• 刻意动作想起自己母亲去年圣诞去世了。

    Something about her deliberate movements reminded me of my own mother, who'd passed away the previous Christmas.


  • 来自埃塞克斯郡科尔切斯特研究员奥尔汉伊斯梅尔发现去年圣诞10个月大的儿子卡梅伦收到了无数玩具,这让情况变得更糟了。

    Orhan Ismail, a researcher from Colchester, Essex, saw a change for the worse in Cameron, his 10-month-old son, after he was given innumerable toys last Christmas.


  • 原来惦记去年圣诞沙发

    LL: I'd be psyched if you left behind that new leather couch you got for Christmas last year.


  • 威瑟斯去年一月份相遇,去年圣诞期间订婚

    Witherspoon and Toth became engaged over the Christmas period after meeting in January last year.


  • 同样去年圣诞加息也使铜价下跌了0.7%,当时由于假日原因全球交投清淡

    Similarly the Christmas day rate rise sent copper down 0.7 per cent amid light global trading due to the holidays.


  • 还记得去年圣诞她们礼物当中威士忌,打开瓶子往牛奶了大半杯。

    Remembering a bottle of whiskey received as a gift the previous Christmas, she opened it and poured a generous amount into the warm milk.


  • AC米兰一直对梅克斯很兴趣,在去年圣诞之前报道称他们可能冬季竞逐名球员。

    Milan have long held an interest in Mexes, with reports prior to Christmas suggesting they could move for him this winter.


  • 去年圣诞节前夕,在得知价格下降消息后,加入排队购买Kinect长龙?

    Were you one of the folks who didn't join the pre-Christmas queue for Microsoft Kinect because you knew the price would drop?


  • 去年圣诞前不久一个联邦快递盒子到了勃鲁姆的旧货商场,这是卡伯恩的。

    Shortly before Christmas last year, a FedEx box arrived at Blum’s salvage emporium, sent by Carbone.


  • 去年圣诞带着3个孩子纽约驾车六个小时英格兰忙于工作丈夫乘坐飞机。

    Last Christmas, she packed her three kids in the car for the six-hour drive from New York to New England and let her husband, who was stuck at work, take a plane.


  • 去年圣诞澳大利亚,我找到更多有首字母的手帕,然后买了中国的外国朋友

    When I returned to Australia last Christmas , I found some more with personalised initials , and grabbed a bundle to give to foreign friends .


  • 只要控制存货,零售商就会逐步恢复信心他们相信能够避免去年圣诞档期血拼销售“血流成河”的惨烈场景。

    With stocks coming under control, retailers are increasingly confident they can avoid the bloodbath seen in the run-up to last Christmas.


  • 他们实施造成上百人死亡袭击就像他们最近一次证实去年圣诞密谋炸毁西北航空253航班的尝试。

    It could still pull off an attack that would kill hundreds, as the most recent plot to bring down Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on Christmas Day 2009 attests.


  • 实际上选战数月前开始:若不计官方浮夸虚饰表态,英国政党至少去年圣诞起即进入选举状态

    But the campaign has in effect been running for months: regardless of the official fripperies, Britain's political parties have been in election mode since Christmas at least.


  • 所以去年圣诞节期间,史蒂夫,“我们为什么不在每天午饭个小时去读哈泽内尔的文献看看了什么?”

    So around Christmas-time last year, I said to Steve, 'why don't we spend a couple hours after lunch one day looking at Hasenöhrl's papers and see what he did wrong?'


  • 不像去年圣诞当时巴马花了好几天时间解决爆炸未遂事件,而今天召开记者会表示他已经注意午夜消息

    Unlike last Christmas, when Mr Obama took several days to address the attempted bombing, today he held a press conference, noting that he had been woken in the middle of the night with the news.


  • 去年圣诞期间,女友前来探望他,两人一起SOHO购物,一起洛克菲勒中心圣诞、在时代广场迎接新年——诸如此类。

    The lovebirds did the town over the Christmas holidays: shopping in SoHo, visiting the tree at Rockefeller Center, celebrating New Year's Eve in Times Square - the works.


  • 尔蒂尼的《影响力》一书中,来自弗吉尼亚州布莱·克斯堡的年轻姑娘这么写道:“去年圣诞遇上了一个27岁的男生,我19。”

    In Cialdini's book Influence, a young woman from Blacksburg, Virginia, writes, "Last Christmas, I met a 27-year-old man." I was 19.


  • Mintel公司调查发现有将近一半(41%)的受访者表示去年圣诞花费一数字几乎是2007的二,当时只有22%的作此表示。

    Mintel's research found that nearly half of people (41 per cent) said they will be spending less this yearalmost double the 22 per cent who said that last year.


  • 去年圣诞这些人坐在餐桌边:我的现任男友,我母亲,我儿子,我儿子的父亲女朋友这个女朋友的父母亲以及女儿还有一些亲密朋友

    Last Christmas, this is who was at my table: my then-boyfriend, my mother, my son, my son's father, his girlfriend, her parents and daughter and an assortment of close family friends. We had a blast.


  • 他们去年万圣节圣诞发布款游戏特别主题版本正在发布情人版本

    They released special themed versions of the game at Halloween and Christmas last year, and are publishing a Valentine's edition.


  • 去年零售商感恩节圣诞之间获得了全年24%收入,而在现在这个关键时刻采取了一种谨慎的做法

    For retailers, who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time.


  • 去年零售商24%收入来自感恩节圣诞之间的收入,对他们来说,这种谨慎的做法一个关键时刻出现的。

    For retailers, who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time.


  • 收拾去年12月用过圣诞现在已经9月了。

    I'm still getting round to put away the Christmas trees used last December and it's now September.


  • 只有20%的人表示不论手头是否紧,都一如既往地圣诞花钱,而去年比例高达32%。

    Just 20% say they will still splash out at Christmas even though money is tight, a significant drop on last year's 32%.


  • 只有20%的人表示不论手头是否紧,都一如既往地圣诞花钱,而去年比例高达32%。

    Just 20% say they will still splash out at Christmas even though money is tight, a significant drop on last year's 32%.


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