One morning in 2009, Larry was traveling along 165 north after delivering to one of his customers.
The ship sailed northward first, then northeast, finally northwest.
A passer-by asked him: "If you are going to south, why is your chariot heading north?"
To enjoy the most expansive Pacific views, wait until the morning fog clears before making the drive north from the Golden Gate Bridge.
The rover team's strategy to extricate Spirit from the sand trap was to follow these tracks out, heading north.
It seems that a gas tanker travelling north crashed into another vehicle in the neighbourhood of Ecatepec in the state of Mexico.
As Aaron drove north in the left lane of Elk Vale Road, a Kia Rio abruptly swerved into him, sideswiping him on the right.
We arrive in Multan surrounded by a dozen jeeps. We are further north and apparently in the most dangerous area of our trip.
Within minutes of pulling out of 1 Johannesburg airport on to the motorway heading north, I am hit by a sense of freedom as powerful as the warm air flooding through the window.
New England is renowned for its fall colors, and locals cite the drive north up Maine's Route 17, toward the Rangeley Lake area, as a favorite spot to see trees of every hue.
Later trails headed on north to Ogallala, Cheyenne, Glendive, and Miles City.
Going south by Driving the Chariot NorthOnce a man wanted to go to the south, but his carriage was heading north.
Going south by Driving the Chariot NorthOnce a man wanted to go to the south, but his carriage was heading north.