WHAT person in his right mind would want to tackle Britain's nightmarish public finances?
Entrepreneurs - who have an especially acute need to manage stress and keep their minds sharp - should be no exception.
Unsurprisingly, no restaurateur in his right mind would crack open a pricey vintage and agree to be paid for a single glass of it.
Sober nations have all at once become desperate gamblers, and risked almost their existence upon the turn of a piece of paper.
No researcher in his right mind would allow Dr. House to use an investigational drug that has never been tested in humans, no matter how sick the patient was.
But, when it comes to the public finances, Mr Osborne is a sober fiscal hawk rather than a gung-ho Reaganite tax-cutter.
In a lucid moment Winston found that he was Shouting with the others and kicking his heel violently against the rung of his chair.
The humanity as if perceived any, had as if understood any, these clear-headed ones as if let other people awaken something diligently.
To more sober financial analysts, this is a worrying imbalance, especially when Washington is relying upon foreigners to cover its own enormous federal deficits.
His entire empire is threatened by the rot in a small part of it. Before he closed it, the News of the World contributed less than 1% of News Corp's business.
The lessons learned at the cost of blood helped to sober us.
Some recent neural network research also indicates that deep sleep may be important in helping clear the brain for new learning the next day.
如果你的公司让你提前退休 你能否做出头脑清醒地做出决定?
Would you be able to make a clear-headed decision if your company asked you to take an early retirement?
Ms. Li told her husband, “We need to keep our heads clear and pay attention to what’s happening.”
The Progenyless Folk (a boneless race who, because they eat only air "are clear-headed and live a long time").
Like the noisy royalty who intimidated Alice until her head cleared and she realized they were only a pack of CARDS, school achievement is just a pack of words.
Spiritual thinkers and philosophers from Eastern and Western traditions underscore the importance of rest and time away to clear the mind.
Her job is so big, so unpredictable, that she says these fixed points are crucially important "to maintain my sanity".
Dating from the early 14th century, it portrays a sober, warlike figure in a suit of chain mail, the end of his lance being chewed by a lion.
He walked into the day as alertly as mightbe, making a definite noise with his heels, perceiving with his eyes thesuperficial truth of streets and structures, the trivial truth of reality.
The good news, however, is that researchers report wearing your favorite cologne will make you feel less tense, angry or confused and -- by default -- more fun to be around.
Because a new study in the journal Science shows that a quick snooze after a mental workout helps to consolidate learning.
Stay sober and aware. If you're with someone you don't know very well, be aware of what's going on around you and try to stay in control.
To actually reduce benefits and raise taxes, we're going to need legislators who wake up in the morning passionate about fiscal sanity.
To avoid puffy, bloodshot eyes, dark under-eye circles and a pale washed-out complexion — and for peak alertness and energy — experts say you need eight hours of sleep a night.
To avoid puffy, bloodshot eyes, dark under-eye circles and a pale washed-out complexion — and for peak alertness and energy — experts say you need eight hours of sleep a night.