This week, bones from Australopithecus Sediba are unveiled at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.
一个新的物种,湖畔南方古猿 ,被评为1995年。
A new species, Australopithecus anamensis , was named in 1995.
Australopithecus was a group of early hominids that is reckoned to be the ancestral genus of Homo, to which modern man belongs.
Australopithecus, Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal are to name but three extinct species.
Its size is a chimplike 420 cubic centimeters—not at all unusual for something called Australopithecus.
Australopithecenes were apelike creatures that walked upright, like people, but had still not forsaken the trees.
There’s nothing like a good steak. And our Australopithecus afarensis ancestors apparently felt the same way.
These traits are enough for the team to propose it as the australopith species most likely to have given rise to Homo.
Garhi was certainly in the right place and time to be the immediate ancestor to Homo. Whether it is, however, remains to be seen.
As a member of the genus Australopithecus, sediba is less manlike than the as-yet-unnamed Siberian discovery, which was a member of the genus Homo.
In 1991, two completed head fossils of southern ancient apes, named "Yun county people", had been found in Quyuan river band in Yun county.
And that, says Strait, suggests that simplistic ideas about australopithecine diets, based on tooth and jaw size, and why they went extinct, need to be reevaluated.
If all species have been discovered and the lineage of man lies within them, the most probable lineage would include all but the robust Australopithecines and the neandertal.
That suggests the neurological changes which gave rise to humanity may have predated the brain's expansion-an event that had, hitherto, been regarded as crucial to the emergence of humans.
All of which makes sediba more similar to modern humans than are other australopithecines—and more similar, even, than Homo habilis, until now seen as one of the earliest humans.
Erectus discoveries, a couple of massive jaws seemed similar to those of South African australopiths — they were coined ' Meganthropus '.
Now the most human-like australopithecine found to date is clarifying things-and staking a claim to be the species from which early humans evolved.
That's when the first skull of a human ancestor was unearthed in Africa: the Taung child, now recognized as a member of Australopithecus africanus, which lived about 3 million to 2 million years ago.
Reported in April and known from two 1.9-million-year-old skeletons discovered in a South African cave, Australopithecus sediba offers a glimpse of a hazy time in our lineage's evolution.
Dr Berger posits that sediba may have evolved directly into Homo erectus, leaving habilis as an evolutionary sideline, and not even part of the genus Homo.
This mixture of apelike and humanlike features suggests that the new species was transitional between the australopithecines and humans, the researchers said at a news conference on Wednesday.
The bone also shows that A. afarensis had abandoned the flexible midfoot that apes use to grasp tree branches, in favor of an arch that makes upright walking more efficient.
Strait thinks that A. africanus ate a wide variety of foods but could rely on nuts in dry seasons when the ripe fruit and other plants and animals it preferred were scarce.
Many anthropologists attribute the Laetoli prints to Australopithecus afarensis, the species that includes the partial skeleton dubbed Lucy.
Lucy belonged to a species called Australopithecus afarensis and lived in the region around 3.2m years ago.
If two-million-year-old A. sediba is indeed the true ancestor of Homo, how could it give rise to those even older fossils assigned to Homo in Bill Kimbel's shoe box?
时间轴的另一端是人属,考虑到著名的南方古猿阿法种露西(LucyAustralopithecus afarensis),人属可以认为是最接近于人类的第一种生物。
On the timeline's other side is the Homo genus, the first creatures whom one would recognize - with all due respect to Lucy's famous A. Afarensis - as close to human.
严格说来,我们穿越时光之旅的下一站将停留在已有340万年的马卡(Maka)遗址,此地曾出土了南方古猿阿法种(Australopithecus afarensis)的一块颌骨以及其他一些遗骸。
Strictly speaking, our next stop on the walk through time should have been a 3.4-million-year-old site called Maka, which had yielded a jaw and some other remains of Australopithecus afarensis.
同时,亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)的古人类学家威廉·金贝尔(William Kimbel)主张,虽然sediba可能不是人类的一个直系祖先,但还是应当归为人属这一类,而非南方古猿。
Meanwhile, Arizona State University paleoanthropologist William Kimbel argued that A. sediba should have been classified as Homo, though it may not have been a direct human ancestor.