Companies that have difficulties introducing mass customisation tend to have them on two counts.
Mass customisation is a production process that combines elements of mass production with those of bespoke tailoring.
Networked mass customization production pattern based on product life-cycle is presented.
Product family design is the key technology to achieve scaled economy under the condition of mass customization.
It is exactly that agile production Oriented mass customization is the effective method to solve this dilemmatic problem.
Flexibility is very important for advanced manufacturing systems, especially for the systems that implement the Mass Customization.
Ever since the appearance of the mass customized production, its economical superiority has become peoples chasing target.
Environment changes cause the corporations' manufacture made transform from Mass Production to Mass Customization.
To integrate quality tool with Mass Customization is the key point of the researching on this paper.
It is possible to realize mass - customization in bigger scope if lean production is combined with agile manufacture.
Mass Customization is used to offer diverse and individual product for customers on basis of not increasing cost and time.
Mass production could, in short, give way to mass customisation for all kinds of products, from shoes to spectacles to kitchenware.
Finally, networked mass customization production pattern, which is embodied by virtual supply chain, based on product life-cycle is constructed.
In order to supply the design tools for the special vehicle design for mass customization, the parameterized design system using for special vehicles is developed.
This thesis analyses the product design in mass customization and a product configuration design method based on extension theory has been presented.
Secondly, customization analysis of every stage in product life-cycle is taken within operational framework of mass customization.
As a new kind of network organization, the cluster supply chain holds a unique advantage in the mass customization.
Mass customization is regarded as the main manner of production in 21st century because it takes advantage of both the mass production and customization production.
This paper analyses technology and requirements of mass customization decoration. It points out advantages of mass customization decoration and some existing problems.
This article introduces the concept and engineers of furniture design for mass customization (FDFMC), and mainly discusses the process of FDFMC.
It demands for higher quality, optimized cost and faster reaction time, has the chain characteristic under the new environment.
The study shows that by adopting the production mode of mass customization in green manufacturing, the enterprises can coordinate and optimize their economic and social profits.
For example, compared Mass Production and Mass Customization; the basic mode, characteristic and suitable situation of every kinds of organization structure, etc.
Mass customisation means offering customers just an element of choice over certain modules or components of the product while keeping the overall design unchanged.
Foreign automotive industry carries out the large scale and custom order production mode by the ways of commonalization design, jointly developing and jointly purchasing for automotive parts.
According to the MC manufacturer's flexible demands for the supplier's products, the quantity flexibility contract, which is enlarged, is used between the MC manufacturer and the supplier.
According to the MC manufacturer's flexible demands for the supplier's products, the quantity flexibility contract, which is enlarged, is used between the MC manufacturer and the supplier.