• 梵蒂冈每年游客量超五百万,在旺季游客排队所花的时间达到四个小时。

    The Vatican draws more than five million people each year, and queues can reach four hours during peak season.


  • 微波炉达到新的高度,在某些工业应用方面更是如此

    The microwave oven had reached a new level of acceptance, particularly with regard to certain industrial applications.


  • 用户显示关心信息,达到唤起用户情感回应目的

    The goal is to invoke a emotional response from the user by showing them the information that is relevant to them.


  • 海洋含有盐份足够覆盖所有陆地厚度达到500英尺

    The oceans contain enough salt to cover all the continents to a depth of nearly 500 feet


  • 有时它的cpu利用率可达到150%,主要是核心02的cpu利用率。

    Sometimes its CPU utilization totals to 150%, mostly on cores 0 and 2.


  • 如今摄取最低RDA维生素E我们需要每天吃25菠菜达到

    Today we have to consume 28 lbs. of spinach each day in order to reach the minimum intake of vitamin E!


  • 咖啡豆的体积可达到杯子15%,因此,冲咖啡忘了倒一点水

    But don't forget to make more coffee than usual - the beans take up 15 per cent of the volume of your mug or flask.


  • 每秒输出速度最高可达到9.5,即便使用超高精细画质也能连续拍摄

    As a result, the new CMOS sensor makes possible a maximum output speed of approximately 9.5 frames per second, supporting the continuous shooting of ultra-high-resolution images.


  • 连接脚踏带上螺旋桨提供动力潜艇时速达到8公里下潜6米深

    Powered by twin propellers connected to a pedal belt, the mini-sub can reach speeds of 8 kilometers an hour and can reach depths of 6 meters.


  • 体型而言,它们算是世界叫的响的动物了,一旦唱起歌来达到99.2分贝

    These little guys are the world's loudest animals relative to their body size and can attain volumes up to 99.2 decibels when they sing.


  • 俄罗斯估算,为了干沼泽而溢漏二氧化碳每年可达到一千六百万

    In Russia such drainage is reckoned to free 160m tonnes of the gas every year.


  • 方法达到目的:设置查找视图使包含具有清单9公式另外

    One way to accomplish this is to set up your lookup view so that it has a second column with the formula shown in listing 9.


  • 在下落40超越音速最终下降速度可达到1000英里小时

    He would exceed the speed of sound within the first 40 seconds and eventually approach 1, 000 miles an hour.


  • 第三(银行保险公司除外)保证方式担保贷款最高额达到购车款的60%。

    If the guarantee is made by the third party (except the bank and the insurance company), the loan line shall be no more than 60% of auto funds.


  • 博士后老师这个水平间,男性提升能性高于女性达到1.04至2.45

    Between postdoctoral and lecturer level, men are more likely to be promoted than women are, by a factor of between 1.04 and 2.45.


  • 俄罗斯新闻社报道T - 505500公里行为半径时速达到2100公里。

    Russian news agencies have reported that the T-50 has a range of 5, 500 kilometers and can develop a speed of 2, 100 kilometers per hour.


  • 禽类中传播非常迅速,感染多个内脏器官,通常48小时内死亡率达到100%。

    It spreads very rapidly through poultry flocks, causes disease affecting multiple internal organs, and has a mortality that can approach 100%, often within 48 hours.


  • 方法与粗细只有纳米细丝有关——这个五纳米,比业界希望2020年前达到水平还要高。

    The new method involves filaments as thin as five nanometers in width — thinnerthan what the industry hopes to achieve by the end of the decade using standard techniques.


  • 而且,直接通过芯片下载数据到,通过无线方式下载数据,最大距离可达到500米。

    Data can be downloaded directly from the chip upon recapture, or it can be downloaded wirelessly from up to 500 meters away.


  • 几乎以确信的是:政策将生育率降低标准以下,事实上一标准无论如何都应可达到

    But the policy has almost certainly reduced fertility below the level to which it would have fallen anyway.


  • 因此无数纸质废料塑料品废料它们的混合体便能够被很好地分类且准确率可达到98%。

    Numerous types of paper, plastic or combinations thereof can thus be sorted with up to 98% accuracy.


  • 电动汽车尼桑旗下的Leaf,续航里程达到150公里,但它们需要充电68个小时

    Pure electric vehicles like Nissan’s Leaf can be driven for 150km or so before they need to be recharged for six to eight hours.


  • 300% +回报容易可达到情况下,但是不要这些都还回去市场情况改变的时候

    Returns of 300% + should be easily attainable in the right conditions but do not give it back when the market conditions change.


  • 当然USB 3.0硬件仍然初期阶段,因此即使维持300MB/s的速度也是达到的。

    USB 3.0 hardware is still in its infancy, of course, so even 300MB/s sustained isn't attainable yet.


  • 研究人员发现砷量高的灌溉出来的马铃薯含砷量达到含砷水种养出来的马铃薯的35

    09052104 Researchers have shown that potatoes irrigated with arsenic-rich water contain this element at levels up to 35 times higher than crops on which this water was not used.


  • 德勤公司发现那些使用试衣间顾客转换率达到85%,与之相比这样做的顾客转换率只有58%。

    Deloitte found that customers using fitting rooms convert at a rate of 85% compared with 58% for those that do not do so.


  • 德勤公司发现那些使用试衣间顾客转换率达到85%,与之相比这样做的顾客转换率只有58%。

    Deloitte found that customers using fitting rooms convert at a rate of 85% compared with 58% for those that do not do so.


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