• 朋友餐馆吃饭账单金额通常超过20美元

    When I have dinner at a restaurant with a friend, the bill is usually over twenty dollars.


  • 喜欢吃木樨肉,每次餐馆吃饭这个

    She likes scrambled eggs. Every time she goes to a restaurant, she will order this dish.


  • 母亲则更喜欢餐馆吃饭准备主菜错过早餐

    Mothers purchased restaurant meals or prepared entrees or missed breakfast.


  • 餐馆吃饭时,尽量少吃那些油炸富含脂肪食物

    Minimize the amount of fried, fatty foods at restaurants


  • 真是上了台面每次我们餐馆吃饭,他总晚饭时刀尖剔牙。

    He isn't sortable! Every time we eat at the restaurant, he picks his teeth with the tip of his knife in the middle of supper.


  • 虽然多数白领都喜欢餐馆吃饭金静却几乎每天自己宿舍做饭吃。

    At a time when most white-collar workers prefer to eat outside, Jin cooks dinner almost every day in her apartment.


  • 被邀请超级市场公关们一起午餐,免费餐馆吃饭偶尔试试美容精华或者我联系他们后,为我涂抹深海

    I am invited to lunch with supermarket PRs, to dine in restaurants for free and sometimes to try out beauty serums, or, as I call them, slimes.


  • 感觉不到可以生活跟别人诉说烦恼,因为不会这样麻烦啊。) ,尴尬的是:餐馆吃饭呢。

    Not feeling you should share some of the stressors in your life (‘Yeah, wouldn’t I like to have your problems’), awkwardness re: who should pay at a restaurant.


  • 感觉不到可以生活跟别人诉说烦恼(对,因为不会这样麻烦啊。) ,尴尬的是:餐馆吃饭呢。

    Not feeling you should share some of the stressors in your life (‘Yeah, wouldn't I like to have your problems’), awkwardness re: who should pay at a restaurant.


  • 感觉不到可以生活跟别人诉说烦恼,因为不会这样麻烦啊。) ,尴尬的是:餐馆吃饭呢。

    Not feeling you should share some of the stressors in your life ('Yeah, wouldn't I like to have your problems'), awkwardness re: who should pay at a restaurant.


  • 到商店购物餐馆吃饭电影、拥挤的酒吧杯饮料,对于胖人来说,这些场合经过交涉才能呆下去,谈不到享受

    Grocery shopping, eating at restaurants, going to the movies, having drinks at a crowded bar-for the fat person, these are situations to be negotiated and survived, not enjoyed.


  • 这些服务带领我们到达吃饭的地方,同时也期望可以餐馆顾客之间创造一些激励措施保证回头客

    These services help drive us to eateries and hopefully create incentives between restaurants and customers to foster repeat business and loyalty.


  • 天晚上来到纳开的一家老式好莱坞餐馆吃饭,菲尔·斯佩克特便邀请用餐。

    One night, she found herself dining at Dan Tana's, an old-school Hollywood restaurant. Phil Spector, who was also there, asked her to sit at his table.


  • 然后真正地寿司,因此丈夫我出去一家日本餐馆吃饭

    And then I really wanted to have sushi so my husband and I ate out at a Japanese restaurant.


  • 承认尽管健康的,可一到聚餐的时候就不行了,比如家庭派对婚礼朋友聚会,烧烤,或者餐馆吃饭等等。

    I have to admit that while I eat pretty healthy at home, my weakness is at social gatherings: family parties, weddings, gatherings with friends, barbecues, eating out at restaurants.


  • 摆脱肥胖症人们可以容易地知道各种食物大约含有多少热量,而且人们大部分时间都吃饭不是餐馆用餐

    People who are motivated to avoid obesity know or can easily discover the approximate caloric content of the various foods, and people have most of their meals at home rather than in restaurants.


  • 大多数这样那样习惯早上时候喝杯拿铁面包圈;饮料中午的时候同一餐馆吃饭

    Most people have some sort of routine in their day where they buy a morning latte or a bagel, or they drink six cans of soda, or they eat out at the same place each day for lunch.


  • 3.8万多受访者中,40%人称他们为了应对眼下经济危机,已经经常出去吃饭,或者选择去便宜餐馆就餐

    Nearly 40 percent of the survey's 38,000-plus respondents said they were coping with the shaky economy by eating out less often, and by patronizing less expensive restaurants.


  • 3.8万受访者中40%人称他们为了应对眼下经济危机,已经经常出去吃饭,或者选择去便宜餐馆就餐

    Nearly 40 percent of the survey's 38, 000-plus respondents said they were coping with the shaky economy by eating out less often, and by patronizing less expensive restaurants.


  • 广场一角,诺万街开始地方,有间名为《au ClirondesChausseurs》的餐馆,那海明威有钱吃饭的场所。

    At one corner of the square, where Rue Norvins starts, was the au Cliron des Chausseurs, where he often ate when he had money.


  • 中国如果一个朋友邀请餐馆吃饭,这位朋友付钱

    In China, if a friend invites you to a restaurant for dinner, the friend will pay the bill.


  • 宁愿海洋餐馆因为喜欢吃饭时候安静音乐

    I'd rather go to the Blue Ocean Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I'm eating.


  • 他们认为人们喜欢火车因为他们没有足够的时间他们房子餐馆吃饭

    They argue that people like eating in the train in the morning because they don't have enough time to eat at their houses or restaurants.


  • 还有私人贴士如果餐馆吃饭,最后没有我会一个食物

    And my own personal tip: if I eat at a restaurant and can't finish it all, I ask for a doggie bag.


  • 到达目的地当地餐馆吃饭旅馆便宜旅店住宿农业市场购物

    When you reach your destination, eat at the small local dives, stay in hostels or cheap hotels, and shop at the farmers' food markets.


  • 到达目的地当地餐馆吃饭旅馆便宜旅店住宿农业市场购物

    When you reach your destination, eat at the small local dives, stay in hostels or cheap hotels, and shop at the farmers' food markets.


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