• 然而一方面体育娱乐间的界限变得越来越模糊

    However from on the other hand looked that, sports and the entertainment boundary changes more and more fuzzily.


  • 一方面看丰富的,不能转化为收益的石油起来更是利大于弊。

    Abundant, inalienable oil, on the other hand, seems to do most state-run firms more harm than good.


  • 一方面看ArrangeAll会分别安排这个被选中对象整个活动

    On the other hand, arrange All arranges the entire activity diagram independently of the selected object.


  • 压差阀目前应用比较多,我们发现问题比较特殊,从另一方面看也是提醒

    Differential vacuum valve is applied usually, and the question found in application by us is a special question, but if want to use it you should be careful.


  • 而从一方面,巴离开雅虎也许反而更好,当然这要取决于新工作

    Depending on where she lands in her next job, Bartz may be a lot better off without Yahoo.


  • 报纸篇报道可能损坏他们的名声,但从一方面看给了他们很多发言权

    This newspaper story could do no damage to their name; conversely, it will give them a lot of free speech.


  • 一方面看通过检查应用这个网站其它随机可能清楚地prng内部状态

    On the other hand, it may be possible to get a clearer glimpse of the internal PRNG state by inspecting other random values that may be used in the site.


  • 其他科目各的用处重要性很难强分轩轾,例如体育一方面也是重要得无以复加

    Other subjects also have their respective uses. It is hard to say which is more important. Physical education, for example, is also extremely important from another point of view.


  • 一方面由于这些强有力的大客户投资银行其他服务领域兼并咨询费方面被迫减少费用收入

    But from another view, the investment Banks are forced to reduce the investment in other servicing fields such as acquisitions consult fee for the introduction of these robust clients.


  • 不过虽然从理论上说经济已不再衰退,但一方面看,情况仍不景气缺口补上,另一个缺口就又会出现。

    But as soon as one hole is filled, the economy-still bad, even if no longer technically in recession-digs another.


  • 一方面看卓有成效视觉企划可以呆板系统中解放出来,这个系统指的就是我们至今仍然沿用网页开发环境

    On the other hand, compelling visual work can result from breaking out of the rigid system that the Web's design and development environment has, to date, retained.


  • 一方面看柔软剂促进纤维纱线纤维迁移特别是合成纤维,因此,依靠方法减少起球并不总是有效的。

    On the other hand, they also promote the migration of fibers within spun yarns, especially synthetic fibers, so this technique is not always effective.


  • 虽然每块感应器价值6000美元(当然病人使用过后清洗重复使用),但一方面,诊所无需花钱搭建暗室了。

    The sensors cost $6,000 apiece. (Yes, they're cleaned and reused.) On the other hand there's no need to spend money stocking and maintaining a dark room.


  • 一方面看如果给满分,无疑物理成绩优异从而表明他物理学方面能力突出这个答案不能证实一点。

    On the other hand, if full credit were given, it could well contribute to a high grade in his physics course and certify competence in physics, but the answer did not conform this.


  • 一方面看那些对立面人以有力还击:他们认为文化冲突完全西方人不当行为造成的,而且道歉是无济于事的。

    On the other hand, she offers a powerful riposte to those who insist on the opposite: that the brewing clash of civilisations is all the fault of Western misdeeds, for which no apology will suffice.


  • 一方面看如果这种氨基酸的优先选择机制早在生命起源之前已经存在就说明在生命出现以前,必定存在一种生化反应还要早的化学反应过程。

    On the other hand, if there is a mechanism to choose handedness before life emerges, it is one less problem prebiotic chemistry has to solve before making life.


  • 很长时间内,业务可能依然庞大无比,但是从战略上,却没有出路可言;另一方面可能发现自己正与互联网洪流——社交——失之交臂。

    It may ride its own large, but strategically dead-ending, business for a long time; but it could also find itself missing out on the huge next wave of the Internetsocial.


  • 相对霸权绝对霸权角度一个超级大国阻止什么发生力量取得成绩的力量一样大,另一方面同样也在于能阻止什么。

    From this perspective of relative rather than absolute supremacy, a superpower's strength lies as much in what it can prevent from happening as in what it can achieve.


  • 一方面相信我们需要向前不是向后

    On the other hand, I also have a belief that we need to look forward, as opposed to looking backwards.


  • 一方面一部分确定除了自己妻子外能否其他女士。

    On the other hand, there are some who aren't sure men should ever look at a woman (other than their wives.)


  • 可以VALIDATE命令确认数据库文件是否还存在——一方面它们是否正确路径上,另一方面它们是不是正常的文件。

    You can use the VALIDATE command to confirm that all database files exist, are in their correct location, and are free of physical corruption.


  • 一方面如果为培养新习惯留出了时间每次日程表时候都会提醒要坚持下去,你知道不要再同时安排别的事情来占据段时间。

    On the other hand, if it's in your timetable, you'll be reminded about it every time you see the calendar. You'll also know not to schedule other activities during the time.


  • 正如一个谚语所说, “每个硬币两面(事物都是一分为二的)”。一方面…… 从一方面…。

    Just as the popular saying goes, "Every coin has two sides". From one side, …. from the other side, ….


  • 企业的角度,它一方面给企业的生产经营带来困难一方面又锻炼企业的生存能力竞争能力。

    As to the enterprises, buyers' market causes difficulty in production and operation, while enhances their competitive abilities and living abilities.


  • 一方面如果觉得目录上的某个听起来很不错,然后我了,发现那个教授只不过·斯坦失散多年的双胞胎兄弟,我可以逃走,再不用回头

    On the other hand, if I visit a class that sounded great in the catalog only to find that the professor is Ben Stein, s long-lost twin, I can run away and never look back!


  • 婚外情一分为二一方面伤害背叛一方面成长自我发现。婚外情带来了什么意味着什么。

    I look at affairs from a dual perspective: hurt and betrayal on one side, growth and self-discovery on the otherwhat it did to you, and what it meant for me.


  • 婚外情一分为二一方面伤害背叛一方面成长自我发现。婚外情带来了什么意味着什么。

    I look at affairs from a dual perspective: hurt and betrayal on one side, growth and self-discovery on the otherwhat it did to you, and what it meant for me.


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