• 如果在线预订或者购买多种方法表达

    If you are booking things online, or buying things, there are various ways you can say it.


  • 30酒店品牌在线预订渠道增长并非孤立现象

    The growth of the Internet channel for the top 30 hotel brands is not an isolated phenomenon.


  • 最近,笔者针对很多在线预订引擎其它搜索工具用户体验进行研究。

    AngryRecently I have been looking at the user experience with a lot of online travel booking engines and other search tools.


  • 所有酒店集团只需提供品牌在线预订系统,就可以从收入分得一杯

    All the hotel group provides is its brand and its online reservation system in return for a cut of the takings.


  • 这些传统的公司进入了盲点。”他们九十年代实施在线预订那样的缓慢。

    "The legacies have been caught blindsided," just as they were with online bookings in the 1990s.


  • 这样大环境背景下,旅游在线预订业务进入一个快速增长阶段

    In this context of the overall environment, tourism, online booking service has entered a rapid growth phase.


  • 由于在线预订搜索服务市场份额已趋饱和笔者认为我们需要考虑以下几个方面

    Given the stagnating market share for online booking services and search - I think we need to consider a number of issues.


  • 在线预订增长正向海外扩展美国在线预订旅行者渴望更多国际化旅游选择

    Growth in online booking is shifting overseas, while US travelers who book online are looking for more international options.


  • 监督评估供应商服务以及在线预订系统确保供应商提供质量的服务;

    To supervise and evaluate vendor service and on-line booking system, make sure high quality service is provided.


  • 他们正在回归传统旅行社——专家曾经预测随着在线预订兴起,这个行业会成为历史。

    They are going back the travel agent, an industry that many industry experts once thought to be passé with the advent of online booking.


  • ——在线预订旅游代理商预订总量占10%,说明了旅游代理商未能充分利用网络

    Online bookings comprised of just 10% of travel agents' total reservations, showing that travel agents have not yet taken full advantage of an online presence.


  • 假如一个渴望国际旅行背包族,那么这旅行计划在线预订都是非常有用的。

    That’s helpful if you’re an avidinternational backpacker who does most of your travel planning and bookingonline.


  • 如何最好利用数据在线预订工具其他智能技术进一步实现旅行计划的目标?

    How to make best use of the big data, on-line booking tools and other wisdom technology to further realize your travel plan?


  • 例如通过系统进行交互销售团队可以动态地在线预订应用程序修改报价策略座位分配策略。

    For example, by interacting with the system, a sales team might be able to dynamically change the pricing strategy and seat allocation strategy for an online booking application.


  • 航空渡口铁路乘客一般必须通过点击一个在线预订费用将添加到价格。

    Airline, ferry and rail passengers typically have to click through four to six pages of an online booking before the charge is added to the price.


  • GoDo于2006年成立,澳大利亚新西兰客户提供可以事情”的实时在线预订服务

    Established in 2006, GoDo provides a real time online booking service for "things to do" in Australia and New Zealand.


  • 航空公司更多业务集中网站中,竭力降低成本消费者通过直接在线预订希望享受更低价格

    Airlines are driving more business to their websites in an effort to cut costs, and consumers are looking for lower prices by booking direct on the Internet.


  • 另外27条评论认为应该创造在线预订汽车种类这些汽车应该给予8年以上寿命

    Another 27 comments said the category of online booked cars should be created, and these cars should be given more than 8 years on the road.


  • 数据显示尽管传统旅行社销售量出现了上下波动,但整个2008年下半年在线预订保持稳定

    Figures indicate that while sales through traditional agencies have spiked and troughed several times, online bookings held steady throughout the second half of 2008.


  • 帮助你的用户在线预订你的展会课程等服务,免费支持150个项目以及每月300个预订

    Online registration for events, workshops, classes and courses. The free version allows for 150 events with 300 bookings per month.


  • 这家酒店提供的是一种精简服务模式”,包括在线预订虚拟办理住宿手续、无钥匙入住精选客房服务

    The inn offers an "abbreviated services model" that includes online booking, virtual check-in, keyless entry and elective housekeeping.


  • 在线预订增长是以GDS电话预订渠道衰退代价后两者预订目前已经许多出现下降。

    The increase in Internet bookings comes at the expense of the GDS and Voice Channels, both of which have been in decline for many years now.


  • 人们普遍认为,手机可以制作旅行计划在线预订可以打折必要时访问期间检查信息非常有帮助

    It is commonly agreed that mobile phone can be very helpful for making travel plans, booking fight tickets and checking information when necessary during trip.


  • iPerceptions研究成果包括了对在线预订业务最大障碍的分析,它指出酒店的网站努力提升预订转化率

    Key findings from the study include an overview of the biggest barriers to online booking, showing that hospitality websites are still struggling to convert on booking intent.


  • 仅次于携程今年第二季度净利下降了25%,在线预订收入增长了17%,营销成本上升了42%。

    Be next to those who carry Cheng art dragon the net of the 2nd quarter fell this year 25%, its online booked income to grow 17%, but sale cost rose 42%.


  • 对于已经进入这个市场代理商Henry先生指出:“目前挑战在于迎合消费者对于更优质更快在线预订体验需求。”

    For agents already tapping the market, Mr Henry said: "the challenge now is to meet consumers' demands for better and faster online bookings experience."


  • 这个迹象表明,印度消费者日益青睐在线预订模式意识度也日益增加,虽然他们现在没有在线预订转化为在线预订也为时不远了

    This is a sign of increasing popularity and awareness amongst consumers of the online booking mode, and though they don't make bookings currently it won't be long before they convert.


  • 灵活安排,节省费用:如果是出差一个多个机场地方,可以咨询旅游顾问,看看是否能选择其它机场,或在线预订灵活选择

    Be Flexible to Find Savings - For travel to or from an area with multiple airports, ask your travel counselor to search alternate airports or use this option in your online booking tool.


  • 美国,Priceline.com消费者购买各类旅行产品(机票、酒店租车度假游轮)提供了更多费用节省在线预订方式

    In the U.S., priceline.com gives customers more ways to save on their airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, vacation packages and cruises than any other Internet travel service.


  • 当今的困难时期旅游业供过于求,但2009年一季度排名前30个酒店品牌在线预订却同比显著增长6.3% (etrak)。

    In these difficult times, when travel supply outweighed travel demand by far, Internet bookings for the top 30 hotel brands increased by a remarkable 6.3% in Q1 2009 vs. Q1 2008 (eTRAK).


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