• 知道费希尔先生多大年纪了,但是一定啦。

    I don't know how old Mr Fisher is, but he must be as old as the hills.


  • 不管多大年纪女孩一生一定至少一部下面青少年电影。㦀。

    No matter how old a girl is, she should certainly see one of these teen movies at least once in a lifetime.


  • 一旦有人问起多大年纪总是回答:“亲爱的长成大人真可怕啊!”

    If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!'


  • 一旦有人问起多大年纪总是回答:“亲爱的长成大人真可怕啊!”

    If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'My Dear, it must be terrible to be grown up!'


  • 一旦有人问起多大年纪总是回答:“亲爱的长成大人真可怕啊!”

    If anyone ever asked her how old she is, she always answers, 'My dear, it must be terrible to be grown up!'


  • 我们一些基本情况几个多大年纪有没有受伤是否食物

    She asked me for basic information such as the number of people, the age of us, whether we got injured or not, whether we got food and water.


  • 况且多大年纪病儿这么那么想,这不是自己倒给自己添病了么?

    How can someone your age give way to such foolish fancies just because of a little illness? Do you want to make yourself worse?


  • 认为多大年纪就应该开始游戏猜字谜避免年龄增大带来退化呢?”问道

    "At what age would you say it's important to start playing games and puzzles to help stave off the effects of age-related deterioration?" I asked.


  • 我们已经足够长的时间学习不是多大年纪多么-而且每个人都一个故事

    We "ve also been around long enough to learn it" s not about how old you are, but how good you are - and that everyone loves a good story.


  • 被问及是否参演电影时史密斯告诉格拉汉姆·诺顿说:“恐怕不行,那时候多大年纪了?”

    Asked if she would appear in any film, Smith told Graham Norton: "I can't -what age would she be?"


  • 隔天早上,银行家正在穿衣服,令人厌恶的丑老太婆面向问道: “小老弟究竟多大年纪呢?”

    In the morning, as he was getting dressed, the repulsive crone turned to him and said, "Sonny, how old are you anyway?""


  • 并不感兴趣,多大年纪只想知道你是否觉得为了、为了梦想、为了冒险生活傻瓜才有的行为。

    It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.


  • 并不感兴趣,多大年纪只想知道你是否觉得为了、为了梦想、为了冒险而生活傻瓜才有的行为。

    It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.


  • 乔琳女人看起来有多大的时候,你必须思考一下,她成为多大年纪的人,然后再说出一个数字

    Joleen: When a woman asks you how old she is, you think, how old does she want to be. And then you say that number.


  • 我们可以自由自愿反对性暴力,甚至超越了任何可以想到界限不论你是属于哪个种族多大年纪或是来自哪个阶层

    It strikes freely and willingly. It cuts across every boundary you can imagine. It pays no mind whatsoever to race, age, or class.


  • 我们可以自由自愿地反对性暴力,甚至超越了任何可以想到界限不论你是属于哪个种族多大年纪或是来自哪个阶层

    It cuts across every boundary you can imagine. It pays no mind whatsoever to race, age, or class.


  • 中国女人到了二十多岁不结婚就会面临来自家庭社会巨大压力美国女人则完全没有这种压力,因为无论多大年纪,总有追求者那里,而中国女人年纪一旦大了,很难再有追求者了。

    Chinese women will face huge pressure from society and family if they haven't got married when they are over twenty. For American women, this kind of pressure is nowhere to find.


  • 中国女人到了二十多岁不结婚就会面临来自家庭社会巨大压力美国女人则完全没有这种压力,因为无论多大年纪,总有追求者那里,而中国女人年纪一旦大了,很难再有追求者了。

    Chinese women will face huge pressure from society and family if they haven't got married when they are over twenty. For American women, this kind of pressure is nowhere to find.


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