• 只要博客相关的信息脑海里出现归类,素材越原始越好。

    Whatever crosses your mind, and it's related to blogging, just put it there, as raw as you can.


  • 脑海里可怕想法醒来的时候发现垃圾中间

    Dreadful thoughts flash through your mind, when you wake up in the middle of a garbage pile.


  • 但是邻居家付之一炬就是正常的,即使这种想法只是偶尔出现脑海

    It's not normal to torch your neighborhood (even though the thought may have entered your mind occasionally.)


  • 个人而言脑海里一定寻找答案转换密度途径一定非常重要

    You, PERSONALLY, in your mind, must be seeking the answer, and it must be important to your path of destiny.


  • 想到快餐连锁店诸如麦当劳塔可必胜客肯塔基炸鸡就会浮现脑海

    When you think of fast food, big chains such as McDonalds, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, or Kentucky Fried Chicken usually come to mind.


  • 可能脑海里第一问题马拉松场比赛,那么“世界上什么马拉松呢?”

    The first question that probably raced through your mind, was "What in the world is a double marathon?"


  • 用力甩甩了把把这个想法脑后可是不想就,他就越是脑海里不肯离去

    Hard to jilt jilted head, want to learn to this idea behind, but more want to think, and the more in your mind refused to leave.


  • 费雪博士说道:“迷恋个人不断出现脑海里并且无法这些出去的阶段。”

    Fisher says, 'Infatuation is a stage where a person keeps popping into your brain and you can't get them out.


  • 再次看看的目标,看脑海引发了什么,是否等于要被认同、想要控制想要安全感觉?

    See what it conjures up in your mind. Does that equate to a wanting of approval, control or safety?


  • 假如没有做出决定,那么这种要去做某事的想法就如影随形般飘荡脑海里而且感觉很烦躁。

    If you don't make any decision, it will likely remain as a thought floating freely in your mind and it will continue to bother you.


  • 而且,还存很多意料之外的共鸣诸如脑海发现一个故事,而它当下所处窘境毫无关联(以至于怀疑大脑运作是否出了故障)。

    And there are unexpected resonances, such as when finding in your mind a tale that apparently has nothing to do with the dilemma you are in (so that you suspect the machinery is malfunctioning).


  • 脑海里浮现出进水画面那么猜猜球会打到因此进入压力环境之前只需将注意力集中发生的事情上。

    His mind sees the image of the ball flying into the water. So guess where the ball will go? Consequently, before going into any stressful situation, focus only on what you want to have happen.


  • 脑海一个初步轮廓或者期望达到的目标。这样才能真正帮助发挥创意灵感

    Have an outline of where you are or what you hope to accomplish as that can really help get the creative juices flowing.


  • 如果计划看日落一次谈话只有存储脑海里硬盘才能强烈地感受和体验它的滋味。

    If you decide a sunset or a conversation is going to live only in your mind instead of on your hard drive, you'll probably savor it more richly.


  • 不要那些重要决定无目的地盘旋脑海里:像对待其它任务一样好好重视它们

    Don't let important decisions drift aimlessly in your head: treat them exactly like any other of your tasks.


  • 因为脑海里闪现出超我;,一种道德良知

    The idea is that you come out; you get in your head a superego, a conscience.


  • 应该把纪念日下来打印出来,把它们深深刻脑海里同时,要记得自己意的那些纪念日自己的生日

    Write it down, print it out, tattoo it onto your brain, but make sure you remember your anniversaries and birthdays.


  • 可是脑海里通常想到建立恋爱关系总是上一次一些

    You are constantly running in and out of relationships and in some small part of your brain you always think that the new relationship will better than the last, HEY!


  • 关键在你脑海重复的消极想法一个一样把往后狠狠的拽应该将自己消极中解脱出来每次挫折面都有一个机会!

    Every negative thought that you replay your mind is like an anchor holding you back. Liberate yourself from the negativity.


  • 如果备受压力以下这些可能经常出现在你脑海

    If you're stressed, you'll most likely experience one or more of the following thought-patterns.


  • 写作之前脑海有没有出现过那些画面还是说,需要它们下来?

    Do you imagine the pictures or images in your head before you write, or do you have to draw them?


  • 要知道,亲手书写动作会使词语句子更加鲜明地呈现脑海里更好地储存的记忆中。

    Well, the physical act of writing, with your own hand, brings words and sentences more sharply before your mind and preserves them better in your memory.


  • 也许推迟这种不可避免事情编造了很多借口总是脑海生气。

    Perhaps you made up a lot of good excuses for postponing the inevitable, but it has always remained tucked away in the back of your mind, annoying you.


  • 精神幸福看似无形有影形影不离脑海里扬帆破浪满载快乐驶向光明

    Seemingly invisible spirit of happiness, but also video, it inseparable in the minds of you ride the waves to sail, loaded with happy, bright sail.


  • 亲手动笔会使词语句子更加鲜明地呈现脑海长久地储存在你的记忆

    The physical act of writing, with your hand, brings words and sentences more sharply before your mind and preserves them better in your memory.


  • 每隔一小时或者读到关于偶像的消息,这些问题就会在你脑海里重复一遍,不管谁后!

    The loop is repeated every hour or every time you read something about your icon, whichever comes first.


  • 每隔一小时或者读到关于偶像的消息,这些问题就会在你脑海里重复一遍,不管谁后!

    The loop is repeated every hour or every time you read something about your icon, whichever comes first.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定