Above mentioned list might give you some idea of what can be achieved using this approach.
The Board invites the Administration to assign specific responsibility and establish an achievable time frame to implement them.
More and more Coffee aficionados are turning to home roasting to achieve the results only previously achievable through "World Class" Cafe's.
Create a checklist focusing on how much better your life will be once you've achieved your goals.
Its popularity lies in the fact that it doubles as an atlas and the text is clear and accessible.
Because of the complicity of the time tables, it was not possible to direct the trains to a platform that can be reached by elevators or escalators.
And it emphatically demonstrates the basic principle of centrifugal calibration, error analysis, points for attention and achievable accuracy.
The method proposed here can be used to predict available bandwidth and data rate of the communication system operating in a NLOS optical scattering channel.
300% +的回报是容易可达到的在对的情况下,但是不要把这些都还回去在市场情况改变的时候。
Returns of 300% + should be easily attainable in the right conditions but do not give it back when the market conditions change.
Then, after setting a goal, duanwenw. com break it into smaller pieces that have to be achieved within certain time frames.
当然,USB 3.0硬件仍然在初期阶段,因此即使维持300MB/s的速度也是不可达到的。
USB 3.0 hardware is still in its infancy, of course, so even 300MB/s sustained isn't attainable yet.
Their conclusion was that those who experienced mild depressive symptoms could, indeed, disengage more easily from unreachable goals.
And it would not be done with a sense of sacrificing to the needs of others, but with the understanding that ultimately this is your basic awareness.
Policy elements: energy tax, negotiation of ambitious yet achievable targets, signed binding agreements, tax rebate, supporting policies.
The new method involves filaments as thin as five nanometers in width — thinnerthan what the industry hopes to achieve by the end of the decade using standard techniques.
Clear goals are specific, measurable, attainable, and come with a deadline; vague goals don't.
In particular, goals should be specific and measurable, challenging, attainable, relevant to the major work of the organization, and time_limited.
However, lack of an approachable solution for the third idea has prevented most non-developer testers from achieving sustainable test automation.
Through practice of professional post appointment in auto enterprises, it briefly introduces the target reachable with separation of evaluation and appointment and certain issues to be concerned.
The optimal backoff window size and contention window size are given, and the transmission efficiency is calculated by analyzing the collision probability of contention request.
Another recent innovation is their precision direct-drive technology for their 12-inch prober, the EG6000, which allows this system to achieve the highest accuracy available today.
Do you fail to set clear, meaningful goals for your team members? Clear goals are specific, measurable, attainable, and come with a deadline; vague goals don't.
The Vatican draws more than five million people each year, and queues can reach four hours during peak season.
The microwave oven had reached a new level of acceptance, particularly with regard to certain industrial applications.
The international human right to the highest attainable standard of health offers a starting point for ascertaining this essential level, including: WHO's "building blocks" for health services e.g.
The international human right to the highest attainable standard of health offers a starting point for ascertaining this essential level, including: WHO's "building blocks" for health services e.g.