• 咖啡没有面包根本就算不上晚餐,公园没有杂草可以菠菜

    Coffee without bread could never honestly serve as supper, and there were no weeds in the park to eat as the spinach.


  • 现在没有面包了。 光有咖啡没有面包根本就算不上晚餐公园里没有可以当作菠菜可了。

    Coffee without bread could never honestly serve as supper, and therewere no weeds in the park that could be cooked as spinach is cooked.


  • 夜里有些晚餐但是房子里我们没有一起共进晚餐

    At night some have dinner, but in my house we didn't use to have dinner.


  • 如果有人年前告诉,也就是在攻读商业经济学学位最后一年以后没有的生活,边看电视吃晚餐的我听了这话非得着。

    If someone had told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I'd now be living without money, I'd have probably choked on my TV dinner.


  • ABC援引警方的话说,芭拉钱包时正在布宜诺斯艾利斯一家餐厅吃晚餐特工没有察觉情况。

    Barbara Bush's purse was snatched at a Buenos Aires restaurant during a night on the town, but the Secret Service agents did not notice, ABC said, citing police sources.


  • 克尔中写到只孤独穿过瑞典挪威没有标记边界寻找食物,这只狼最后晚餐几天的一只死麋鹿

    A lone male Wolf crosses the unmarked border between Sweden and Norway in search of food, Mr Mankell writes. His last meal was a dead moose, devoured several days before.


  • 再者研究没有考虑长期饮酒所需花销比方说晚餐的时候,总是用酒来代替牛奶,这显然是不够现实的。

    Also, the research doesn't examine the long-term cost of drinking, say, wine instead of milk with dinner.


  • 很多忙于工作大部分时间他们没有足够的时间早餐,午餐晚餐一个非常严重问题

    Many people are busy with work, most of the time they don't have enough time to have breakfast, even lunch and dinner. This is a very serious problem.


  • 很多是从吃晚餐开始,但是接着无法控制了。另外没有办公室女人出去吗?

    Most starts with dinner, but then it gets out of hand. Besides, haven't you asked out every woman in the entire office?


  • 午餐面条沙拉后来一个梨子。我没有吃晚餐因为感觉不是

    For lunch I had noodles, salad, and later a peach. I didn't have any supper because I didn't fell very well.


  • 如果没有房子甚至没有晚餐,你是不会快乐的。

    If you have no money to buy a house or even can't buy your dinner, you can't be happy.


  • 很多忙于工作大部分时间他们没有足够的时间早餐午餐晚餐一个非常严重问题

    Many people are busy with workmost of the time they don't have enough time to have breakfasteven lunch and dinner. This is a very serious problem.


  • 了点这样没有什么时间收拾行李晚餐

    That's a little early. It wouldn't give me much time for packing or for dinner.


  • 沿著街道行走的时候,我个看起来衣衫破旧、非常肮脏无家可归游民搭讪,她没有块钱吃晚餐

    I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner.


  • 完中饭晚餐一些,另有,天天早上城市活动,我如今没有品战整了,我以为我如今很安康

    Finish eat lunch and dinner, I also can eat some fruits, and every morning I would make sport of, now I don't eat sweets and snacks, I think I am very healthy.


  • 晚上晚餐没有说不定多对健康不好

    Good evening, eat dinner there, maybe another instant noodles, instant noodles to eat more than poor health.


  • 不会停止毛皮没有早餐,她GIT中德圣诞晚餐准备好早上大家下来一个'我们所能控制

    She ain't stop fur no breakfast; she git de Christmas dinner ready dat morning, and we all sit down an' eat all we can hold.


  • 其实我做的不是太差还是可以做成可口的熟肉还有炸土豆条狗狗肝脏蛋糕。那没有要来晚餐呢?

    Mine isn't that bad. I can still do pretty brilliant fish (in egg and matzo meal) and chips, and liver cake for dogs. Anyone for dinner?


  • 虽然历史学家没有一个证据证明第一感恩节晚餐火鸡火鸡的,但是没有,它不完整

    Though historians don't have an evidence to prove that Turkey was eaten during the first Thanksgiving dinner, but the Thanksgiving celebration will be incomplete without it.


  • 地利周日我们没有得到太多晚餐除了西瓜然后我们不得不里面背后餐厅所以我们不会制造混乱

    In the summer time we didn't get much to eat for Sunday supper, except watermelon and then we had to eat it outside behind the dining room so we would not make a mess on the tables inside.


  • 他们的、在地上,得意地晚餐来,他们没有觉察到食物有什么味道

    They spread out10 the food and drink. They ate their dinner with satisfaction, not noticing any strange taste.


  • 夏天时间周日我们没有得到太多晚餐除了西瓜然后我们不得不外面背后餐厅所以我们不会制造混乱

    In the summer time we didn't get much to eat for Sunday supper, except watermelon and then we had to eat it outside behind the dining room so we would not make a mess on the tables inside.


  • 夏天时间周日我们没有得到太多晚餐除了西瓜然后我们不得不外面背后餐厅所以我们不会制造混乱

    In the summer time we didn't get much to eat for Sunday supper, except watermelon and then we had to eat it outside behind the dining room so we would not make a mess on the tables inside.


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