• 目的高效液相色谱法测定蒲公英颗粒咖啡含量。

    Objective To determine caffeic acid in Pugongying granules by HPLC.


  • 测出了忍冬叶中绿原咖啡酰奎宁含量

    The contents of chlorogenic acid and total caffeoylquinic acid in Folium Lonicerae had been determined.


  • 举例来说,尽管咖啡通过阻碍有助睡眠大脑化合物甘从而让人们保持清醒,但咖啡中的绿原让腺甘苷大脑中循环的时间延长了。

    For example, while caffeine keeps people awake in part by blocking adenosine, a brain chemical that brings on sleep, the chlorogenic acid in coffee keeps adenosine circulating in the brain longer.


  • 研究人员这些咖啡提取物体外培养人体细胞发生反应时,这些细胞会提高生成量。

    When the researchers served these coffee extracts to cultured human stomach cells, the cells jacked up acid production.


  • 能量饮料FDA的监管,咖啡因和会引起不确定健康危害氨基香草并且小孩不能吸收

    Energy drinks are unregulated by the FDA and contain high amounts of caffeine as well as amino acids and herbs with uncertain health risks and should never be consumed by kids.


  • 更好消息,则来自芝加哥拉什大学医药中心睡眠研究人员JamesWyatt,他发现早上一点咖啡因,然后白天持续饮用很小剂量这样就可以均匀地抵抗腺苷酸的摄入。

    Better, says sleep researcher James Wyatt of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, to consume a little caffeine in the morning and continue to take it in very small doses throughout the day.


  • 最近有三国会议员就破裂法发表报告,报告指出,2005—2009年间石油天然气公司使用的2500多种破裂材料含有750种化学物,有些成分是人体无害,如柠檬、速溶咖啡

    Three members of Congress recently released a report on fracking, saying that oil and gas companies used more than 2,500 fracking products containing 750 chemicals between 2005 and 2009.


  • 咖啡经常被人误解但是咖啡包含咖啡立即提升机敏性血压绝佳方式,”柯林斯

    'Coffee is often vilified but the caffeic acid it contains is a great way to instantly increase alertness and blood pressure,' says Collins.


  • 调查者饮料一般含有大量咖啡牛磺,以及一种氨基这种氨基那些能够影响心脏功能血压鱼类蛋白质丰富的食品里才能发现

    The drinks generally have high levels of caffeine and taurine, an amino acid found in protein-rich foods like meat and fish that can affect heart function and blood pressure, the researchers said.


  • 结果测定了川渝6忍冬叶中绿咖啡酰奎宁含量

    Results: The contents of chlorogenic acid and total caffeoylquinic acid in 6 Folium Lonicerae had been determined.


  • 特点哈拉尔咖啡的特性优质阿拉伯风味甘香略带葡萄酒适宜强烈质感带有奇妙的巧克力余味

    Features: Coffee is characterized by Harald; quality Arab flavor, Ganxiang, slightly sour with wine fragrance, alcohol degree of fit, strong pure texture, with wonderful dark chocolate finish.


  • 咖啡中包含由许多天然植物成分复合化合物,绿原

    Coffee contains a long list of natural plant compounds, called chlorogenic acids which help to bring down blood-glucose levels.


  • 由于它的味道,所以一般用于制作意式香咖啡

    Lighter roasts are generally not used for espresso since they produce a sharper, more acidic taste than do darker roasts.


  • 除了脂肪其他软性饮料成分尤其令人关注咖啡许多受欢迎饮料一种温和上瘾兴奋剂药物

    Besides the sugars and acids, other soft drink ingredients are of concern. Caffeine, which is added to many of the most popular soft drinks, is a mildly addictive, stimulant drug.


  • 咖啡成份绿原以及维他命b 3前驱卢巴碱重要来源,胡卢巴碱动物研究中显示降低血糖浓度

    Coffee is a major source of the phenolic compound chlorogenic acid and the vitamin B3 precursor trigonelline that have been shown to reduce blood glucose concentrations in animal studies.


  • 茶叶咖啡中的单宁阻碍日常饮食中铁和锌吸收

    The tannin in tea and coffee inhibits the absorption of iron and zinc from the diet.


  • 咖啡提升运动几个机制包括脂肪组织中活化脂肪

    Caffeine can also improve athletic performance by several mechanisms, including by mobilizing fatty acids from the fat tissues.


  • 为了探讨电荷转移机理详细研究咖啡DHPAA)及其甲酯MDHPA)类保护剂保护效应。

    In order to investigate the charge transfer protection mechanism on DNA and itselectrophilic nucleotide-dTMP, caffeic acid (DHPAA) and methyl caffeate (MDHPA)protectors have been studied in detail.


  • 此外咖啡因会替换一种化学物质这种物质还会产生疲劳感觉,从而活力更充沛睡觉可以彻底让腺甘大脑里清除

    What's more, caffeine makes you feel more energetic by displacing a chemical called adenosine, which produces a feeling of tiredness - and sleep naturally clears adenosine from your brain.


  • 黄花丹参中分到的迷甲酯11迷迭香甙(12化合物,首次发现咖啡酰缩酚类化合物的

    Salviaflaside methyl ester(11) and salviaflaside(12) are two new trace depsidic glycosides isolated from Salvia flava. This is the first example of a caffeoyl depsidic glycoside.


  • 结果表明,随原料级别降低,所制罐装绿茶水中多酚类儿茶素咖啡氨基含量下降

    The results showed that contents of polyphenols, catechins, caffeine and amino acids decreased, off_flavor aroma got weak and tea cream decreased with the drop of raw material grade.


  • 咖啡淡淡的来自。往好的看,奎宁合成抗感冒药达菲起始原料化合物之一。

    Gives coffee its slightly sour flavor. On the plus side, it's one of the starter chemicals in the formulation of Tamiflu.


  • 结论建立的方法对处方中蒲公英所含咖啡酸准确、速地定量,作为复方公英片的质量控制

    Conclusion: the established method is accurate, reliable, and can be used for the quality control of compound Gongying Tablet.


  • 说明酶促氧化过程中,绿原咖啡主要进行聚合反应物。

    It was proved that chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid were the main substrates in the process of enzymatic oxidation which ran the reaction of polymerization.


  • 说明酶促氧化过程中,绿原咖啡主要进行聚合反应物。

    It was proved that chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid were the main substrates in the process of enzymatic oxidation which ran the reaction of polymerization.


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