The same profile applies to all user IDs or groups, since they are either in the access list or are subject to the UACC.
We might think we are in control, but in fact the big levers are grabbed by our primitive drives.
We cannot afford a future in which knowledge is at the mercy of popularity and money.
A recent threat by Rio Tinto that it could give up quarterly pricing and leave steelmakers at the mercy of the spot market may persuade them to lose their inhibitions.
Other potential candidates, who have stood up more firmly to Mr Ozawa, will be opposed by many in the party who are under the man’s sway.
Taking the first several minutes after waking up to acclimate to my day reminds me that I'm not at the mercy of everyone else's agenda.
Investors are at the mercy of currency fluctuations and jewellery demand - which remains low, particularly in India, the world's largest consumer of gold.
The rise in the total of those employed is governed by Parkinson's Law, and would be much the same whether the volume of the work were to increase, diminish or even disappear.
As a just and healthy person is governed by knowledge and reason, a just society must be under the control of society's most cultivated and best informed minds, its "lovers of wisdom."
Rational工具的价值可以由这些受 IT 支配的大商家(IBM的传统力量)和具有影响力的中小型商家简单地证明。
The value of Rational tools is most easily demonstrated via these IT-dominated businesses, including large enterprises (IBM's traditional strength) as well as influential small-to-medium businesses.
弗里思和坎贝尔-米克尔约翰的长期研究成果揭示了此现象的生物基础:当你受同辈压力支配时,你会头脑不清醒。 这时,即使你想拒绝毒品,你也会被迫接受毒品。
Frith and Campbell-Meiklejohn’s work shows the biological underpinnings of a long-studied phenomenon: yielding to peer pressure gets you high, even when you aren't saying yes to drugs.
Frith and Campbell-Meiklejohn's work shows the biological underpinnings of a long-studied phenomenon: yielding to peer pressure gets you high, even when you aren't saying yes to drugs.
Scientists had previously thought the circadian clock was driven by gene activity, but both the algae and the red blood cells kept time without it.
Under the sway of the machine, writes the German media scholar Friedrich A. Kittler , Nietzsche’s prose “changed from arguments to aphorisms, from thoughts to puns, from rhetoric to telegram style.”
A belief is not merely an idea that mind possesses. It is an idea that possesses the mind.
She seemed stilled, almost alarmed, at what had occurred, while the novelty, unpremeditation, mastery of circumstance disquieted him - palpitating, contemplative being that he was.
Ordinary concrete can be used in some areas, but it is subject to attack by strong acids and alkalis .
Buildings like this don't get shoveled off, and we are just at the mercy of the construction of the buildings that people are working in.
Life is not controlled by the environment, but by the thought of his habit of intimidation.
If someone or something is subject to something, especially something bad, it is possible or likely that they will be affected by it.
Peristalsis in the body of the esophagus is under vagal control.
They are at the mercy of great corporations and the Bretton Woods Institutions.
The asymmetry between broadcaster and audience that was dictated by the structure of pre-digital technologies has changed radically.
Opening the economy to market forces and increasing the role of private enterprise.
Opening the economy to market forces and increasing the role of private enterprise.