One factor contributing to the two-party system in the United States is the single-member district system of electing Representatives.
Members of Congress are spending the weekend canvassing opinion in their constituencies.
Members of Congress have been spending more time in their home districts than in Washington because of the need to raise funds to cover burgeoning campaign costs.
目前他在休斯顿郊外的舒格兰经营一家咨询公司。 那里是他担任国会议员时代表的第22选区。
He now runs a consulting firm in the Houston suburb of Sugarland, which is in the 22nd Congressional district that he once represented.
The program gets pulled in different directions based on which senator or Congressman wants business for his or her district.
The major weapons programmes cuts are likely to encounter opposition from US congressmen and senators in whose constituencies the arms are manufactured.
Members of Congress are being urged to pay greater attention to security in their home districts and in Washington.
A decade ago the Supreme Court ruled that statistical sampling could not be used when redrawing the borders of districts that elect congressmen.
Mr. Biden says U.S. taxpayers can rest assured that the package will not contain earmarks - special-interest projects that lawmakers often attach to spending bills.
Salum Barwany said he feared a threat from an unknown group that he says has been tracking his movements since he was elected MP for the Lindi urban constituency in southern Tanzania on October 31.
But still, the typical Mormon Congressman is Chris Cannon, a Utah Republican whose district has the highest number of children of any in the country.
The initiatives got early support from influential Congress members of both parties-maybe because they listened to their constituents.
They represent everyone who lives in their electoral district in the province.
Come to the next class meeting prepared to give a 3 to 5 minute political introduction to your home congressional district and your current member of congress.
Members of Parliament are spending the weekend canvassing opinion in their constituencies.
He was of the Parliament of Malaysia for the Kampar constituency in Perak, Malaysia from March 2008 to May 2013.
He was the Member of Parliament for Hougang Constituency from 1991 to 2011. He was elected Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC in 2011.
He was the Member of Parliament for Hougang Constituency from 1991 to 2011. He was elected Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC in 2011.