Special transfer payments will total 1.257988 trillion yuan, an increase of 261.295billion yuan or 26.2%, equivalent to 52.5% of total transfer payments.
General transfer payments will total 1.137493 trillion yuan, an increase of 267.844 billion yuan or 30.8%, equivalent to 47.5% of total transfer payments.
On the other hand, it is because of the fault of transfer payment between the county and villages and leading that both turning in financial power and peasants burden increasing have relativity.
The central government cut, by one third, the number of items for which special transfer payments are permitted, while scaling up its general transfer payments.
The results show that transfers to the west of China lead to the increase of labor, output and welfare of the west. And the overall output is au...
The results show that transfers to the west of China lead to the increase of labor, output and welfare of the west. And the overall output is au...