• 头脑清醒的愿意管英国噩梦般的公共财政吗?

    WHAT person in his right mind would want to tackle Britain's nightmarish public finances?


  • 企业家管理压力保持头脑清醒需求尤其迫切,因此这方面绝不应该例外

    Entrepreneurs - who have an especially acute need to manage stress and keep their minds sharp - should be no exception.


  • 毫不奇怪任何头脑清醒的餐馆老板不愿意为了出售一杯酒,打开一瓶昂贵葡萄酒

    Unsurprisingly, no restaurateur in his right mind would crack open a pricey vintage and agree to be paid for a single glass of it.


  • 原本头脑清醒国民突然马上变成了不顾一切赌徒,将他们的生活建立在一张

    Sober nations have all at once become desperate gamblers, and risked almost their existence upon the turn of a piece of paper.


  • 没有头脑清醒的研究人员允许使用没有人体试验的实验药物病人身上。

    No researcher in his right mind would allow Dr. House to use an investigational drug that has never been tested in humans, no matter how sick the patient was.


  • 但是涉及公共财政时斯本一个头脑清醒财务鹰派人士,不是激进的里根式减税者。

    But, when it comes to the public finances, Mr Osborne is a sober fiscal hawk rather than a gung-ho Reaganite tax-cutter.


  • 头脑清醒瞬间里,温斯顿觉出他正旁人一样大喊大叫,用脚后跟暴烈地椅子横挡。

    In a lucid moment Winston found that he was Shouting with the others and kicking his heel violently against the rung of his chair.


  • 人类似乎觉察到了什么,似乎明白了什么,那些头脑清醒的努力似乎其他醒悟了很多。

    The humanity as if perceived any, had as if understood any, these clear-headed ones as if let other people awaken something diligently.


  • 更多头脑清醒金融分析家来说一种令人担心失调现象尤其是华盛顿越来越仰仗外国人掩盖自身庞大的联邦赤字之时

    To more sober financial analysts, this is a worrying imbalance, especially when Washington is relying upon foreigners to cover its own enormous federal deficits.


  • 庞大帝国因为毒瘤面临了重大威胁。(《世界新闻报》关闭之前,只给新闻集团带来不到1%业务收益。一个头脑清醒的巨头都应该接受意见早就将转让,但默多克新闻出版有着很深的情结。)

    His entire empire is threatened by the rot in a small part of it. Before he closed it, the News of the World contributed less than 1% of News Corp's business.


  • 头脑清醒之后想起了发生的一切。

    As her mind cleared, she remembered what had happened.


  • 你的身体让头脑清醒,创造更多能量。

    Use your body to clear your head and create more energy.


  • 教训使我们头脑清醒了。

    The lessons learned at the cost of blood helped to sober us.


  • 最近一些关于神经网络研究发现睡眠对保持头脑清醒进行第二学习非常重要

    Some recent neural network research also indicates that deep sleep may be important in helping clear the brain for new learning the next day.


  • 如果公司提前退休 你能否做出头脑清醒做出决定?

    Would you be able to make a clear-headed decision if your company asked you to take an early retirement?


  • 女士丈夫说,“我们必须保持头脑清醒注意当前发生的一切。”

    Ms. Li told her husband, “We need to keep our heads clear and pay attention to what’s happening.”


  • 后代的(没有骨头的物种,因为他们空气,所以“头脑清醒得很长久”)。

    The Progenyless Folk (a boneless race who, because they eat only air "are clear-headed and live a long time").


  • 就像吓住爱丽丝那些到处叫嚣的王族头脑清醒些爱丽丝就能意识到不过一对纸牌学校成就不过就是一些空话

    Like the noisy royalty who intimidated Alice until her head cleared and she realized they were only a pack of CARDS, school achievement is just a pack of words.


  • 东西方文化中的冥思哲学家强调,足够休息时间保持头脑清醒非常重要

    Spiritual thinkers and philosophers from Eastern and Western traditions underscore the importance of rest and time away to clear the mind.


  • 工作重要了,并充满了未知,这些固定的要素对“保证头脑清醒非常重要。

    Her job is so big, so unpredictable, that she says these fixed points are crucially important "to maintain my sanity".


  • 14世纪它就刻画过一位头脑清醒、身披铠甲好战人物,手握一支狮子啃掉把柄的长矛

    Dating from the early 14th century, it portrays a sober, warlike figure in a suit of chain mail, the end of his lance being chewed by a lion.


  • 尽可能保持头脑清醒走进天的生活,刻意脚跟弄出声响,用眼睛感知街道建筑中的肤浅世界,以及现实中的琐碎

    He walked into the day as alertly as mightbe, making a definite noise with his heels, perceiving with his eyes thesuperficial truth of streets and structures, the trivial truth of reality.


  • 不过好在专家指出,洒上最喜欢古龙香水放松,亲切或者头脑清醒而且能为周围的朋友带来快乐。

    The good news, however, is that researchers report wearing your favorite cologne will make you feel less tense, angry or confused and -- by default -- more fun to be around.


  • 刊载科学杂志上的研究表明工作得头昏脑胀时打个小盹儿,让人头脑清醒,并巩固所学效果。

    Because a new study in the journal Science shows that a quick snooze after a mental workout helps to consolidate learning.


  • 读者朋友们头脑清醒时刻是在什么时候

    Readers, when do you find moments of clarity?


  • 如果一个自己并不了解一起学会观察周围的情况,保持头脑清醒

    Stay sober and aware. If you're with someone you don't know very well, be aware of what's going on around you and try to stay in control.


  • (能告诉我这是不是与下文矛盾了-译者注)如果真的降低保险补偿提高税收我们需要我们的立法议员早上起床财政保持头脑清醒

    To actually reduce benefits and raise taxes, we're going to need legislators who wake up in the morning passionate about fiscal sanity.


  • 专家们,人每天正常睡眠应达到8小时,这样才能保证头脑清醒精力充沛,避免出现眼睛浮肿、充血眼圈面色苍白等现象。

    To avoid puffy, bloodshot eyes, dark under-eye circles and a pale washed-out complexion — and for peak alertness and energyexperts say you need eight hours of sleep a night.


  • 专家们,人每天正常睡眠应达到8小时,这样才能保证头脑清醒精力充沛,避免出现眼睛浮肿、充血眼圈面色苍白等现象。

    To avoid puffy, bloodshot eyes, dark under-eye circles and a pale washed-out complexion — and for peak alertness and energyexperts say you need eight hours of sleep a night.


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