • 过去一周内称作卡拉奇案司法调查使萨科齐的战友们跌入包围圈

    Over the past week, a judicial inquiry into what is known as the Karachi affair has closed in on Allies of Mr Sarkozy.


  • 也许会,会发现这样必须先得穿过包围圈听说长了翅膀

    He might seek it, but to find it he'd need to get past my siege lines, and last I heard he hadn't grown wings.


  • 总是处在包围圈可能比较累要让她平息一下担忧控制是个漫长的过程。

    Keeping her in the loop may be tiring, but it'll go a long way to assuage her concerns and need for control.


  • “不管怎样,”说道,“两个逃犯绝对想不到这么他们我们的包围圈中了。”

    Well! 'said the sergeant,' they'll find themselves trapped in a circle, I expect, sooner than they count on.


  • 此时德军东线的抵抗只限于几个包围圈里,这些包围圈分散德国捷克斯诺伐克奥地利

    German resistance in the east was now limited to small pockets scattered across Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Austria.


  • 突然间感到联合国安理会辛苦赢得席位变成一个笑话北约东扩看起来就像包围圈

    Suddenly, it felt that its hard-earned seat on the UN Security Council had been turned into a joke, and NATO's enlargement looked like encirclement.


  • 并且逐渐顺着北门一点点地形成了一个半圆的包围圈放开了南城北门,东门和西门驻扎下大军。

    And follow north gradually a mini geography in the gate became a ring of encirclement of semicircle and loosened south city gate, at north gate, east door and west the door all station battalion.


  • 现在,我们可以将望远镜饶x旋转360从而观察(望远镜为中心水平包围圈所有方向。

    The telescope can then be rotated around 360 degrees in X axis so that it can scan the horizon in all the directions of the compass.


  • Benny我们跑得快不过我们多,像“赶”一样,我们巧妙赶进了包围圈,就等着大开杀戒了。

    Benny was faster than us, but we greatly outnumbered him and we were able to strategically "herd" him into a clearing where we surrounded him and went in for the kill.


  • 把拉妈妈大门跑去,费好大功夫我们逃出包围圈,我们坐上一辆出租车,才松了一口气。

    I a pull a mother's hand to the gate ran, and made an effort, we just escaped from the gun battalion, we took a taxi, this just breathe a sigh of relief.


  • 哈利喊道再次回头时候,道绿光耳边嗖嗖掠过:四个离开包围圈朝着宽阔后背了过来。

    Harry shouted, but as he looked back again two jets of green light flew past his left ear: Four Death Eaters had broken away from the circle and were pursuing them, aiming for Hagrid's broad back.


  • 靠近房子看过来,海上已经形成了一道“石桥”,在桥下海浪嚎叫着冲过了的,有陡峭边缘的礁石包围圈

    At one point, near to my house, the sea has actually composed an arched bridge of rock under which it roars into a deep open steep-sided enclosure beyond.


  • 如果伊朗能够埃及高官朋友(埃及,内贾德藐视西方态度出了名的),以色列强大可怕敌人形成的包围圈就算完成了。

    If Iran were able to make high-placed friends in Egypt, where Mr Ahmadinejad is popular for defying the West, Israel's sense of encirclement by its most formidable adversary would be almost complete.


  • 如果伊朗能够埃及高官朋友(埃及,内贾德藐视西方态度出了名的),以色列强大可怕敌人形成的包围圈就算完成了。

    If Iran were able to make high-placed friends in Egypt, where Mr Ahmadinejad is popular for defying the West, Israel's sense of encirclement by its most formidable adversary would be almost complete.


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