The method based on statistical technique can only ensure the recall to some degree, but the precision is relatively low.
The experimental results show that the algorithm has higher performance on recall, precision, and F1.
Experiment results show that, compared to the traditional topic detection methods, the new method can improve precision and recall of topic detection efficiently.
The algorithm accuracy rate and the recall rate can both reach 90%, which reflects a good classification performance.
Then we proposed a method called type restoration to improve the recall rate of identification.
The experimental results show that the agglomerate-term algorithm has a better integrated performance of precision, recall and speed.
What 's more, the self-learning mechanism is used to enrich ontologies vocabularies in order to enhance the precision rate and the recall rate.
By sentence, the recalling rate of the non-statistical model based on 2-shortest-paths method is 99.73 % .
In addition, compared to single signature, multi-signature can improve the recall rate further in duplicate image detection.
The primary experiment shows that the recognition has a good precision and a similar recall compared to common information extraction systems.
To improve the recall, an excursion factor is used in the procedure in which SVM is constructed.
The leveled strategy is adopted and different recognition methods are utilized by the each level.
Although the Naive Bayes spam filter is simple and convenient, the recall and precision are hard to be improved.
The system performance is analyzed in details and the changes of the precision rate and the recall rate under different conditions is researched.
The experiments show the methods of domain-specific ontologies matching and self-learning mechanism are vital to increase the precision rate and the recall rate.
Experimental results show that in a certain extent this method can improve the efficiency of data extraction and extraction accuracy of recall.
The experimental results show that this approach can improve the precision ratio and recall ratio of the schema matching obviously, and it can effectively improve the quality of the schema matching.
Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has recall and accuracy both over 80% under the requirement of complete flows.
Experimental results show that it is efficient and robust for social media Web pages with various styles and layouts with high precision and recall rate.
The experiment shows that it not only reduces the size of train set, but also has very high training efficiency. Its precision and recall are also very good.
New word recall rate and accuracy of two indicators shows that this design of unknown words automatically recognize the new method is feasible.
Experiments show that the precision of the two retrieval models is the same as keywords retrieval model, but the recall rate is improved greatly.
The authors provide a algorithm applied to Source Discovery based on Metadata and evaluated with recall rate and precise rate index.
Absrtact: Search engine is the sign of World Wide Web prevalence. But now the precision and the recall is not satisfied for the users.
The result of experiment on corpus containing 2000 human names shows that features fusion can improve the precision and recall of named entity recognition effectively.
The results shows that precision and recall rates are improved a lot both in word, phrase and sentence.
The experimental results showed that this system had a higher precision and recall rate. It proved that the hybrid approach presented in this paper had certain research meaning and applied worthiness.
With the application of word alignment in the word translation retrieval system, the word translation retrieval system "OASIS" is accomplished.
The experiment sample the raw test of novel Hero Borns to test for times, and it acquires an accuracy of 86.93%, while an recall rate of 91.83%.
Finally, we use standard data sets to test the classification results and the results are evaluated by precision, recall and F1.