• 所谓意义所谓基因的制约,所谓的基因就是交织本身内的几个字部件。

    The so-called meaning is restricted by the gene of the so-called, which can be divided into four parts and understood in predicate logical radicals.


  • 奥地利最大储蓄银行Erste Bank,已经许可私人资本进入,并且上浮到64.5%的股份;而本身维持30.5%。

    The biggest savings bank there, Erste bank, has opened itself to private capital, floating 64.5% of its shares; its own foundation retains a blocking 30.5%.


  • 可以使用SOAPREST来实现这个样式不过 REST 中会容易,因为它本身就是以文档为中心的)。

    You can implement this style using either SOAP or REST (although it is easier in REST because REST is inherently document-centric).


  • 人们之所以总是饼干的问题上怨声连连,事小,而是因为它本身

    The reason all hell always breaks out over biscuits is not in spite of their trivialitybut because of it.


  • 然而,为传递一个消息它本身对象建模一些情境中可能有用的

    However, modeling an object sending a message to itself can be useful in some cases.


  • 滑铁卢战争中,我们应当钦佩英格兰,是英国式的刚毅,英国式果敢英国式热血;英格兰的优越不至见怪吧,本身

    That which must be admired in the battle of Waterloo, is England; the English firmness, the English resolution, the English blood; the superb thing about England there, no offence to her, was herself.


  • 列表1编写风格非常简单一个编程的初学者可能会这样看起来像是重复它本身

    Listing 1 is written in a naive style that a beginning programmer might use with code that seems to repeat itself.


  • 名义货币不仅仅没有什么特别价值,而且商品的交换本身根本没有价值。拥有只是法律赋予的价值。

    Fiat money has not only no particular value in use, it doesn't even really have a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would have.


  • 有时候我们梦中会出现飞翔或者狂喜的情景,它本身令人欣慰

    That we can sometimes fly and sometimes enjoy ecstatic happiness in our dreams is in itself comforting.


  • 我们来看第一意义我们用两个,不一样向量相乘之前,我们一个向量它本身的点积。

    Well, the first thing it means before we multiply two vectors, let's start multiplying a vector with itself That's probably easier.


  • 有助于防止用户浏览网站变得疲惫可以内容中划出距离,而且本身也看上去不错

    It helps prevent a user from becoming fatigued while looking at a site, it allows separation between content, and it just looks good.


  • 本身可以内核中,也可以静态动态链接内核设备驱动例程中。

    It could be in the kernel core per se, or in a device driver that is linked into the kernel either statically or dynamically.


  • 篇文章今日如此出名很多原因不仅是因为本身精彩。

    Now this passage is famous for a lot of reasons, not least of which is that it's wonderful.


  • gui术语中,个“单元涉及多个GUI组件协作因此本身包含不止

    In GUI terms, a "unit" involves cooperation of more than one GUI component, which can itself consist of more than one class.


  • 可以肯定信息治理不是关于信息治理内部过程或是本身学科而是属于资源管理的范畴,即研究信息信息时代作为一种资源该如何加以管理。

    To be sure, information governance is not a discipline in and of itself. It is part of the resource management discipline of the information age resource of information.


  • 投票日像往常一样接下来几个月中秘密进行,本身下届大选影响并不大。

    Polling day itself will have little to do with the selection of Russia's next President, which will as usual take place behind closed doors over the next few months.


  • ,租借中的每个汽车需要回答本身是否满足某些租借条件

    In Step 10, each Vehicle in inventory is asked if it is available to meet these rental criteria.


  • 用途声明中,密斯主人农业机械大学的团队表示他们“共同期待研究密斯的克隆体它本身的差异之处。”

    In a statement of purpose, Missy's owner and the A&M team say they are “both looking forward to studying the ways that her clone differs from Missy.”


  • 使用NaN需要记住一点这个无法任何值进行比较,包括它本身

    One thing to remember when using NaN is that it is incomparable with any other value including itself.


  • 二氧化碳储存一万年以上时会变成中性,但本身会增加环境酸性逃出看似安全隔离

    Carbon dioxide increases the acidity of its environment, which could help it eat its way out of apparently secure barriers well before the gas becomes neutralized over 10, 000 years.


  • 本身并不验证用户的身份,仅仅转发转换信息因此不会导致CognosConnectionDirectory工具出现名称空间条目

    It does not authenticate the user, it simply relays and transforms information and thus does not result in a namespace entry to appear in Cognos Connection's Directory tool.


  • 不幸的是,导致5错误消息因为dojo. forEach方法调用声明函数创建了一个包,该闭包将this定义引用本身

    Unfortunately, it will result in the error message shown in Figure 5, because the function declared in the dojo.forEach method call creates a closure that defines this as referring to its own body.


  • 我们早先定义脚本num具有Script类型由于本身就是执行时会生成一个数值函数(这个例子中这个整数值是42)。

    The script "num" we defined earlier has the type script because it is a function that when executed yields an integer value (in this case the integer 42).


  • 实验中使用Redland工具箱(请参阅参考资料),本身没有起源跟踪能力(尽管处于开发阶段)。

    In my experiments, I've used the Redland toolkit (see Resources), which doesn't have native provenance tracking capabilities (although they are under development).


  • 大家都知道家畜动物语言中,仅仅原始知识间接提到,本身没有语言的认知。

    Everyone knows that the domestic animal is merely implicated in language by primitive knowledge, and that it does not have one.


  • 类比推理之所以科学研究中能这么重要作用主要是本身逻辑特征决定的。

    There can be such important function in scientific research in analogy reasoning , which because its own logic characteristic determines.


  • 名义货币不仅仅没有什么特别价值,而且商品的交换本身根本没有价值。拥有只是法律赋予的价值。

    Fiat money has not only no particular value in use; it doesn't even really have a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would have.


  • 名义货币不仅仅没有什么特别价值,而且商品的交换本身根本没有价值。拥有只是法律赋予的价值。

    Fiat money has not only no particular value in use; it doesn't even really have a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would have.


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