• 削减化学武器任何进展都是受欢迎的。

    Any progress in reducing chemical weapons is welcome.


  • 屋子里似乎当成受欢迎外人

    The people in the room seemed to regard her as an unwelcome intruder.


  • 几乎没有高级人物发表任何公开声明底下辞职欢迎的。

    Few senior figures have issued any public statements but privately the resignation's been welcomed.


  • 拖得很长的谈判受欢迎的。

    Prolonged negotiation was not desirable.


  • 所学院因靠近伦敦欢迎

    The proximity of the college to London makes it very popular.


  • 近年越来越欢迎

    His books have gained in popularity in recent years.


  • 规则刻板坚持使得受欢迎

    His rigid adherence to the rules made him unpopular.


  • 近年小说受欢迎

    Her novels have gained in popularity over recent years.


  • 吸收到了校园受欢迎小团体里。

    He was accepted into the most popular clique on campus.


  • 受欢迎程度显然没有显示出下降迹象

    Her popularity clearly shows no sign of waning.


  • 税收受欢迎的–选民反对可以理解的。

    Taxes are unpopular – it is understandable that voters are against them.


  • 这种一种受欢迎传统汤羹中加了香料

    This soup is a spicy variation on a traditional favourite.


  • 这份菜单有欢迎传统菜,较为新奇的菜肴

    The menu contained traditional favourites as well as more adventurous dishes.


  • 我们税收管理体制欧洲受欢迎的税收体制之一

    Our tax regime is one of the most favourable in Europe.


  • 政府已经宣布法国大使为不欢迎的人,勒令离境

    The government has declared the French ambassador persona non grata and ordered him to leave the country.


  • 受欢迎程度而言电子制表软件仅次于文字处理软件。

    The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity.


  • 鉴于地区受欢迎度,事先预订旅馆露营可取的。

    Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance.


  • 继首张唱片受欢迎之后,他们最新推出的专辑再获成功。

    Their latest release is a worthy successor to their popular debut album.


  • 是个受欢迎女孩格雷丝许多比你小的女孩都仰慕你。

    You're a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you.


  • 美国是个非常受欢迎演讲者欧洲大学也是

    He was much in demand as a lecturer in the U.S., as well as at universities all over Europe.


  • 不择手段野心抬身价的驱动未能使同事受欢迎

    His ruthless ambition and drive for self-promotion have not made him popular among his co-workers.


  • 他们没有对来宫殿游客一个记录不过这个地方非常受欢迎的。

    They do not keep a tally of visitors to the palace, but it is very popular.


  • 年轻一辈可能显得有些黯然失色,电影仍旧十分受欢迎

    He may have been eclipsed by the young guns, but his films are still very popular.


  • 那种提供不限量蛤蜊龙虾凉拌海鲜野餐受欢迎活动之一

    One of the most popular events is a clambake with unlimited portions of clams, lobster, and seafood salad.


  • 这一变化主要是表面文章,不过是受欢迎政治性虚华词藻社会现实

    The change is largely cosmetic, a matter of acceptable political rhetoric rather than social reality.


  • 我们正在总统进行每周一次的民意测验很显然受欢迎已经下降了

    We are doing a weekly poll on the president, and clearly his popularity has declined.


  • 为什么制服美国如此受欢迎

    Why are uniforms so popular in the United States?


  • 蛋糕很受欢迎

    Making cakes is a popular activity.


  • 待人很好,很受欢迎

    He treats others nicely and is popular.


  • 文越来越受欢迎

    The Chinese language is more and more popular.


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