The Spring Festival is coming soon. Would you like to celebrate it with my family together?
As has been the case for the last two years, I shall be spending today with my family.
Within days, I had packed up all of my college belongings and headed home with my family ready to face this unexpected hurdle.
I just want to feel the warm sunshine and run, and play and nuzzle with my family.
My family joins me in wishing you all the best. And we sincerely regret the disappointment we are causing to you.
Now I can relax and enjoy all the matches with my family. I go to the bathroom a lot less now too.
When I get tired I go back to our beach umbrella to sunbathe and drink Coke with my family.
Kevin : Look, all I wanted to do was take you a nice dress-up party with my family and now it's just turned into a quagmire.
Despite this, although I do enjoy eating out occasionally, I really prefer to cook and eat at home with my family.
For me, I only have one day off, and I study far away from my family, so I can't celebrate this special day with my family.
"I have lived for the first time for many years in my country, in my city, with my family," Mourinho told the Times. "I had time to do things that I don't have when I'm working."
Actually, I'm on holiday with my family in Thailand at the moment, although I wish it were with my friends instead.
The family I'm staying with, for example, were nice at first.
As we join here tonight with our own families, we remember not only those family members who were lost, but those who survived and will forever endure the pain of that day.
I found it more beneficial to sacrifice tasks that only affected me, like watching my favorite TV shows, instead of sacrificing time with my family, friends, and girlfriend.
The holidays are special because of the opportunities we get to connect or reconnect with friends and family.
It only takes me about 2 months at a certain location, to have it feel "familiar", but my home never changes - it's with BF (my heart) or with my family (my blood).
The same guy we see hanging out with his family in this video is the same guy we see giving Keynote presentations about global warming to packed houses across the US.
For myself, my favorite things in the world include spending time with my family, writing, reading and running.
That time could have been spent with your family, on the beach, reading, or working on your first book.
When I decided to run my marathon, I had the help of friends and family, and I had a great running community on Guam who encouraged me at 5k RACES and did long runs with me.
除了不是和我们的家人在一起,我们就像是在加拿大一样,庆祝了圣诞节。 在我们家乡,这个季节是一个特别适合全家一起过的节日。
We celebrated Christmas much as we would have in Canada, except that we weren’t with our families in our homes during that very special family-oriented holiday season.
Fall is here, and I can't wait to sit around a campfire, roasting dinner and dessert with family and friends.
All my family joins me in sending every one of you best wishes for Christmas and may God's blessing be with you, in the coming year!
I was living with this guy and his family (he hadn't graduated from high school yet) and he was heavily involved in his youth group at church.
Ten seconds gives you time to flash on, "Oh, he's very uncomfortable with my family," or "Hmmm, he's been whipped at work and needs to be in control of something (pathetic as his choice may be.)"
Ten seconds gives you time to flash on, "Oh, he's very uncomfortable with my family," or "Hmmm, he's been whipped at work and needs to be in control of something (pathetic as his choice may be.)"