• 去年冬天去到那里时候他们一个单独的房子几十只鸡

    Last winter when I went here again, they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken.


  • 天早上,地上有大约两三英尺厚的雪,我记得去年冬天我出差的时候,他帮我铲除了车道上的积雪。

    Yesterday morning there was about 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I remembered he shoveled my driveway for me when I was out on a business trip last winter.


  • 冬天,我和三个朋友在学校的聚会上演唱了一首原创歌曲。

    Last winter, three friends and I performed an original song at a school party.


  • 去年冬天除非吸尘器它们统统吸起来,通常几天就要进行,否则整个楼层它们了。

    Last winter, unless she vacuumed them up, often several times a day, they took over the upper floors of her home. Outside, it is even worse.


  • 去年冬天印度的一则新闻说明人们究竟可以迷信到何种程度。

    A report from India last winter shows just how far people will go in following superstitious beliefs.


  • 家人都很喜欢手工冬天假日去年我们决定变成家庭传统仅仅手工好吃的。

    My family enjoyed the handcrafted winter holiday so much last year that we decided to make it a family tradition: handmade and edibles only!


  • 老朋友查理已经不在这儿做了。事实上我们听说去年冬天死了

    Your old friend Charley's not working here any more. In fact we heard he kicked the bucket last winter.


  • '全球'这样的词语美国欧洲部分地区去年冬天遭遇大雪一度甚嚣尘上。

    Terms like 'global chill' had briefly gained currency after heavy snowfall in parts of US and Europe last winter.


  • 去年冬天一天天气寒冷阴沉比尼纽约市贝卡共进午餐

    On a cold and dreary day last winter, I met Roubini over lunch in the TriBeCa neighborhood of New York City.


  • 去年冬天之前中的七年一样,出乎寻常的大雪纷飞,寒流甚至席卷美国东部地区欧亚大陆。

    Last winter, too, was exceptionally snowy and cold across the Eastern United States and Eurasia, as were seven of the previous nine winters.


  • 去年冬天认识房地产销售不足以养活自己16岁11两个孩子

    Last winter, she realized that real-estate sales wouldn't be enough to support herself and two children, ages 16 and 11.


  • 去年冬天北极这种负向振荡加拿大群岛北部地区多年老海(多年老海冰)。

    This past winter's negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation transported old ice (four, five, and more years old) from an area north of the Canadian Archipelago.


  • 如果不得不这样做,为什么把你去年夏天所有的衣服出来,或者削减冬天不必要的衣服,比如说旧的牛仔裤

    Unless you really have to, why not dig out last year’s summer clothes, or cutting unwanted winter clothes, like old jeans?


  • 尽管去年冬天天气严酷,位列英国珍惜鸟类的一种鸟度过最为繁荣的一

    One of the UK's rarest birds has enjoyed its most successful year on record despite being hit by the harsh winter last year.


  • 如果不得不这样做,为什么把你去年夏天所有的衣服出来,或者削减冬天不必要的衣服,比如说旧的牛仔裤

    Unless you really have to, why not dig out last year's summer clothes, or cutting unwanted winter clothes, like old jeans?


  • 跟前的花盆里花开得更好那些叶片更为稠密更为柔软品种去年冬天在没有保护的户外生存了下来

    With me they flower better when potted and even my thicker-leaved, more tender types survived last winter outside unprotected.


  • 本田去年冬天节余1.2亿美元预算而赢得喝彩——这一成本将使本田重振士气——部分原因源于罗斯·布朗的管理层收购

    Honda won plaudits last winter when it essentially left $120million in the coffers – the cost of winding the company up – as part of Ross Brawn’s management buyout.


  • 雪灾去年冬天袭击中国南部的50年来严重暴风雪灾害,造成几百万受困农作物受损商业运输也受到破坏

    Snow disaster: The worst snowstorms in half a century hit southern China last winter, trapping millions, ruining crops and disrupting business and transportation.


  • Google去年冬天就比对手先行一步,AOL那里买下了一些防卫性股份

    But Google pre-empted its rivals last winter and bought a defensive stake in AOL.


  • 在二十以前只有几百游客前往南极去年冬天,有四万多名好奇精灵远行地球南端。

    Where, a mere 20 years or so ago, just a few hundred tourists would set off towards the South Pole, more than 40, 000 inquisitive souls journeyed to the southernmost point on Earth last winter.


  • 去年冬天结婚刘璐夫妇拍结婚照花了4000他们却没做仅需要花费100元左右婚前医学检查

    When Liu Lu got married last winter, she and her husband spent 4,000 yuan ($506) on wedding photos alone but decided to skip pre-marital medical check-ups , which cost about 100 yuan ($12.70).


  • 去年冬天YC晚餐中,Facebook创始人马克当初编写初版Facebook创业只是项目而已。

    When Mark spoke at a YC dinner this winter he said he wasn't trying to start a company when he wrote the first version of Facebook. It was just a project.


  • 图林根州长特尔•奥尔索斯同样有着功过并存记录(奥尔索斯还面临项过失杀人的罪名:去年冬天意外导致一位滑雪同伴致死)。

    Thuringia’s premier, Dieter Althaus, has a similar legacy of success and disgruntlement (plus a manslaughter conviction after accidentally killing a fellow skier last winter).


  • 去年冬天一对情侣被困伦敦17世纪格林威治海军学院雪地里。右侧可以看到笼罩薄雾中的泰晤士河

    A couple caught in the snow last winter at the 17th-century Greenwich Naval College, London. To the right, shrouded in mist, is the River Thames.


  • 还有一些不太清楚原因名现在最像东欧演员去年冬天起就一直蓄着小羊胡子

    For reasons that are still unclear, one of the hunkiest actors alive decided to sport a never-ending goatee last winter.


  • 还有一些不太清楚原因名现在最像东欧演员去年冬天起就一直蓄着小羊胡子

    For reasons that are still unclear, one of the hunkiest actors alive decided to sport a never-ending goatee last winter.


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