• 这些印度泰姬陵照片

    These photos are from the Taj Mahal in India.


  • 泰姬陵建于1630年至1652年间。

    The Taj Mabal in India was built between 1630 and 1652.


  • 通过电影,每个巴基斯坦人和孟加拉国人熟悉婚礼蛋糕式建筑风格泰姬陵弧形印度,这个产业正是根据这些城市的象征而命名的。

    Through them, every Pakistani and Bangladeshi is familiar with the wedding-cake architecture of the Taj and the arc of the Gateway of India, symbols of the city that gives the industry its name.


  • 尽管这些地区中国游客名气很大,也有吸引力中国游客印度旅游首先去的泰姬陵不是菩提迦耶。

    All these areas are well known and attractive to potential tourists in China. But when Chinese tourists visit India, the first place they go is Taj Mahal, not Bodhgaya.


  • 6调研完成以后印度最高法院提交了一份申请,要求保护泰姬陵生活整个梯形地区人们的生活健康

    After about six months work, I filed the petition in the Supreme Court of India for saving the Taj Mahal, and for saving the life and health of the people living the whole Taj trapezium (area).


  • 这次旅行始于今年5月,奥斯卡不仅走遍5大洲29个国家,还许多世界名胜合影例如中国万里长城法国艾菲尔铁塔和印度泰姬陵()。

    Oscar appeared in photos at world famous scenic spots such as the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower of France and the Taj Mahal of India (see photo).


  • 目前投票数达2千万,其中很多来自泰姬陵祖国印度长城祖国中国印加要塞马丘·比丘的祖国秘鲁

    About 20 million votes have already been lodged, including many from India, for the Taj Mahal; China, for the Great Wall and from Peru for Machu Picchu, the fortress city of the Incas.


  • 西方人眼里,那个有着白色穹顶旅游手册上永远都会出现泰姬陵就是印度代名词

    To the Western World, the image of the curved white domes of the Taj Mahal, displayed endlessly on travel brochures, is synonymous with India.


  • 不丹印度夫妇就拜访泰姬陵

    The couple were visiting the Taj Mahal after flying back to India from Bhutan.


  • 所以正在预定前往孟买机票,我要Leopold一杯啤酒,漫步泰姬陵饭店,一份SeaLoungeSamosas(一种印度食物),然后地铁一部宝莱电影

    So I'm booking flights to Mumbai. I'm going to go get a beer at the Leopold, stroll over to the Taj for samosas at the Sea Lounge, and watch a Bollywood movie at the Metro.


  • 泰姬陵矗立印度古都阿格拉有史以来爱情而建的最华丽的纪念物。

    Towering over the ancient Indian city of Agra, the Taj Mahal is the grandest monument to love ever created.


  • 去年印度。他看到泰姬陵大象

    He went to India last year. He saw the Taj Mahal, and rode on an elephant.


  • 新德里——数百年来,印度泰姬陵可谓历尽坎坷——印度北部贾特人掠夺过,被英国士兵洗劫过,还饱受其它种种侮辱

    NEW delhi-over the centuries, the Taj Mahal has endured its share of attacks-plundered by the Jats of northern India and looted by British soldiers, among other indignities.


  • 今天旅行几乎总是要费尽周章地追寻“真实”。然而在全球化时代麦当劳薯饼汉堡泰姬陵一样印度,“真实”这个是不是失去意义

    In a globalized age - when a McAloo Tikki is just as Indian as the Taj Mahal - has the very word lost its meaning?


  • 新德里——数百年来,印度泰姬陵可谓历尽坎坷——印度北部贾特人掠夺过,被英国士兵洗劫过,还饱受其它种种侮辱

    NEW W delhi-over the centuries, the Taj Mahal has endured its share of attacks-plundered by the Jats of northern India and looted by British soldiers, among other indignities.


  • 印度考古调查机构阿格拉办公室名官员称,泰姬陵墙壁已经粘土“面膜”清理过了。

    Thee walls have been cleaned with clay packs, said Manoj Bhatnagar, an official in the Agra office of the archaeological survey.


  • 第七大奇迹位于印度阿格拉泰姬陵

    The seventh is the taj mahal located in agra , india.


  • 据悉,泰姬陵位于印度阿格拉市,当地一名环保活动人士近几年来,穆纳河饱受倾倒河水中的固体垃圾之害。

    The Yamuna has suffered mightily in recent years from the dumping of solid waste in its waters, says an environmental activist in Agra, India, the site of the Taj Mahal.


  • 泰姬陵位于印度格拉世界上受公认建筑物之一

    The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum located in Agra, India. It is one of the most recognizable structures in the world.


  • 印度泰姬陵世界大奇迹之一

    The Taj Mahal in India is one of the seven wonders in the world.


  • 游客印度的阿格拉观看举世闻名的泰姬陵

    Tourists flock to Agra to see the world-famous Taj Mahal.


  • 西方人眼里,那个有着白色穹顶旅游手册上永远都会出现泰姬陵就是印度的代名词。

    To the Western World, the image of the curved white domes4 of the Taj Mahal, displayed endlessly on travel brochures, is synonymous5 with India.


  • 这座印度北部显要城市坐落着世界上伟大建筑——泰姬陵

    This Mughal city in the north of India is home to the world's greatest architectural monument to love, the Taj Mahal.


  • 长城埃及金字塔泰姬陵(1)印度巴比伦空中花园(2),一个伟大世界奇迹

    The great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal (1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon (2), is one of the great wonders of the world.


  • 泰姬陵坐落印度阿格拉穆纳河畔,其主体白色大理石修建的。

    It was built on the bank of the Jumna River in Agra, India. Most of it was made of white marble.


  • 奥巴马泰姬陵那些在当地牺牲人们成为印度人民坚韧和力量象征

    Obama said the Taj and those who died there became the symbol of the strength and resilience of the Indian people.


  • 见过印度泰姬陵每个人都可能同意的确是一美的东西。

    Everyone who has seen the Taj Mahal in India would probably agree that it is indeed a thing of beauty.


  • 见过印度泰姬陵每个人都可能同意的确是一美的东西。

    Everyone who has seen the Taj Mahal in India would probably agree that it is indeed a thing of beauty.


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