I heard my name being called, looked up and there stood smiling Stuart.
I heard a voice calling my name, 'Abdullah Effendi.' I looked around but saw no one.
Look here! I'd much prefer having you call me by my name. It's only common courtesy, you know.
One day in the fall of the same year, while standing in line at the supermarket, I heard someone calling my name.
Next, I once heard someone calling my name. I woke up at midnight. It was only a dream. It is my mother told me to get up.
There were a lot of people there that night and some tourists recognized me and they kept screaming out my name. I politely greeted them back and took pictures with them.
Teachers have a pair of big eyes, worse, and I have a small back Xiang Li said, Suddenly I heard the name of teacher, I look back and see the teacher USES the eyes looked at me sternly.
The skinny boy frowned, "Who are you then, John Durbeyfield, to order me about and call me 'boy'? You know my name as well as I know yours!"
Quaintly distracted, he never quite got my name right, sometimes calling me Miss Loon or Miss Voon.
We always heard our names being called like someone was whispering in our ears.Mostly this happened as we were walking up and down the stairs.
We always heard our names being called like someone was whispering in our ears. Mostly this happened as we were walking up and down the stairs.
We always heard our names being called like someone was whispering in our ears.
My new public-school friends called me "poor boy," the kid who often didn't have enough money for lunch and had an AWOL father whose name my mother seldom mentioned.
Yes, I like it when you call me horse or those other horse names-can you explain them to me?
I'm pretty sure that they call me names when I'm not around, " he wrote in an e-mail.
Now that they do, I can't imagine friends like Guo Li calling me by anything else.
On the phone, though, people calling for Juliet (or called by me) often expressed their difficulties with hearing a female name and a male voice.
Sam was the one who hit me with a basketball at recess in second grade. And Sam is the one who still calls me the annoying name of Arizoni Macarconi!
Penguin: Ha-ha, you are wrong. You should say "Hello, little penguin". My name is Jessica, so you can call me Jessica.
Penguin: Ha-ha, you're wrong. You should say "Hello, little penguin". My name is Jessica, so you can call me Jessica.
My first name is Theodore, but I don't like it, for the fellows called me Dora, so I made the say Laurie instead.
Lying in bed, can not see you sad embrace of me, can not hear you call my name urgent voices, you feel no tears fell on my face, salty taste, what you really want to stroke moving Lianpan ah!
It is evening now. I am sitting front of my desk. I shall plan to do my homework — an essay. It's name's my idol.
My mom got mad and grounded me before I could tell her that I raise my hand in class all the time but my teacher won't call on me cause he can't pronounce my name.
My mom got mad and grounded me before I could tell her that I raise my hand in class all the time but my teacher won't call on me cause he can't pronounce my name.