Whoever buys them, the Numbers are unlikely to add much to the more than 220m Walkman cassette-players already sold.
The walkman has been selling well for two decades since its introduction, with 200 million having been sold globally.
It is easier for me to learn if I record my class and then listen to it over and over again on my Walkman.
They swear no matter who is around them, they listen to their Walkmans while the teacher is talking to them.
This week, as the Sony Walkman turns 30, CNET decided to take a look at some of the original Walkmans and the top 10 songs from the year they came out.
This week, as the Sony Walkman turns 30, CNET decided to take a look at some of the original Walkmans and the top 10 songs from the year they came out.