Before the amount of capital account does not print the word "RMB", should fill in the "RMB" three words.
The notice in writing the amount of capital, not beyond the border has been given, otherwise invalid cheque.
The method mentioned above has been applied to the segmentation of Chinese bank check amounts and get good results.
Can batch convert Numbers to Chinese capital amount, one can convert multiple lines, especially for accounting, financial personnel application.
Experiments of handwritten legal amount recognition on Chinese check show that the fuzzy sub-stroke statistical feature proposed in this paper is more effective.
The experiment based on the handwritten legal amount on Chinese bank check shows that the method is more effective than other meshing direction features, and recognition rate has been up to 97.64%.
甲方迟延交付出租房屋的,应向乙方支付违约金,违约金额为每一迟延日人民币元(大写: 元)。
Party A shall pay Party B liquidated damages for their delay in delivery of the house and amount for liquidated damages is RMB XXX for each delayed day.
The amount in the "digital Arabia 0", Chinese capital should be in accordance with the rules, the amount of Chinese speech and writing a digital request to avoid smearing.
Please make sure that the amount in words must be consisted with that in figure, otherwise the bank will dishonor the check.
第二条本合同总金额为人民币251,896.53元(小写),人民币(大写) 贰拾伍万壹仟捌佰玖拾陆元伍角叁分整。
Article 2 The total contract amount is RMB 251,896.53 Yuan (in number), i. e. RMB two hundred and fifty one thousand and eight hundred and ninety six point five three Yuan in words.
Please write down the amount with whole spelling and the monetary unit in block letters here.
Please write down the amount with whole spelling and the monetary unit in block letters here.