• 今年全球经济增幅预计接近4%,与去年末的预测大致相同

    World growth is still expected to be close to 4 per cent this year, much the same as expectations late last year.


  • 季度衡量,储蓄率一直处于上升通道,直到去年末才逐渐稳定。

    On a quarterly basis, the savings rate had been rising before levelling off towards the end of last year.


  • 官员表示去年末他们估计2010才能达到现在失业率

    City officials said late last year that they didn't expect the rate to get that high until 2010.


  • 去年末至今年初煤价大幅下降,迫使中国许多成本较高煤矿停产。

    Plunging coal prices late last year and early this year put a number of high-cost mines in China out of business.


  • 中国去年末方面迈出大步参加了亚丁湾打击海盗多国行动。

    China took a big step in this direction late last year by participating in a multinational anti-piracy campaign in the Gulf of Aden.


  • 去年末贷款本息回收达到百分之百,累计实现利润一千万美元

    By the end of last year, the return rate on loan principals and interests reached 100%, and realized an accumulative total profits of 10 million US dollars.


  • 英国经济去年末下滑了0.6%,而2011年增长预期为1.7%。

    The economy contracted by 0.6% in the last quarter of 2010 and growth in 2011 is projected to be only 1.7%.


  • 最近数据显示,继续去年末走出经济衰退今年一季度意大利经济再度收缩。

    Recent data showed that the economy contracted again in the first quarter after emerging from recession at the end of last year.


  • 创建当代世界去年末出版探索是从木材塑料材料全球使用情况。

    "Making the Modern World" came out late last year and explores the global use of materials, from silicon to wood, and plastic.


  • 包括巴菲特在内,那些去年末大声呼吁股民重新进场投资者已经亏损了五分之一资金

    Those investors, such as Mr Buffett, who banged the table towards the end of last year imploring punters to re-enter the market have already lost another fifth of their money.


  • 直到去年末已经读完更斯一部小说。他是在夜间在路灯下阅读的。他记住了其中的很多东西。

    By the end of the past year, he had read by night by a street lamp a novel by Dickens and learned a lot by heart.


  • 实际上去年末他们便已最小资本充足率8%提高至10%,不良贷款增加了必要储备

    In fact, they started at the end of last year by raising the minimum capital adequacy ratio to 10% from 8% and increased required provisions for bad loans.


  • 去年末,罗瑞拉德推出了自己的非薄荷新港红色卷烟促销价进行试销时这个销售非常强劲。

    Late last year, the company introduced its non-menthol Newport Red cigarette, which has seen strong sales in trials with promotional pricing.


  • 宣布去年末监察明基f p 241vw面向爱好者电脑游戏任何分钟现在出现的杂志。

    Announced of at the end last year the monitors benQ FP241VW, oriented to the inveterate lovers of computer games, any minute now will appear on the regiments of magazines.


  • 默克尔先生财务危机早在去年末出现,其时卖空汽车生产商大众(Volkswagen)股票,豪大众股价将会下跌

    Mr Merckle’s financial woes seem to have arisen from bets he placed late last year that the share price of Volkswagen (VW), a carmaker, would fall, by selling shares that he did not own.


  • 不过哈继铭补充称,去年末使用贷款总量较先前1.6万亿人民币高点已有所回落,因此摆在决策者面前的这种风险可能逐渐降低。

    However, Mr Ha adds that the volume of unused loans at the end of last year was down from a previous high of Rmb1,600bn, so this danger for policymakers could be diminishing.


  • 去年末一次不幸训练事件(译注:练习举重,双臂骨折)之后现在感觉身体很好,但这位18球员承认如果他要回到他的最佳状态,他需要比赛

    Despite now feeling physically fit after his unfortunate training ground accident late last year, the 18-year-old admits that he needs to play games if he is to return to his best.


  • 去年末一次不幸训练事件(译注:练习举重,双臂骨折)之后现在感觉身体很好,但这位18球员承认如果他要回到他的最佳状态,他需要比赛

    Despite now feeling physically fit after his unfortunate training ground accident late last year, the 18-year-old admits that he needs to play games if he is to return to his best.


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