• 事实上,低层次大学的校友网络以说更强大的,因为校友们明白未必捷径

    In fact, lower-tier school alumni networks are arguably stronger, because fellow alumni recognize that you didn't necessarily have an easy path to follow.


  • 可明白,恐惧是如何阻碍人们做许多梦想做的事的。

    Anneke understands how fear can get in the way of so many things people dream of doing.


  • 一无所知,说话的热忱所感动,也很明白到底想说什么

    I knew nothing about this woman, but I was moved by her intensity and wanted to understand what she was saying.


  • 最大努力明白就是执拗地相信:因为我第二还是女孩,我事实上就会挨揍

    I tried my best to make her understand, but she firmly believed that by giving birth to a second girl I really would be thrashed.


  • 明不明白法官或者陪审团很难理解这点的?

    But do you see that this is going to be hard for a judge or a jury to understand?


  • 架构师明白他们眼光必须超越伸缩性基本性能层面,还要去设计一个能够让身份的管理整合具备伸缩性的战略

    Architects understand that they must look beyond the basic performance aspect of cloud scalability and devise a strategy to scale the manage-ment and integration of identities as well.


  • XBRL原理不是隐藏这种复杂性而是将复杂性明白地表达出来至少实现了访问性透明性

    The idea of XBRL is not to hide the complexity, but rather to lay it all out on the table, so that it's at least accessible and transparent.


  • 以后我们回头再看时会不明白当初有什么担心的。

    Five years from now, we’ll look back and wonder what all this concern was about.


  • 回忆月光快要透出时他们俩互相的事,便明白听出谎话

    Then she remembered how they had drawn mutually away before the revealing moon, and she knew he would know it for a lie.


  • 精神信念明白某些事情发生情有原的,你不必非要事事掌控之中

    Spiritual beliefs give you the answers to why something is happening and help you realize that you do not always have to be in control.


  • 如果明白模棱地方一定清楚他们尤其是有意思冲突的地方,越多明确越少明确更好

    If there is any chance of misunderstandings and ambiguious titles make sure to get rid of them or specifiy explicitly what is meant. Being more specific is usually better than being less specific.


  • 除了通过正确方式练习性格优势没有其他替代的方式,明白其中原因

    There's no substitute for exercising your strengths in the right way, and understanding why.


  • 指出重点改变非洲特有生活习惯非常重要的,使人们明白超重肥胖危及生命

    She says it is important to focus on improving lifestyles within an African specific context to get the message across that overweight and obesity can lead to life-threatening conditions.


  • (又)蹩脚英语承认道:“虽然这不简单,但是Marja人民明白争取和平只有条路正好我们这里(寻找和平)。”

    “It’s difficult, ” he conceded in broken English, “but the people of Marja know there is only one way [for peace], and we are here.”


  • 告诉他们单位司机看到他们整天总是用一句话表达:“耽误工夫!” 就要离开上海了,我坐上汽车去机场,“想不明白的问题就不要去想!”

    Shu Ke also told me, there was a driver in his company who always said the same words when watching them busy all day: "Just waste of time for nothing!"


  • 明白举止为什么那么奇怪现在一清二楚一门根本就一窍不通。

    I did not understand his strange behavior, but now it is clear as the sun at noonday; he is insane on that subject.


  • 孩子明白不能所有人都,他唯一的,自己值得爱。

    To learn that they cannot make anyone love them, all they can do is to let themselves be loved.


  • 如果认真地学习,却明白对方的话,是因为对方模棱的欺人之谈。

    If you cannot understand something after an honest effort, it's probably because the other guy is giving you double-talk.


  • 应该感到羞愧害怕因为没有什么担心——你真的明白引起问题的的原因。

    You shouldn't be ashamed or afraid, because you have nothing to fear - you really do not understand the causes of a problem.


  • 寂静夜里每当独自惊醒时候就算身边睡了一个还是能够走进内心明白万千言语忧伤哀愁

    The silent night, wake up alone every time, even if the side who slept a, but still no one can walk into the heart, words difficult to understand the myriad Ming grief and sadness.


  • 家住加拿大英属哥伦比亚省的妮莱特▪奥尔森就深深明白这个道理。去年十月儿子19岁生日派对上,她的iPhone一些其他电子产品就被小偷席卷而走。

    Nicolette Olson knows that first hand, after having her iPhone 4 and other electronics stolen from her home in British Columbia, during her son's 19th birthday party last October.


  • 后来方兴东篇文章互联网创业五大核心问题:既致命”明白一个道理

    Fang Xingdong after reading an article "the Internet business five core issues: the key to success can also be fatal," Let me understand the truth.


  • 所有的人都明白道理美好产品伤害世界

    But we all understand the same principle, that beautiful products may still do harm to the world.


  • 明白感受吗?我的玻璃一样透明你还

    Do you understand my feeling? My heart is as transparent as glass, but you don't understand him.


  • 明白感受吗?我的玻璃一样透明你还

    Do you understand my feeling? My heart is as transparent as glass, but you don't understand him.


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