The water retention curve is one of the essential links to study the soil water movement.
In the different temperature and dry-density, the soil-water characteristic curve is established by the centrifuge test.
Soil water retention characteristics served as a vital parameter in modeling water movement and chemical transport in unsaturated soil.
Neural network based on particle swarm optimization algorithm applied in the soil moisture characteristic curve application.
Principle of negative hydraulic head and multi-pore materials were used to put forward a new setup and method for the measurement of soil-water characteristic curve.
Soil water characteristic curves in different tobacco fields decline rapidly in low suction condition and become smooth and slow while suction growing.
As time progresses, the water saturation profile becomes closer to the steady-state profile, which corresponds to the soil-water characteristic curve of the coarse sand.
The result shows that the values of computation agree with the experimental data fairly well through comparing calculating soil moisture characteristic curve with the experimental one.
In this paper, the concept and the method of scaling are described, and some examples of scaling of soil water characteristic curve and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity are given.
This indicates that the sandy soil water retention curve can be predicted by the fractal model for sandy soil water retention curve.
Soil moisture curve is elementary curve that shows the relation between potential energy and the content of water soil and analyses retaining and transporting in soil water belt.
A fitted relationship between the parameters and the soil texture was established, with which the model parameters of soil water retention curves can be predicted by the soil physical characteristic.
A spatially-random network model by using measured pore morphology was then set up to simulate the pore scale flow processes, and to predict the soil water retention curve near saturation.
With the soil water characteristic curve, the expression of soil water diffusivity is also given in this paper.
With the soil water characteristic curve, the expression of soil water diffusivity is also given in this paper.