• 还是镇上的秘书、财务主管和图书管理员,并且在咖啡馆工作。

    She is also the town secretary, the town treasurer, the librarian, and she works in the café.


  • 贝尔巴布法河地区,老人咖啡馆角落里,着那些梳着灰发年轻人吹牛

    At Belcourt and Bab-el-Oued, old men seated in the depths of cafes, listening to the bragging of young men with plastered hair.


  • 男孩子们聚集咖啡馆路过女孩子们

    Boys gather by the coffee-bar to stare at the passing girls.


  • 小姐毕业于伊利诺伊大学通过咖啡馆图书馆打工完成学业。

    Miss Kim worked her way through the University of Illinois, taking jobs in the cafeteria and the library.


  • 基本上,咖啡馆兴起所有整天醉醺醺的。

    And so, effectively, until the rise of the coffeehouse, you had an entire population that was effectively drunk all day.


  • 周日市中心咖啡馆午餐,逛逛商店然后回家度过下午时间。

    On Sundays I take her out to town, we have lunch in a cafe and we look around the shops, then we come home and spend the rest of the afternoon here.


  • 咖啡馆中,对方知道寻找什么于是建议你们下来咖啡

    At the cafe, your partner won't know what to look for so suggest that you just sit down and have a cup of coffee.


  • 咖啡馆俱乐部陌生人搭讪能让交到朋友,幸运的话甚至可以找到一个恋人

    Talking with a stranger at a café or club could get you a new friend or even a romantic partner.


  • 咖啡馆俱乐部陌生人搭讪也能交到朋友,幸运的话甚至可以找到一个恋人。

    Talking with a stranger at a café or club could get you a new friendor even a romantic partner.


  • 哈马斯禁止女性咖啡馆抽水烟袋,声称此行为会导致婚姻破裂有损巴勒斯坦人民形象

    Hamas has banned women from smoking water pipes in cafes, saying it destroys marriages and sullies the image of the Palestinian people.


  • 谈话可能采取做法工作场所学校咖啡馆餐厅只是朋友家人家里

    I practice conversations with you that might take place at work, at school, in a cafe or restaurant or just with friends and family at home.


  • 各个休闲活动公共活动空间沿商业零售路线沿线排列人们能够咖啡馆休憩亦观看展览

    Leisure activities and event Spaces are sequenced along the retail route providing opportunities for visitors to rest at a cafe or take in an exhibition.


  • 咖啡馆交给那位女士 -象征着存克斯黄金。诺克斯堡本身就是权力的的象征

    The money you passed to the lady at the coffee shop — a symbol of the gold in Fort Knox, which it itself, is symbolic of something else: power.


  • 设想这样一种情形咖啡馆聚会等场合双方认识离开房间两个陌生人开始交谈。

    Imagine a situation where two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room, or the cafe or party, etc.


  • 哈尔弗得通过计算得出结论:消费者咖啡馆咖啡支付额外花费,流向生产者仅有10%。

    Mr Harford calculates that only 10% of the premium paid for Fairtrade coffee in a coffee bar trickles down to the producer.


  • 名女招待一位失业信息技术专业人员。情愿晚上酒吧任务,因而找咖啡馆的任务。

    The waitress, an unemployed information technology professional, had said that she was willing to work in a bar at night and had worked in a cafe.


  • 如果希望实现安全特殊版本控制工作流两个开发人员可以咖啡馆通过无线网络一起工作,那么可以试试下面的方法。

    If you want to enable a secure, ad-hoc version control workflow, for instance, two guys on a wireless network in a coffee shop, then try out this hack.


  • 几年发现,告诉别人我自由职业者等于暗示,我每天咖啡馆无所事事,或是动感单车的间隙玩票似的写点东西

    Years ago, I realized that simply saying I was a freelancer connoted that I spent my days passing time in coffee shops or dabbled in writing between spin classes.


  • 根据HealthyPlace”网,一位网友很快的找到那些之相似兴趣爱好信仰年龄其他标准而不需要时间金钱咖啡馆约会

    According to Healthy Place, "a 'surfer' can immediately focus on people with similar interests, beliefs, age and other important criteria without having to spend time and money 'going for coffee.'"


  • 咖啡馆遇见了29布兰登·施努尔(BrandonSchnur),他是西弗吉尼亚大学(WestVirginia University)陶瓷课程13名学生带队人之一,这个夏天他们这里访学。

    In the cafe, I met Brandon Schnur, 29, the co-leader of a group of 13 students from the West Virginia University Ceramics Program visiting for the summer.


  • 盏街灯下停了下来看着对面咖啡馆

    He paused under a streetlamp and looked across at the cafe.


  • 看着它们松鼠咖啡馆站成谈论橡子期货市场

    Watch them as they stand in line at the little squirrel coffee shop, discussing the acorn futures market.


  • 例如加油站咖啡馆可以周日继续营业

    For instance, gas stations, cafes are allowed to keep operating on Sundays.


  • 这里变成至少名跑步者他们团队临时咖啡馆他们树荫下停下来午饭。

    It became an impromptu cafe for at least five runners and their crew, who stopped under the shade for lunch.


  • 我们路边一家普通咖啡馆停下来午饭他们坚持付钱

    We stopped at a very ordinary roadside cafe for lunch, for which they insisted on paying.


  • 零售商店银行律师事务所咖啡馆混杂一起,安息日这天全部歇业

    The retail shops were mixed in with the banks and law offices and cafes, all closed for the Sabbath.


  • 调味咖啡美食咖啡馆出售。

    Flavoured coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops.


  • 调味咖啡美食咖啡馆出售。

    Flavoured coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops.


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