• 活动部件摩擦使发动机过热

    Friction between moving parts had caused the engine to overheat.


  • 90%发动机出口欧洲

    90% of the engines are exported to Europe.


  • 没有润滑油发动机不能运转

    Engines won't run without lubricants.


  • V8型的发动机可以相互替换

    The V8 engines are all interchangeable with each other.


  • 发动条软管

    Water in the engine compartment is sucked away by a hose.


  • 发动机劈劈啪啪响了一阵后便熄火了。

    The engine spluttered and died.


  • 他用废弃的汽车零件重新装配发动机

    He rebuilt the engine using parts from cars that had been scrapped.


  • 不论转速如何发动机都可以立即加速

    The engine delivers instant acceleration whatever the revs.


  • 发动机启动了,加大油门冲下山坡

    The engine started, revved, and the car jerked away down the hill.


  • 司机们要求确保把汽车发动机调整好。

    Drivers are urged to make sure that car engines are properly tuned.


  • 发动机似乎运转正常

    The engine seems to be performing well.


  • 发动机轰隆隆地震动

    The engines throbbed.


  • 发动机起来不对劲

    The engine doesn't sound like it's supposed to.


  • 突然发动机扑哧扑哧劈啪作响,然后熄火了

    Suddenly the engine coughed, spluttered, and died.


  • 突然发动机发出喀喀声、噼啪声,然后就熄火了

    Then suddenly, the engine coughed, spluttered, and died.


  • 船长知道发动机出了故障不过不想惊动乘客

    The captain knew there was an engine fault but didn't want to alarm the passengers.


  • 磨合发动机,应当避免最初的1千英里高速行驶。

    When breaking in an engine, you should refrain from high speeds for the first thousand miles.


  • 司机一挂上踩下油门踏板发动机重新启动了。

    As soon as the driver puts the car in gear and touches the gas pedal, the engine starts back up.


  • 我们汽车发动机出了故障,因此我们路边休息一夜。

    Our car having developed engine trouble, we stopped for the night at a roadside rest area.


  • 部火车其实就是一张大竹四个轮子一台发动机

    The train is in fact a big bamboo bed with four wheels and a small engine.


  • 最早汽车发动机使用的是玉米花生油制成燃料不是吗?

    The earliest car engines ran on fuel made from corn and peanut oil, didn't they?


  • 老式螺旋桨发动机叶片不同,这些叶片发动机后部旋转

    Unlike the blades on old-fashioned propeller engines, these blades spin around at the back of the engine.


  • 应该变得更小更安全节油而且应该汽油发动机驱动

    It should become smaller, safer, and more economical, and should not be powered by the gasoline engine.


  • 州政府承诺提供更多新式发动机飞机直升机灭火,这一承诺已经兑现

    State promises to provide more up-to-date engines, planes, and helicopters to fight fires have been fulfilled.


  • 推进器火箭发动机提供的,不是螺旋桨方向舵使得转向变得困难

    Propulsion is provided by a rocket engine, rather than a propeller and rudder, which makes steering difficult.


  • 因此应用范围有限效率低蒸汽改造成了应用范围广泛的蒸汽发动机

    He thereby transformed an inefficient pump of limited use into a steam engine of a thousand uses.


  • 通过高效蒸汽泵驱动发动机矿井中的水排出,使得矿井可以变得越来越深。

    The engine eliminated water in the mines by driving efficient pumps, which made possible deeper and deeper mining.


  • 发动机一些部件由于不断使用而磨损了。

    Parts of the motor wore out because of constant usage.


  • 柴油代替汽油灌入油箱造成发动机失灵

    She put diesel fuel, instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor to seize up.


  • 启动发动机

    He started the motor.


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