One of the first recognizable sights is the White Castle logo, towering above a parking lot players stumble into.
It was not only the flesh that he had put on, but also the clothes, that made him hard to recognize.
Feature like customizable activity implementations and event listeners are crucial to make sure that the analyst still recognizes the diagram after it's been made executable.
The Pre-Sales Solutions Consultant will work closely with the Sales team on identifying and developing solutions to customers.
When we asked why he would introduce the crayfish with the knowledge that they could devastate nearby agriculture, he admitted that the business of selling crayfish was too lucrative to pass up.
'I can grow a beard,' said Dunning, 'so that he won't recognize me. But who knows when the end will come?'
By moving the building forward from the adjacent stadium, it becomes prominent enough to be recognised at its address along the busy road.
受到烙铁的霹雳影响之后,可辩认出不吉利的 环状物。
The after-affects of this Iron Thunderbolt have an ominously recognizable ring.
受到烙铁的霹雳影响之后,可辩认出不吉利的 环状物。
The after-affects of this Iron Thunderbolt have an ominously recognizable ring.