• 异国他乡学习似乎有点让人难以适应。

    Studying in a foreign country seems a bit overwhelming.


  • 文化冲击大多数游客异国他乡体验一种感受那里他们会发现那里文化自己的文化大不相同

    Cultural shock is a feeling which most travelers experience in a foreign country where they find the culture is quite different from that of their own.


  • 异国他乡看到汉字使感觉得如回到故乡一样的舒畅。

    Seeing Chinese characters in a foreign country makes me feel back at my comfortable hometown.


  • 他们在异国他乡面临着失业率为主要特征生存危机

    The immigrants have to face living crisis characterized by high unemployment ratio.


  • 其他千千万非洲黑人一样,只身流亡异国他乡

    He is an anonymous exile in a foreign land, just like so many other thousand of black Africans.


  • 2001年,石灯彩新西兰希腊展出,再一次在异国他乡引起轰动。

    In February 2001, when Xiashi colored lanterns were shown in New Zealand and Greece, they created a hit.


  • 这个一样的语言,而且很出乎意料异国他乡结实了一个朋友。

    This person speaks your language, and whammo, you have a new best friend-for your vacation at least.


  • 异国他乡是否感觉到了寂寞孤独湖畔高级休闲会所为您创造感觉

    In Mabalacat of whether you feel lonely and isolated, and Lake High leisure clubs you will create the feeling of home.


  • 有一个人曾经出国去旅行回家大肆吹嘘异国他乡那些奇妙经历

    A Man once went abroad on his travels, and when he came home he had wonderful tales to tell of the things he had done in foreign countries.


  • 寻找一个愿意在异国他乡踏踏实实生活,喜欢并宽容多元文化,幽默不失分寸女性

    I would like to seek a woman who tolerates multi-culture, with a sense of humor but detail-oriented.


  • 寻找一个愿意在异国他乡踏踏实实生活,喜欢并宽容多元文化幽默且不失分寸女性

    I would like to seek a woman who tolerates multiple cultures, with a sense of humor but detail-oriented.


  • 或许能解释我们异国他乡的时候,为了别人理解我们,为什么我们会拼命舞动我们

    Which might explain why we wave our hands, exhaustively, when trying to be understood in countries where we don't speak the language.


  • 重要高兴也很受鼓舞异国他乡我终于可以养活自己,而不再需要父母经济资助

    The more important thing is that I feel very happy and inspired that I am supporting myself in a foreign country and do not need the financial help from my parents any more.


  • 希望我们精心排练的节目丰盛美味年夜饭可以让大家在异国他乡度过一个快乐热闹的除夕夜

    We sincerely wish everybody have a great new years and enjoy the wonderful performances and great food.


  • 春天到了也开始蠢蠢欲动驾车实现自己梦想异国他乡寻找生活真实

    Spring is here and my heart springs like the post-hibernation insects. I desire to drive away to realize my dream: searching for life's truth in a strange land.


  • 的机会的。异国他乡可以被选自己国家学生代表大使一种骄傲吧成为学生中的领导者

    In the foreign country , iam chosen to my country's student ambassador, it is a pride , i become the student leader.


  • 寻找一个愿意在异国他乡踏踏实实生活,喜欢并宽容多元文化,幽默不失分寸的女性(墨尔本)。

    I would like to seek a woman who tolerates multi-culture, with a sense of humor but detail-oriented (In Melbourne now).


  • 需要说明一点所说广义印度海归本文中指的是已经异国他乡生活至少10年的印度

    As a caveat, the broad definition I use of a 'returning Indian,' in the context of this article, is someone who has been away for at least a decade.


  • 再过时间,飞往法国那,为了学习多一种语言历练异国他乡生活,他要那边呆上至少的时间。

    In a few hours he would be flying to France. He would be staying there for at least a year to learn another language and experience life in a different country.


  • 系统使得跨越国界操作变得很容易即使试验计划使得人们可以通过移动转账系统在异国他乡肯尼亚的人汇款。

    The system could easily operate across borders. Even now, a pilot scheme enables people to send expatriate remittances to Kenya via the M-PESA system.


  • 秘谍夫妻》中,特工萨曼莎·布鲁姆(Samantha Bloom)不异国他乡追踪俄罗斯军火贩子时候,便洛杉矶经营一家餐馆

    In 'Undercovers,' special agent Samantha Bloom runs a Los Angeles catering business, when she's not chasing down Russian arms dealers in exotic locales.


  • 很多商业院校遥远异国他乡建立校园,源于法国的欧洲工商学院便是其领头羊

    Some business schools have built campuses on the other side of the world. INSEAD, a French school, has led the way.


  • 一部电影《异国他乡隐含主题——关于危机中的他们迷失一个不确定自身特性国家

    This was the underlying theme of my previous film, "Foreign Land", about a generation in crisis, lost in a country which was, itself, unsure of its identity.


  • 发达国家过惯了养尊处优生活年轻人度假心情来到异国他乡

    This group in the most developed countries accustomed to the life of young people, with a half holiday mood came to a foreign country.


  • 中秋节期间,漂泊外的儿女回到父母家中有时即使已经定居异国他乡人们也会回来

    During the Mid-Autumn Festival, sons and daughters come back to their parents' house. Sometimes people who have settled overseas will return to visit their parents.


  • 李小龙一个经常街头打架斗殴小伙子大师门下学艺再到孤身一人带著一百美金来到异国他乡

    Bruce Lee from a regular fighting in the streets of the young man to master in the leaves alone to subglottic Gakugei came with a hundred dollars on foreign soil;


  • 李小龙一个经常街头打架斗殴小伙子大师门下学艺再到孤身一人带著一百美金来到异国他乡

    Bruce Lee from a regular fighting in the streets of the young man to master in the leaves alone to subglottic Gakugei came with a hundred dollars on foreign soil;


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