• 京都议定书》各国设定不同减排义务规定各国应相应减少各自温室气体排放总量。

    The Kyoto Protocol, which set different duties for all countries to cut emissions, states that different countries should reduce their collective greenhouse emissions accordingly.


  • 安全功能soa事务中的参与方分布时,各自完成总体安全相应部分的参与方之间必须具有信任关系。

    When security functionality is distributed across the participants in SOA transaction there must be a trust between participants that each has fulfilled its own part in the overall security.


  • 6一个局部企业模型中,资产管理由中心支持管理的,但是生产发生各自相应专家所在社区里。

    Figure 6: in a partial enterprise model, asset governance is centrally funded and controlled, but production occurs in respective communities where domain expertise resides.


  • 然而,在调用特定服务之前服务器应用程序必须每个传入请求分用分派各自相应的服务提供者。

    Before invoking a specific service, however, the server application must demultiplex and dispatch each incoming request to its corresponding service provider.


  • 大多数废水经过初步处理通过一个单独配送系统送到新加坡各工厂电厂然后(根据各自需要)进行相应处理。

    But most of the treated water is fed back, via a separate distribution system, to Singapore's factories and power plants-and then treated again.


  • 假设这个项目还存在BPI级别的项目管理者各自子系统的管理者一起指定随后的计划构思设计适合商业改变相应改动

    Assuming the project survives, BPI-level project managers work with managers for individual subsystems to make subsequent planning and design changes that accommodate the business change.


  • 一个JSP对象各自ActionForm对象相结合,构成应用程序view在该层,几乎JSP对象每个表单字段都映射相应ActionForm的属性

    A JSP object combines with a respective ActionForm to form your application's View layer, where almost every form field of the JSP object maps to an attribute of the corresponding ActionForm.


  • 担保合同确认无效债务人担保人债权人过错应当根据过错各自承担相应民事责任

    After it is confirmed that a guarantee contract is nullified, the debtor, the guarantor and the creditor who are in fault shall, on the merits of each case, bear civil liability respectively.


  • 为了地震强度定量相统一,量度多重事件强度特性需要对其中各次破裂分别给出各自震级相应周期时间特性。

    To unify quantification with moderate and small earthquakes, it is necessary to get the individual magnitudes of the events and their corresponding periods and time characteristics.


  • 国际出入口信道提供单位互联单位应当签定相应协议严格履行各自责任义务

    Suppliers of international inward and outward channels and interconnected units shall sign corresponding agreements and strictly perform their respective duties and commitments.


  • 担保合同另有约定的,按照约定。担保合同被确认无效后,债务人、担保人、债权人过错的,应当根据过错各自承担相应民事责任

    Where a guarantee contract is affirmed to be invalid, the debtor, surety or creditor is in fault, they shall respectively bear the relevant civil liability according to their own faults.


  • 针对每个阶段不同特点要求分析了阶段费用构成采用相应的方法建立各自估算模型

    And then according to the different characteristics and requirements of each phase, it analyzes the cost composing of this phase and establishes the estimating model respectively.


  • 北极提出相应对策捍卫各自北极地区权利利益

    Five Arctic coastal countries have put forward corresponding countermeasures to defend their rights and interests in the Arctic region.


  • 如果建立起配套法律法规相应组织机构充分发挥诉讼仲裁调解各自优势应该可以有效解决目前医患纠纷。

    If we can set corresponding codes and organizations, and exert the advantages of litigation, arbitration and mediation, the conflicts between patients and doctors should be effectively resolved.


  • 种方式就是根据公司家庭生产垃圾数量收集处理垃圾所需要的相应花费,并责成公司和家庭各自埋单。

    One way of doing that is to work out the cost of disposal and charge firms and households for rubbish collection based on the volume they produce.


  • 笔者采用矩阵分析方法给出信元各自的稳态分布并作相应性能分析。

    By using matrix analysis, we give steady-state distribution and make some performance evaluations for the two kinds of cells.


  • 根据观光景点各自不同特征相应市场板块可以分为以下不同的类型

    The tourist attractions can be classified into different kinds according to their characteristics and their appeal to different market segments.


  • 由于各自条件施工要求不同,采取开挖爆破方法技术措施就具有相应的特点。

    According to the design requirement and the condition in situ, the methods of excavation blasting and the technical measures were presented and decided finally.


  • 依照销售计划根据各自市场执行相应销售活动。

    Implementall sales action plans related to the respective markets outlined in the Marketing plan.


  • 当事人双方都违反合同的,应当各自承担相应的责任。

    If both parties breach the contract, each shall be commensurately liable for the breach of contract that is its responsibility.


  • 即日开始,诸位各自你们根据清单上文件相应文件放到四个各自的柜子里。

    Immediate effect, please bring your own list of documents in accordance with the corresponding file table on the four in their respective cabinets.


  • 过错一方应当承担赔偿责任双方都有过错的,各自承担相应的责任。

    The party at fault shall bear the liability to pay compensation; where both parties to the contract are at fault, each shall honor its own liability.


  • 不同研究领域专家对于土话电视节目广受欢迎的原因给出各自的解释提出相应意见建议

    Experts in different research fields give their explanations on the reasons of vernacular TV programs 'popularity and offer their own opinions and Suggestions.


  • 选择左大括号各自显示自己行上声明在后续行上缩进,大括号和相应的左大括号对齐如下所示。

    The selector and initial brace each appear on their own lines, declarations are indented on subsequent lines, and the closing brace is aligned with the matching opening brace, as shown.


  • 采用矩阵分析方法得到了两类顾客各自稳态分布相应性能分析,为系统的优化设计提供了依据。

    The queue length distribution in stationary state and performance measures are gained by using the method of matrix analysis.


  • 然后不同站点内容合作伙伴又可以定义各自这些子母版页引用站点母版页,相应定义合作伙伴内容外观

    Different site content partners can then define their own child master pages that reference the site master and that in turn define the look for that partner's content.


  • 然后不同站点内容合作伙伴又可以定义各自这些子母版页引用站点母版页,相应定义合作伙伴内容外观

    Different site content partners can then define their own child master pages that reference the site master and that in turn define the look for that partner's content.


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