• 基于位置服务受欢迎因为人们知道他们本地地区什么东西,而且他们想要与其周围的人们取得联系

    Location-based services are popular because people want to know what's good in their local area, and they want to connect to people around them.


  • 设备设置不允许使用基于位置服务

    You may opt-out of location based services by editing the setting at the device level.


  • 诺基亚地图套件,为带来基于位置服务未来

    Nokia Maps Suite brings you the future of location-based services.


  • 这些服务空间位置密切联系我们称之为基于位置的服务

    These services have a much closer relationship with surrounding spatial environment, so are called Location-Based service.


  • 代码作为起点可以使用自己数据模型构建自己的基于位置服务

    Using this code as a starting point, you can build your own location-based service with your own data model.


  • 随着目前使用基于位置服务用户人数增长是否认为我们已经看到一个庞大市场应用需求开始

    With Numbers of people now using Location based services on the rise do you think we have seen the start of LBS as a mass market application?


  • 系统结合GIS数据库系统能够表述移动物体支持运动物体查询,从而实现基于位置的服务

    Now, GIS was required to represent moving objects and to support querying on the motion properties of objects for location-based services.


  • 随着目前使用基于位置服务用户人数增长是否认为我们已经看到一个庞大市场应用需求开始

    TWB:With numbers of people now using Location based services on the rise do you think we have seen the start of LBS as a mass market application?


  • 提供各种易于下载应用程序在线商店兴起因为这些手机支持用户体验新的服务包括基于位置的服务

    The rise of online stores with easily downloadable applications, or "apps", for these phones is also encouraging users to experiment with new services, including location-based ones.


  • 但是越来越多的声音争论更大实验研究领域各种活动一起爆发,例如基于位置的服务社区游戏

    But more and more, voices are urging greater experimentation in places booming with activity, including location-based services and social gaming.


  • 浏览器不会确切地告诉某个用户来自世界哪个地方(虽然有了基于位置服务IP地址查找,情形在发生改变)。

    It's not as if a browser can tell you exactly where the user is coming from in the world (though that's changing with location-based services and with IP address lookups).


  • 为向用户提供完善正确高效基于位置服务功能事务处理事务处理能力成为现代GIS系统应具备的功能

    To provide mature, accurate, efficient Location Based Services for users, the functions of transaction processing and long-time transaction handling have become the requirements of modern GIS system.


  • 2015年,基于位置广告收入达到62亿美元,整个移动广告收入将近35%,占整个基于位置的服务收入的 60%以上

    In 2015, we forecast total revenues to reach $6.2 billion, equivalent to almost 35 percent of total mobile advertising revenue, and more than 60 percent of total location-based services revenue.


  • 服务位置透明性资源移动提供了支持,意味着网格可以基于可用性扩展收缩必要还可以移动

    Service location transparency provides for mobility of such resources as well which means that the grid can expand or contract based on availability and move when necessary.


  • 注意地址位置总线一个地址,基于端点侦听器入站服务生成

    Notice that the address location is an address on the bus, which is generated based on the endpoint listener and inbound service name.


  • 本特:“这种位置感知不仅仅搜索发现服务未来,还是基于广告和付费内容未来,赋予阅读器和浏览器以更高价值。”

    Bentes says, "this kind of location awareness will be the future of not only search and discovery services, but even ad-based and paid content, giving even more value to viewers and readers alike."


  • 一些业界资深人士提到过去十年里实时基于位置服务曾经热烈讨论多次,结果只有失望

    Some veterans of the tech industry note that real-time location-based services have been talked up several times in the past decade, only to disappoint.


  • 目前我们正在测试一种基于服务的自动记录机制进一步扩展位置识别功能

    Currently, we are testing a server-based auto-profiling mechanism that will expand our location awareness capability.


  • 简介Google地图一种免费服务,可通过Internet提供基于浏览器方位向导以及特定位置地图。

    Summary: Google Maps is a free service that provides browser-based directions as well as maps of particular locations through the Internet.


  • WSDL (Web服务描述语言)用于描述Web服务基于XML的语言,描述内容包括服务位置格式操作参数数据类型

    WSDL (Web Services Description language), which is an XML-based language for describing a Web service, including its location, formats, operations, parameters, and data types.


  • 基于PHP的Web浏览器管理工具能够单一位置管理多个数据库服务实例

    A PHP-based Web browser administration tool, OAT for IDS provides the ability to administer multiple database server instances from a single location.


  • 这些供应可以移动的(比如gps),也可以是基于服务的(网络位置供应源)。

    These providers may be onboard (GPS for example) or server-based (a network location provider).


  • 基于定位移动广告服务逐渐成长一个极大机会因为他们根据人们位置相关广告放在他们面前。

    Mobile AD serving based on location is increasingly growing into a big opportunity because they put relevant ads in front of people based on where people are.


  • 现在一个定义良好位置(网关中介)添加中介功能服务端的记录基于内容路由等。

    There is now a well-defined place (gateway mediations) to add intermediate functionality like logging or content-based routing on the server side.


  • 享受使用过程,而且认为它的潜力无限,位置服务成为一个平台基于这个平台将不断涌现出新的服务应用。

    I enjoy using it and think that there is incredible potential for location to be a platform for the development of incredible new services.


  • 客户机具有特定位置本地配置文件,使用配置文件;否则基于服务机制(若存在)查询位置信息。

    If a client has a local profile for a particular location, then the local profile is used; otherwise, the server-based mechanism (if it exists) is queried for location information.


  • 可以使用WSIF更改基于SOAP请求规范版本中的服务类型位置

    You can use WSIF to change the type of service and location in the normalized version of the WSDL for SOAP-based requests.


  • 模式用于地理位置分散中心承载服务提供者多个实例的情况,基于帐户详细信息选择相应的服务

    This pattern could be used where multiple instances of a service provider are hosted in different geographical centres and the appropriate service is selected based on account details.


  • 希望充分理解组织当前位置将来SOA中的位置以及为什么基于UNIX服务仍然解决整个难题关键部分

    I hope you now have a decent understanding of where your organization is and where you may be going in relation to SOA and why UNIX-based servers are still critical pieces of the overall puzzle.


  • 希望充分理解组织当前位置将来SOA中的位置以及为什么基于UNIX服务仍然解决整个难题关键部分

    I hope you now have a decent understanding of where your organization is and where you may be going in relation to SOA and why UNIX-based servers are still critical pieces of the overall puzzle.


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